Healthcheck APIs

Healthcheck APIs are used to check if the downstream service is available, or if Green Dot servers are reachable.

Healthcheck APIs

This Healthcheck API reports the availability of the downstream service.

Endpoint: GET /healthCheck

Response Message

If the GET request is successful, the following response message is returned along with a 200 HTTP status code.


Sample Response

     "healthCheck": {
          "serviceName": "string",
          "status": "string",
          "totalTime": "string",
          "waitTime": {
               "additionalProp1": "string",
               "additionalProp2": "string",
               "additionalProp3": "string"
          "dependencies": [
     "responseDetails": [
               "code": 0,
               "subCode": 0,
               "description": "string",
               "url": "string"

This Healthcheck API determines if Green Dot servers are reachable.

Endpoint: GET /ping

Request Parameters

  • X-GD-RequestId (String, Header) - Required. Contains a request identifier in UUID format.

Response Message

If the GET request is successful, the following response message is returned along with a 200 HTTP status code.


What’s Next

For HealthCheck API Reference, click the link below.