AuthCommit API Method
This method needs to be used in 1-Phase commit. This method debits money from the specific customer account for cashing out at a POS. This method is called when the customer goes into the Retail Store to cashout the claimcode. All the limits, if any on the customer account, is enforced by the partner. The operation should be idempotent based on transactionReference and Claimcode.
URI: /programs/PROGRAMCODE/cashout/authcommit
Field | Type | Format | Required | Description |
claimCode | String | Min 10 characters Max 30 characters | Yes | Barcode or Claimcode for cashpickup |
transactionReference | String | Min 32 characters Max 36 characters | Yes | Green Dot’s generated transaction reference number |
amount | decimal | 2 decimal places | Yes | Amount associated with cash pickup |
retailer | Object | N/A | Optional | Complex object |
transactionDateTime | String | UTC format | Yes | UTC time of the transaction |
Sample Request
POST: https\://<<partnerUrl>>/programs/<<programCode>>/cashout/authcommit
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEiLCJwaS5hdG0iOiJnbXNoIn0.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImF1dGhvcml6YXRpb25fZGV0YWlscyI6W10sImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IlVBSUQxMDYzN01OTWljcm9TZXJ2aWNlcyIsImV4cCI6MTcwNzQ1MTc4N30.XyMens4HVZqSQU7wQMnpr2cuXG9wP454xtKbBdMc3TkRJ4cJOY_JI2t2Q38hbHQH3ZqFppNZd7Hph-qy41Y9muf2nlUPn2QUxYSFLOQbNnWY2JVd9JABXRr5t6hwoSI5ydsMDI0puMTiW6tA2E4jT8VXX1mhv6DZh-wNEo7hx3MHiZ_GNTP45LDoUpbC4bI3kMNY84kgFxRwgisdmpqFftRCb0zIfq19Ukf4DvqHKrFG1xrGkZHSK1ipiKpHF92cZmr-K-hIwHgQ_5yyeHMG95dUWb4s18D1sDrwTBUzb-aTpq5xEkvupk63ngDuCLkWJ83UzGeUpckktKPNRZCrySxbaeewRMwLKSjMyhUuzVIlaP8H5nCWQNYF_dYd72vHazz41_Eubb7HJ6h01sfC1BX0h3TYABKFl67c0XH2Q5QC3hBPU8Mx2hh2_uyQFnRjR-qIVWXJwQzzl3cq9ksk4WIOXXh6pTXUg7rZnu-UMJyjL2V778ZL90e529c3XBUxmIdp9LPEbXXg3zy5vOWcwIIOKO9TuFmpZ_kJP24qvNT07amqE1ekKMkw8icQXKgRcJuvspQdxSZs-O-8qamAShSpkeH7GjgmpnaG-Vp1cK9oovfeBEKl2joRo0kOLnt6UJmD4xE_SDtZQdR-4sI9gOddO1UOW4KIcDZUs3QwvJY
X-GD-AuthenticationType: OAuth
X-GD-RequestId: b7b22dc0-6640-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:44362
Content-Length: 193
"amount": 1,
"claimCode": "ECW11237156",
"retailer": {
"address": null,
"storeId": "20197392418505",
"storeName": "Walmart",
"terminalID": null
"transactionDateTime": "2024-02-09T03:27:25.7825364Z",
"transactionReference": "e9d7b5aa1c0a4f538358a74462d7c1d8"
Field | Type | Format | Description |
authorizationId | String | UUID | Authorization Id generated by Partner for this transaction |
claimCode | String | Min 10 characters Max 30 characters | The claimCode being cashed out |
transactionStatus | String | Max 25 chars | Transaction status after the operation is performed. See table above for possible transaction statuses |
claimCodeStatus | String | Max 25 chars | Possible values: new, pending, consumed. In this case, if the operation is successful, it will return consumed |
responseDetails | Object | N/A | The responseDetails object |
Sample Response
"authorizationId": "57c36273-b231-431c-91a3-b9d997360fce",
"claimCode": "ECW11237156",
"claimCodeStatus": "Consumed",
"responseDetails": {
"code": 0,
"codeDescription": "Success",
"subCode": 0,
"subCodeDescription": "Success",
"transactionStatus": "Completed"
Updated 7 months ago