
Enrollments APIs can be used to enroll into the many API services hosted by GD.


The Enrollments API allows partners to enroll a new user into a product, create an account, and create a payment instrument (card) with one single call.

It also stores encrypted data and supports upgrading an account from a GPR (General Purpose Reloadable) account to a DDA (Direct Deposit Account) when the upgradeFlag parameter is set to true.

Note: Partners who are not configured for encryption will have encrypted data omitted from the data objects in their responses.

Types of Encrypted Data

Primary Purse

By default, every user automatically has one primary purse that is designated for a primary spending balance. A purse can be thought of as a balance container.

Example: When money is added to a user’s account through direct deposit, the amount is automatically credited to their primary purse.

A new user's initial status depends on the Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements and the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) requirements of the program

Processor Enrollment Retry Logic

After an enrollment passes OFAC and KYC, Green Dot sends it to the processor to create the card information. If, after 30 minutes, the processor does not return the card proxy and other information, Green Dot performs up to three additional attempts, with 30 minutes between each. If all four attempts to receive the information fail, Green Dot responds with a failure webhook.

Sample Webhook Response

ElapsedTimeToPost":"56 ms
		"productName":"XXXX Visa Debit Card",


	"clientResponse":"Accepted request for eventIdentifier: 7f9ebd65-fa42-4d8f-b583-eb8aa0d6c95d"
message:Publish notification post sent successfully.
time":"2021-07-14 09":"20":53.4542

Know Your Business (KYB) Flow during Enrollment

Partners who are configured for KYB flow, can enroll customers who own small businesses.

Please refer to the KYB page for more information.

Enrollments API Endpoints


The following endpoints are used for the enrollment process. For technical reference of all Enrollments API endpoints, please refer to the API Reference section.

Enroll User into a Product and Create the Account and Card

This API enrolls a user into a product and creates the account and card. It is also used to upgrade a GPR (General Purpose Reloadable) account to a DDA (Direct Deposit Account) when the upgradeFlag is set to true.

API Call Structure

POST /programs/{programCode}/enrollments

Upgrade Response Error Codes

ScenarioHttp StatusCodeSubcodeMessage
Missing/invalid account identifier4003500Account Identifier is invalid
Change user profile40045020User profile can‘t be changed
Account status not normal40045030Account status is not healthy
Target product code same with current product code40045040Target productCode not matched
Same request ID, account ID is different40045050Account not matched
Target product code not allowed for upgrade40045060Account already upgrade success
Account not found400100Account or account holder or user not found
Invalid product material type4004312Invalid Product Material type
CPM upgrade service return error40050300A downstream provider did not return success for Upgrade Account

KYC Verification

Note: To perform KYC verification checks on users, the userData object must have the following fields completed.

FieldRequired (Y/N)Description
firstNameYMust contain 1-35 characters.
lastNameYMust contain 2-35 characters.
address1YMust contain 2-40 characters. Must be the user's home address. Cannot be a PO Box or non-U.S. address. Note: Discuss any restrictions for selling in U.S. Territories with your Green Dot onboarding team.
address2NIf provided, must contain 1-40 characters.
CityYCity is required if there are any physical cards (payment instruments) associated with the product
StateYMust be two characters. Values can include: GU - Guam (Note: Will be rejected during enrollment requests) , PR - Puerto Rico (Note: Will be rejected during enrollment requests), VI - Virgin Islands, DC - District of Columbia
zipCodeYMust be 5 digits only (i.e., 99999). No extended zip codes are allowed. If they are provided, the system removes them
dateOfBirthYMust be YYYY-MM-DD.
ssnSuffix or ssnYMust be exactly 9 digits. Non-US SSNs will fail KYC2. Note: Products require a full ssn or a ssnSuffix only. Do not enter both.
phoneNumberYMust contain the user's 10-digit phone number.

Note: For more information, refer to Sample Unencrypted User Data.

KYC Verification Response Codes

ScenarioHTTP Status CodeCodeDescription
If the dateOfBirth is not provided in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.400700identifyingData.dateOfBirth must be in the form YYYY-MM-DD
If a ssn and a ssnSuffix are both provided.400630Cannot pass both last4SSN & SSN
If duplicate address types are provided. Note: Duplicate address types are not allowed.4001020Duplicated type is not allowed
• If more than one address is set as the default. • Note: Only one default address is allowed.4001040For card shipment, either a home or business address can be the default. • For home address, isDefault=true. • For business address, isDefault=false.
If a home address is not provided. Note: The default address is home. So, if isDefault is not provided, then the home address will be set as the default.4001042Home address is missing
If POST /enrollments is called and a phone number is not provided, but KYC is required400101phoneNumbers userData sections missing, check your JSON


More information about KYC can be found on the KYC Page.

Currency Response Codes

An invalid ISO currency code is provided.6500Invalid Currency Code
A valid ISO currency code is provided, but it is not valid for the program.650430This product does not support this currency

User Data Response Codes

PropertyConstraints/ScenarioHTTP Status CodeCodesubCode
addressLine1> = 2 characters and <= 40 characters400400505
addressLine2<= 40 characters400400506
city<= 25 characters400400504
firstName<=35 characters400400501
lastName> =2 characters and <=35 characters400400502
addressLine1Invalid Characters400640505
addressLine2Invalid Characters400640506
middleNameInvalid Characters400640503
cityInvalid Characters400640504
firstNameInvalid Characters400640501
lastNameInvalid Characters400640502

Terms Acceptance Response Codes

POST /enrollments is called and the termsAcceptanceDateTime is before or after the 30-day (720 hours) timeframe for terms acceptance.6200termsAcceptanceDateTime must be within 720 hours of the time it was submitted

Obtain Enrollment Details

This API obtains enrollment details.

Note: During the GPR > DDA upgrade process, the response will include the UpgradeKycStateData property. If the account is already a DDA account, the response will not include the UpgradeKycStateData property.

Structure of API Call:

GET /programs/{programCode}/enrollments/accounts/{accountIdentifier}

Create User, Account, Payment Instrument

Structure of API Call:

POST /programs/{programCode}/enrollments

Note: If POST /enrollments is called with a valid request and enrollment fails during processing, the request will be automatically completed if the customer clears OFAC.

Request Parameters

userPersonal information about the user that is required for most products, including those requiring KYC. This information includes the profileData, identifyingData, email, and phoneNumbers (objects). See Sample Unencrypted userData for details.
encryptedUserDataThis field contains the user’s personal information (objects) wrapped together in curly braces, as a valid single JSON object and encrypted into base64. See Sample Unencrypted userData for details.
accountInput of account data in a Post Enrollments call.
accountTypeType of account being created.
languageOptional language code for the account. The language code can be either "en-us" for English or "es-mx" for Spanish. If this value is not provided, "en-us" (English) will be used.

Note: If a Spanish estatement needs to be generated for a Spanish enrollment, the accountLanguage must be set to “es-mx”.
productCodeUnique Identifier of a product within a Program. Assigned by Green Dot onboarding team.
productMaterialTypeOptional string value that Returns the physical material type of product. Partner must designate the type(s) they would like to offer. If the productMaterialType is not provided, a default will be used.

Note: Do not set the productMaterialType when requestPhysicalCardFlag is false. If done, the API call will fail trying to set the value for the non-existent physical card.

Note: If an invalid productMaterialType is provided during the POST /enrollments API request, the enrollment will fail, and a response will be returned indicating that an Invalid productMaterialType was submitted in the request.
termsAcceptancesTerms the user agrees to during enrollment.

Partners have up to 30 days after a new customer accepts terms and conditions to complete enrollment and account creation.
termsIdentifierRequired. Indicates that all terms are being accepted. Must be one of the following:

- daa
- eca
- privPlcy
Note: If one of the above options is not provided during enrollment, you will receive the following:
- HTTP status code: 400
- code: 600
- description: termsIdentifier must be one of daa, eca, or privPlcy
termsAcceptanceFlagRequired to be true.
fraudDataValue used to exchange fraud related information about the user or account. Structure is defined per product.
requestPhysicalCardFlagMay be true or false. Defaults to true if not provided. Indicates the client wants a physical or virtual card issued as part of the enrollment process. To create an account with a virtual payment instrument only, this flag must be set to false. Note: Do not set the productMaterialType when requestPhysicalCardFlag is false. If done, it will be ignored since it is not applicable to a virtual card.

Sample Unencrypted User Data

To execute Know Your Customer (KYC) successfully, the profileData, identifyingData, email, and phoneNumbers fields are required.

profileDataValue contains the name and addresses of a user.
firstNameRequired. Must be 1-35 characters. Refer to the Valid Characters for Names, Cities, and Addresses table for details.
middleNameOptional. Max 100 characters
lastNameRequired. Must be 2-35 characters. Refer to the Valid Characters for Names, Cities, and Addresses table for details.
addresses- Object containing the full address of the user, along with the type.
- A home address must be provided, and it must be the default address.
- If KYC is requested and the home address does not contain addressLine1 and either (city and state) or zipCode, then the following description will be returned:
- KYC requires a home address that contains addressLine1 and either (city and state) or zipCode.
- Address types are:
- home
- work
- billing (Case insensitive)
- Currently, work and billing do not have any specific use cases for the debit account products. They will only be stored and retrieved.
addressLine1Required value containing the home address of the user.
addressLine2Home address continued
cityRequired value containing the city where user lives.
stateRequired value containing the state where user lives. Must be a two-character state code.
zipCodeRequired value containing the user’s zipCode. Note: Must be only 5 digits. No extended zip codes allowed. If an extended zip code is provided, the extended digits will be stripped off by the system.
countryCodeValue containing the user’s countryCode. Default is USA
typeValue containing the type of address provided, which is required to be the “home” address.
isDefaultField used to determine if a default value is used for email, phone, address, phone.

- true = Use default.
- false = Do not use default. For an address, false indicates to use a business address.
identifyingDataField containing restricted personal identifying data. If included in payload, dateOfBirth and ssn or ssnSuffix is required. Becomes immutable once KYC is completed.
ssnSuffixThe last 4 digits of the user’s ssn. Products will require full ssn or the ssnSuffix only. Both ssn & ssnSuffix are mutually exclusive.
ssnMust be exactly 9 digits, the full ssn of the user. Products will require full ssn or the ssnSuffix only. Both ssn & ssnSuffix are mutually exclusive. A non-US ssn will fail KYC2.
dateOfBirthMust be between 1901 and current date and provided in the form YYYY-MM-DD
emailField contains the email address of the user, along with its verification and data entered. Since only one user profile email address is allowed, the isDefault flag is ignored and the provided email address will always be the default.
emailAddressString value with a max length of 255 characters. Note: In the Partner Integration Environment (PIE), we allow enrollment requests which include an e-mail address containing a “+” character in the username portion. This is to facilitate easier QA by our BaaS partners. In production environments this is not allowed. If the username portion of an e-mail address being attempted for enrollment contains a “+” character, then that request will fail. In production, the partner’s front-end application should use a mechanism that looks for that character and returns guidance to the customer to change the requested e-mail address and remove any disallowed characters.
phoneNumbersThe user’s phone number.

One default phone number (valid with 10 digits) must be provided or the first phone number in the list of phone numbers will be set to the default.

If more than one default phone number is provided, the following response will be returned:

- HTTP Status: 400
- Code: 1040
- subCode: 0
- Description: There can only be one default phone.Note: International codes are not supported at this time.
typeValue that Returns the type of phoneNumber provided by the user. Valid phone types are mobile, home, and work.

Response Parameters

responseDetails, Code, subCode, description, urlSee Response Details
accountValue that Returns the user’s account information.
accountIdentifierString value that returns a unique identifier for the account.
accountReferenceNumberString value that is a friendly unique identifier of an account that is safe for sharing between intra and intercompany staff.
statusString value that returns the status of an account.
statusReasonsString value that Returns the reason for the status of an account. Note: See Fraud State vs. Features Matrix for details.
verificationNeededExample status reasons
accountStatusChangedDateTimeDate and time of the account status change.
registrationNotCompleteExample status reasons
directDepositInformationValue that identifies the account that will be used for direct deposits, along with the account number and routing number.
accountNumberValue Returns the account number of the account being used for direct deposit.
routingNumberString value returns the routing number of the account being used for direct deposit.
pursesA balance holding object that returns the following information about the primary purse (used for general spending activities).
purseIdentifierIt is a unique identifier of a purse within an account.
purseTypeValue used to indicate the purpose of the purse.
purseDescriptionValue used to describe what the purseType is for.
availableBalanceNumber value representing the amount of funds available for use. Pending transactions are included.
ledgerBalanceNumber value that represents the balance of the account based on all activities that have been posted to the account.
availableBalanceAsOfDateTimeValue that Returns the date/time that the available balance is reflective of.
ledgerBalanceAsOfDateTimeValue that Returns the date/time that the ledger balance is reflective of.
accountHoldersValue that contains detailed information about the account holders.
userField Returns information about the user of an account.
userIdentifierUnique identifier of a user within a program.
isPrimaryAccountHolderIdentifies the primary accountHolder.
statusCurrent status of the user. It is set to active, which means that the user is fully active.
kycStateDataCurrent OFAC and KYC status of the user.
ofacStatusResult of most recent OFAC check on the user of the account (i.e. pending, passed, or failed).
kycStatusResult of most recent KYC check on the user of the account (i.e. pending, passed, or failed).
kycPendingGatekycGate that the user must pass through to successfully complete KYC (i.e. none, kyc2, idv, healthy, manual). Note: When an account has passed through a kycGate successfully, such as IDV or manual, it’s account.status will be “pending” and the kycPendingGate will be “healthy”. To finalize the user’s enrollment, the partner must call POST paymentInstruments with the correct productMaterialType.
paymentInstrumentsUsed by an accountholder to conduct transactions and make payments. Payment Instruments can be physical, virtual, or contactless EMV. Note: Partners must be configured for contactless EMV. Contact your Green Dot Representative to request configuration.
paymentInstrumentIdentifierUnique identifier of a payment instrument for an account.
paymentInstrumentTypeIndicates the type of payment instrument (card) being used. See your Green Dot Representative to request configuration for contactless EMV.
statusPossible states of a payment instrument (i.e. notActivated, activated, closed, blocked, deactivated).
isPinSetIndicates if the ATM pin has been set for this card.
last4PanLast 4 digits of the card number
activatedDateTimeDate/time (UTC) that a card was activated. A virtual card is usually activated immediately while a physical card is activated by the account holder after they receive it in the mail.
issuedDateTimeThe date/time (UTC) that the card was requested by the user.
isPrivateDataViewabletrue or false
termsAcceptancesRepresents the acceptance of daa by a user.
termsIdentifierUnique identifier for the daa that was accepted. See Terms Identifiers
termsAcceptanceFlagIndicates whether the terms were accepted by the user. Optional.
termsAcceptanceDateTimeOptional. Date/time in UTC that the date was accepted. Note: If not provided, will default to the current date/time.

Bill Cycle Date (BCD)

Active accounts will return a bill cycle date when POST /enrollments is called.

  • The bill cycle date will be returned as an accountCycleDay, which represents the first day of the statement cycle for an account.
  • The accountCycleDay can be 1-28.
    "accountCycleDay":2 – The first day of the statement cycle for an account.
  ]" "

Idempotent Retry and Billing Cycle Dates

Note: Accounts must have a billing cycle date to have a normal account status.

  • Typically, the Billing Cycle Date (BCD) returned as an accountcycleday is automatically created at the time of enrollment, but in conditions where it cannot be created, the account will be left in a pending state.

Partners should make an idempotent call in these situations. The idempotent call for POST /enrollments will populate the BCD when the idempotent retry process is completed. The account status will also be set to normal.

Example: Using a POST /enrollments idempotent call to populate the BCD.

1st POST /enrollments call fails, and the BCD is null. The paymentIdentifier and the payment instruments are not created. The account is in a pending/registration not complete state.

Sample Request Body:-
      "publicKeyHash":"kMhnzB6afrTdRvVFjhOQ5kjUTrPKvkygSCZQXQzNHYo=",      "data":"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"

Sample Response:-

The 2nd POST /enrollments call that is Idempotent puts the account into a normal healthy state once the idempotent retry process is completed. The BCD is populated and the paymentIdentifier and payment instruments are created. An Account Updated Webhook is sent.

Sample Request Body:-
      "publicKeyHash":"kMhnzB6afrTdRvVFjhOQ5kjUTrPKvkygSCZQXQzNHYo=",      "data":"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"

Sample Response:-
              "activatedDateTime”: "2020-08-22T00":"20":16Z",             
			  "issuedDateTime": "2020-08-22T00":"20":16Z",             
			  "isPrivateDataViewable": false          
				  "firstName": "ZdzYPOIT",          
				  "lastName": "GIiQqxEo",          
				  "dobStatus": "matched",          
				  "last4Identity": "2353",          
				  "identityType": "ssn",          
				  "userIdentifier": "41545272-7f24-4703-bab5-5ae5bae2a303",          
				  "status": "active",          
				  "isPrimaryAccountHolder": true,          
					  "ofacStatus": "passed",             
					  "kycStatus": "passed",             
					  "kycPendingGate": "healthy"          
		accountCycleDay": 21

Active Consumer Account Limits

An account is considered active when it has been activated and either has an account status of normal or a kycPendingGate (aka: Cure) with a value other than none. There is a limit to the number of active accounts allowed per social security number for Consumer Accounts.

When the Active Account Limit rule is encountered during a POST /enrollments call and the date of births match, the most recent active enrollment details will be returned. If the date of births do not match, only the response details will be returned.

Social Security Number (SSN) Limits

  • Up to 1 active accounts with the same SSN per program is allowed
  • Up to 3 lifetime accounts with the same SSN per program are allowed

Phone Limits - Default or Primary Phone Number on Account

The following phone limits will be implemented (during enrollment) only for the phone number that is listed as the default for the account:

  • Up to 2 active accounts with the same phone number per program are allowed
  • Up to 10 lifetime accounts with the same phone number per program are allowed

Note: Updates requested for phone numbers that exceed the current phone limits will be declined.

ITIN Limits

  • Up to 1 active accounts with the same ITIN per program are allowed
  • Up to 3 lifetime accounts with the same ITIN per program are allowed

Refer to Active Small Business Account Limits for details about small business account limit thresholds.

Response Codes

More than 1 active account is created with the same SSN or ITIN per program.260Number of Active Accounts Exceeded.
More than 3 lifetime accounts are created with the same SSN or ITIN per program.261Number of Activated Accounts over Lifetime exceeded.
More than 2 active accounts are created with the same phone number per program.263Number of Active Accounts Exceeded.
More than 10 lifetime accounts are created with the same phone number.266Number of Activated Accounts over Lifetime exceeded.

Sample Response – Date of Births Match

Sample Response – Date of Births Match:-
        "         ""purseType":"primary",
      "description":"Number of Active Accounts Exceeded.",

Sample Response – Date of Births do not Match:-
      "description":"Number of Active Accounts Exceeded.",

Business Rule Response Sub-Codes

Refer to Business Rule Response Sub-Codes for details.

Update Business Profile

This endpoint allows Partners to update the business data associated with a business account.

Structure of API Call:

PUT program/programcode/accounts/accountIdentifier/businessProfile

This endpoint can be used with the following businessTypes:

  • ConsumerProfileType
  • Individual
  • soleProp
  • llc
  • corp
  • partnership
  • nonprofit
  • SingleLLC
  • ProCorp


If the businessName on the account is updated, then the next card replacement request will use the updated businessName.

Response Codes

ScenarioCodeHTTP Status CodesubCodeDescription
The businessType in the request is not one of the following:
• ConsumerProfileType
• Individual
• soleProp
• llc
• corp
• partnership
• nonprofit
• SingleLLC
• ProCorp
6004000Invalid businessType
Invalid account information is provided in the request104040Account Not Found.
Invalid businessName provided400400507businessName min or max length

Update Consumer Profile

This endpoint updates an enrollment account's consumer profile.

Structure of API Call:

PUT /programs/{programCode}/enrollments/account/{accountIdentifier}

Obtain Business Profile

Structure of API Call:

GET programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/businessProfile

This endpoint allows the retrieval of business data associated with a business account.

Response Codes

ScenarioCodeHTTP Status CodesubCodeDescription
The account does not have a business profile.104040Business profile not found

Obtain Business Lookup Data

This API obtains business profile lookup data.

Structure of API Call:

GET /programs​/{programCode}​/businessProfile/application/lookups

Save Business Address

This API saves an address for a business profile.

Structure of API Call:

PUT /programs​/{programCode}​/businessProfile/application/address

Create Business Owner

This API creates a profile for a business owner.

Structure of API Call:

PUT /programs​/{programCode}​/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/businessProfile/application/owner

Update Business Owner

This API creates a profile for a business owner.

Structure of API Call:

PUT /programs​/{programCode}​/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/businessProfile/application/owner

Delete Business Owner

This API deletes a business profile for a business owner.

Structure of API Call:

DELETE /programs​/{programCode}​/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/businessProfile/application/owner/{ownerIdentifier}

Save Business Information

This API saves business information.

Structure of API Call:

PUT /programs​/{programCode}​/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/businessProfile/application/info

Obtain Business Metadata

This API obtains business metadata.

Structure of API Call:

GET /programs​/{programCode}​/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/businessProfile/application/

Save Business Application

This API saves a business application.

Structure of API Call:

POST /programs​/{programCode}​/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/businessProfile/application

Accepting Matricula Consular Identification

This feature allows partners to use Matricula Consular IDs to enroll Mexican Citizens, living in the US, who may not have a Social Security Number (SSN) or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Note: The Matricula Consular ID cannot be used along with an SSN or ssnSuffix (last4ssn). They are mutually exclusive, so if used together, the following error will be returned :

  • HTTP Status Code: 400
  • Code: 630
  • subCode: 0
  • Description: Cannot pass both matriculaId and SSN or last4ssn

To enroll a customer using a Matricula Consular ID:

  • Call POST /programs/{programCode}/enrollments and include the onboardingID received from the POST /kycGates/scanCapture call you completed
  • Note: You must call POST /kycGates/scanCapture before calling POST /enrollments

Sample Unencrypted User Data

        "addressLine1":"215 Main St.",
        "addressLine2":"Suite 200",

Add Taxpayer ID to Customer Account Originally Enrolled Using Mexican Matricula ID

This endpoint allows an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to be added to a customer’s account that originally enrolled using a Mexican Matricula ID only. This is primarily for U.S. tax purposes.

Structure of API Call:

POST /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/users/{userIdentifier}/identity

How it Works

If a customer successfully enrolls using a Mexican Matricula ID only and they would like to add an ITIN to their account, submit a request containing the ITIN to POST /accounts/{accountIdentifier}/users/{userIdentifier}/identity.

ITIN Limits

  • Up to 1 active account with the same ITIN per consumer program is allowed
  • Up to 3 lifetime accounts with the same ITIN per consumer program are allowed

Response Codes

ScenarioCodeHTTP Status CodesubCodeDescription
A request is submitted with an ITIN that does not start with a 9, is not in 9- digit format, or is not in non-numeric values.7614000Invalid ITIN
A request is submitted to add an ITIN to an account, but a Matricula ID was not used for enrollment.5200380An Identity can only be added to a Matricula based enrollment.
The limit of active accounts with the same ITIN is exceeded.2N/A60Number of Active Accounts Exceeded.
The limit of lifetime accounts with the same ITIN is exceeded.2N/A61Number of Activated Accounts over Lifetime exceeded

Diacritic Character Substitution

Customers can use Spanish characters to properly spell their name during enrollment and replace card requests.

How it Works

Partner will allow identified Spanish characters to be used in the first and last names of their customers.

During enrollment, when the customer enters the allowed Spanish characters for their first and last name, the name embossed onto the card will be substituted with identified replacement characters, by the system.

Refer to the Valid Characters for Names, Cities, and Addresses table for details.

Retrieve Account and Payment Instrument Information

This endpoint retrieves information regarding an account and payment instrument.

API Call Structure

GET /programs/{programCode}/enrollments/accounts/{accountIdentifier}

Response Parameters

  • account – Value that returns the user’s account information.
  • accountIdentifier – String value that returns a unique identifier for the account.
  • accountReferenceNumber – String value that is a friendly unique identifier of an account that is safe for sharing between intra and intercompany staff.
  • productCode – Unique identifier of a product within a program.
  • currency – Alpha-3 ISO Currency Code.
  • Status – String value that returns the status of an account.
  • statusReasons – String value that returns the reason for the status of an account.
  • accountStatusChangedDateTime – Date and time of the account status change in UTC format.
  • directDepositInformation – Value that identifies the account that will be used for direct deposits, along with the account number and routing number.
  • accountNumber – Value Returns the account number of the account being used for direct deposit.
  • routingNumber – String value Returns the routing number of the account being used for direct deposit.
  • purses – A balance holding object that returns the following information about the primary purse (used for general spending activities).
  • purseIdentifier – Value that is read only and set to true. It is a unique identifier of a purse within an account.
  • purseType – Value used to indicate the purpose of the purse.
  • availableBalance – Number value representing the amount of funds available for use. Pending transactions are included.
  • ledgerBalance – Number value that represents the balance of the account based on all activities that have been posted to the associated ledger.
  • availableBalanceAsOfDateTime – The date/time (UTC) that the available balance is reflective of.
  • ledgerBalanceAsOfDateTime – The date/time (UTC) that the ledger balance is reflective of.
  • isHidden – True or False
  • status – Purse status
  • accountHolders – Value that contains detailed information about the account holders.
  • paymentInstruments – Used by an accountholder to conduct transactions and make payments. A payment instrument will typically be a physical or virtual card. Contactless EMV cards are also available. Contact your Green Dot Representative to request configuration.
  • paymentIdentifier – Unique identifier for a payment instrument if a payment instrument was created.
  • paymentInstrumentIdentifier – Unique identifier of a payment instrument for an account.
  • paymentInstrumentType – Indicates the type of payment instrument (card) being used. See your Green Dot Representative to request configuration for contactless EMV.
  • status – Payment Instrument Status
  • isPinSet – Indicates if the ATM pin has been set for this card.
  • last4Pan – Last 4 digits of the card number
  • issuedDateTime – The date/time (UTC) that the card was requested by the user.
  • isPrivateDataViewable – Indicates if privatePaymentInstrumentData can be returned and viewed.
    Note: If this field is true, then the privatePaymentInstrumentData field will be viewable. This field will not be returned for non-virtual cards.
    Note: Partners who are not configured for encryption will have encrypted data, such as encryptedPrivatePaymentInstrumentData, omitted from the data objects in their responses.
  • user – Field Returns information about the user of an account.
  • firstName – First name of an account holder.
  • lastName – Last name of an account holder.
  • dobStatus – Can be:
  • matched - If isDOBMatched is true and isDOBVerified is false, then matched is used
  • notMatched - If isDOBMatched is false and isDOBVerified is false, then notMatched is used
  • Verified - If isDOBVerified is true then verified is used
  • last4Identity – Last 4 digits of the account holder’s social security number.
  • identityType – Type of identity being used for the account holder (i.e. ssn).
  • userIdentifier – Unique identifier of a user within a program.
  • peerTransferAcceptPreference – Value can be manual or automatic. This property is optional and only applies to Partners using the P2P capabilities of the platform. The default value is manual and has no impact to any service other than P2P.
    Note: If this value is not provided then it will remain manual.
  • isPrimaryAccountHolder – Identifies the primary accountHolder.
  • status – Current status of the user. It is set to active, which means that the user is fully active.
  • kycStateData – Current OFAC and KYC status of the user.
  • ofacStatus – Result of most recent OFAC check on the user of the account (pending, passed, or failed).
  • kycStatus – Result of most recent KYC check on the user of the account (pending, passed, or failed).
  • kycPendingGate – kycGate that the user must pass through to successfully complete KYC (none, kyc2, idv, healthy, manual).
  • accountHolderIdentifier –
  • termsAcceptances – Represents the acceptance of daa by a user.
  • termsIdentifier – Unique identifier for the daa that was accepted.
    Note: termsAcceptanceFlag must be set to true.
  • termsAcceptanceDateTime – Optional. Date/time in UTC that the daa was accepted.
    Note: If not provided, will default to the current date/time.
  • termsAcceptanceFlag – Indicates whether the terms were accepted by the user. Required for opt in/out agreements.
  • accountCycleDay – The bill cycle date will be returned as an accountCycleDay, which represents the first day of the statement cycle for an account. The accountCycleDay can be 1-28.
  • responseDetails – Includeds code, subcode, description, URL. See Response Details

Sample Response Bill Cycle Date (BCD)

Active accounts will return a bill cycle date when GET /enrollments is called.

The bill cycle date will be returned as an “accountCycleDay”, which represents the first day of the statement cycle for an account.

The accountCycleDay can be 1-28.

    "accountCycleDay":2 -- The first day of the statement cycle for an account.

Unblock Card Retry Process

If a fraud block is removed from an account and the payment instrument remains blocked, the request to unblock the payment instrument will be retried up to 3 times.

Note: All three retries will be completed in 15 minutes.

Retry Process

  1. A BaaS account is locked due to suspicion of fraud.
  2. A request to update the account and payment instrument to a healthy and normal state is submitted.
  3. The account is updated to healthy and normal, but the payment instrument remains blocked.
  4. The request to unblock the payment instrument is automatically retried up to 3 times.
  5. The retry process is successful and the card is unblocked OR the retry process is unsuccessful and the kycPendingGate is set to manual with the statusReason underReview.
  6. If the retry process is unsuccessful, the payment instrument will need to be unblocked by the Green Dot Care team.

Sample Response – GET Enrollment After Unsuccessful Retry Process

    "productName":"Super Product",

Get Activation Link

This API generates a custom URL to complete account activation after a customer has enrolled for a partner DDA account in store.

API Call Structure

GET /programs/{programCode}/enrollments/fsc/activationlink

Error Codes

ErrorHttp StatusCodeSub CodeDescription
Empty accountIdentifier, idType, or countryCode4002000AccountIdentifier/ IdType/CountryCode is required.

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