API Call Structure Field Definitions
Structure of API Calls Field Definitions
- X-GD-RequestId (String, Header) - Required. Contains a request identifier in UUID format.
- programCode (String, Path) – Contains a unique identifier for a program/partner.
- accountIdentifier (String, Path) – Required. Contains a Unique identifier for an account.
- userIdentifier (String, Path) – Required. Contains a unique identifier for a user.
- payeeIdentifier (String, Path) – Required. Contains a unique identifier for a BillPay payee.
- Body (Object, Body) – Required. Contains enrollment values that need to be entered as part of the request to create a new enrollment.
- Body (Object, Body) – Required. Contains a set of values used to submit an ID verification (IDV) gate request.
- Body (Object, Body) – Required. Contains eCash transaction values.
- Input User (String, Body) – Required. Contains a set of values used to update an existing user.
- startDate (String, Query) – Required. Date must be YYYY-MM-DD and earlier or equal to the endDate. Note: startDate must be provided along with the endDate. Maximum date range is 90 days. For transfers, filter based on the transfer submission date, which is captured in Pacific Time.
- endDate (String, Query) - Optional. If provided, can be up to 92 days apart from startDate. Other details include:
- If provided, must be YYYY-MM-DD and be either today's date or earlier.
- If provided but time is given as all 0, 1 day will be added to the date element, thus including all of the day given.
- If endDate is not provided, then the current date plus 2 days is used.
- Partner API prevents future dates from being passed to internal layer.
- For transfers, filter is based on the transfer submission date, which is captured in Pacific Time.
- offset (Integer, Query) – Required. Contains the number of pages offset from the first page. Default is 0.
- limit (Integer, Query) – Required. Contains the number of rows returned on each page. Limit for subsequent pages should match the limit from the first page (i.e., where offset = 0). Default is 1,000.
- transactionType (String, Query) – Required. Filters results to identify the type of transaction. Example: purchase
- transactionStatus (String, Query) – Required. Filters the results to identify the state of the transaction. Example: pending
- paymentInstrumentIdentifier (String, Path) – Required. Unique identifier of a payment instrument. (i.e. card).
- postPayeeSearch (String, Body) – Required. Contains the merchant payee’s name, which is required to be at least three characters.
- postPayee (String, Body) – Required. Contains the identifying information of the payee (i.e. name, nickname, address, account number, phone number, email, merchant id).
- putPayee (String, Body) – Required. Contains the existing payee’s information (i.e. name, nickname, address, account number, phone number, email).
- postBillpayPayment (String, Body) – Required. Contains the details of a scheduled future billpay payment (i.e. payeeIdentifier, amount, paymentDate, paymentMemo, note).
- paymentIdentifier (String, Path) – Required. Contains the unique identifier of a scheduled bill pay payment.
- putPayment (String, Body) - Required. Contains the details of the bill payment (i.e. payeeIdentifier, amount, paymentDate, paymentMemo, note).
- inputPaymentInstrument (String, Body) - Required. Information needed to create the payment instrument (i.e. card) for an account. This includes the userIdentifier, productMaterialType, requestPhysicalCardFlag, and fraudData.
- extend (String, Query) - Required. Use ?extend=privatePaymentInstrumentData to return private card data.
- putPaymentInstrument (String, Body) - Required. Contains the encrypted pin data of the card.
- inputPaymentInstrumentLifecycleEvent (String, Body) - Required. Contains lifecycle event details for a payment instrument (i.e. card), such as the lifecycleEventType, replaceReason, dateLastUsed, dateDiscoveredMissing, policeNotified, and notes.
Note: dateLastUsed, dateDiscoveredMissing, and policeNotified required only if replacing a stolen card. - inputActivateCard (String, Body) - Required. Contains the encrypted private payment instrument data of the payment instrument (card) to be activated. (i.e. pan, exp date, cvv, ssn) Note: ssn is optional.
- inputTransfer (String, Body) – Required. Contains A set of values used to create a new transfer associated with an account.
- inputTestEventWebhook (String, Body) - Required. Allows the partner to test webhooks.
- addressLine1 (String, Query) - Required. Value containing the street address where the user lives.
- addressLine2 (String, Query) - Required. Optional value containing the address where the user lives.
- city (String, Query) - Required. Value containing the city where the user lives.
- state (String, Query) - Required. Value containing the state where the user lives.
- zipCode (String, Query) - Required. Value containing the zip code where the user lives.
- deliveryStatus (String, Body) – Optional. Value containing the delivery information for a card (payment instrument) that was most recently shipped to a user if the card has the same PAN (card number displayed on the front of the card) as the provided paymentInstrumentIdentifier.
- inputPurse (String, Body) – Optional. A Purse is a balance holding object. All accounts have the built-in main purse which is used for general spending activities. Additional types of purses could be used for saving funds and therefore inaccessible for spending activities. For some products, purses may be used to support multi-currency accounts and spending.
- purseType (String, Query) - Required. Indicates the purpose of the purse.
- purseDescription (String, Query) - Required. Value used to describe what the purse type is for.
- purseIdentifier (String, Query) -
- iconName (String, Query) – Optional. Allows the customer to name the icon for their purse, using the mobile app. If not passed, the default will be the last six characters of the purseIdentifier.
- goalAmount – Optional. Allows the customer to set a goal amount for his/her purse. For example, the customer can name their purse, “New Car Next Year” and set the amount as $30000.
- purseName – Optional. Available on the mobile app to allow the customer to update the descriptions of their purses, if they have multiple.
- isHIdden – Optional. Allows the customer to show or hide their purse on the mobile app.
- barcodeHumanReadable (String, Path) - Required. Barcode provided by an external identifier that contains a readable number. Ex: ECB10041895
- body (Body) - Required. Contains eCash transaction information.
- address (String, Query) - Required. Address of the ATM location
- City (String, Query) - Required. City where the ATM is located.
- state (String, Query) - Required. State where the ATM is located.
- zip (String, Query) - Required. Zip code where the ATM is located.
- longitude (Number, Query) - Required. Contains geographic coordinate of where the ATM is located.
- latitude (Number, Query) - Required. Contains geographic coordinate of where the ATM is located.
- country (String, Query) - Required. Country where the ATM is located.
- city (String, Query) – Optional. City where participating retailer is located.
- state (String, Query) – Optional. State where participating retailer is located.
- postalCode (String, Query) – Optional. Identifies postalCode of participating retailer.
- latitude (Number, Query) – Optional. Contains geographic coordinate of where the participating retailer is located.
- longitude (Number, Query) – Optional. Contains geographic coordinate of where the participating retailer is located.
- featureSet (String, Query) – Optional. Limits the search for participating retailers, to those who offer specific services (i.e. swipeReload and/or barcodeLoad).
- radius (Number, Query) – Optional. The radius in miles to the participating retailer. This produces results that are constrained to the defined area. Default value: 20
- deliveryType (String or Number, Query) – Optional. The following values are available to describe the type of delivery:
- sameDay
- nextDay
- threeDay
- default: Partner’s default deliveryType
- 0 – Partner default deliveryType
- 1 – Same day
- 2 – Next day
- 3 – 3 business days
- 4 – 4 business days
- And so forth
Note: For now, both the current string values and the new integer values can be used in the deliveryType field. However, the use of string values will be discontinued in a future release (TBD) and replaced with the above integer values only. So, please begin your transition to using integer values in this field.
- The integer value must be equal to or greater than 0. If it is not, the following error message will be returned:
- HTTP Status: 400
- Code: 600
- adjustmentIdentifier (String, Path) - Required. A unique identifier for the transfer. The API call containing the same ID and body content will be idempotent.
- currency (String) -- Required. USD currency.
- amount (Decimal) - Required. Amount of adjustment, excluding the fee. Required to be in decimal format, up to 2 decimal places (i.e. 1234.56), and more than 0.
- adjustmentType (Enum) -- Required. Indicates the purpose of the adjustment. The following options are available:
- disbursement (Credit)
- disbursementReversal (Debit)
- tip (Credit)
- tipReversal (Debit)
- adjustment (Credit)
- adjustmentReversal (Debit)
- anyDebitOut (Debit)
- anyDebitOutReversal (Credit)
- achOut (Debit)
- achOutReversal (Credit)
- adjustmentDescription (String) – Optional. Contains a detailed description of the adjustment. A maximum of 255 characters can be used.
- fee (Decimal) – Optonal. Contains an additional fee charged as part of this adjustment. If this field is not present, then there is no fee for the adjustment. It will be used to apply fees associated with anyDebit transfers.
Response Details
- code (Integer, Header) - Required.
- subCode (Integer, Path) - Required.
- description (String, Path) - Required.
- url (String, Path) - Required.
Updated about 1 year ago