Void API Method
This method refunds/credits money to the specific customer account for cashing out at a POS. This method is called when the customer decides to void the cashout option or if there is a timeout on the original call. All the limits, if any on the customer account, is enforced by the partner. The operation should be idempotent.
URI: /programs/PROGRAMCODE/cashout/void
Field | Type | Format | Required | Description |
originalAuthorizationId | String | Min 6 characters Max 25 characters | Conditional | The authorization Id returned by the Partner in the AuthCommit response. If AuthCommit timed out, this value will not be sent |
transactionReference | String | Min 32 characters Max 36 characters | Conditional | Green Dot’s generated transaction reference number. If AuthCommit timed out, the transactionReference number generated in AuthCommit will be sent |
transactionDateTime | String | UTC | Yes | UTC time of the transaction |
Note: This method either requires an originalAuthorizationId or transactionReference.
transactionReference will always be sent
originalAuthorizationId will be sent if the AuthCommit request succeeded.
Sample Request
POST https\://<<partnerUrl>>/programs/<<programCode>>/cashout/void
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEiLCJwaS5hdG0iOiJnbXNoIn0.eyJzY29wZSI6IiIsImF1dGhvcml6YXRpb25fZGV0YWlscyI6W10sImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IlVBSUQxMDYzN01OTWljcm9TZXJ2aWNlcyIsImV4cCI6MTcwNzQ3MjcwNX0.d0ohO825c2GaXlBsK_eFx8cyntDzL6f5n-xBfICzGlWpgs1Sop93e36PAiQEse2uScC9QjZoxmg9X312FbJMfipMqbhE5NTZWnL_ofme9gMXDP4OBUwCWnLIgxn5xQS_6JV7z21CEfTtOFi4IHGyaQltxNIE55w-IfQ5npe0S433Np7PC-PGr-7gbB0ouaI-mtti2wGmUXNjb5RqJfpYZXM4nLWhf_O3nIQUSkClIYjjdVSr7bQP2m96OQ8J88-tRdnKy5894UjNYI3yrC6L8r_IfsqhzKjqeAbvongaQiqsNPwEHIHFcU_1FWG70xJYTntIu6HPqGB4CQvjWxHz0VMLku0ygwIH4lG62AEZNHFmSFiUxVNOLAfX-JEIdONbP537MJ5jkx4LuSss6gARbJmdNmO64hK3BgiwKzaatva0FNxzQ4F5J13GHTmMOZcWbEw44ANUPymVtC77mfQmC_LoaboMLei-9Ta1FRSijSoNM0p1m4c8RXina0ptRfz56jpeQ7okaba_dGPvQ0SSbxbiN503P0CJ7TD3UR2DgQdHECb3DRzK-Cbo-k9UNCITbbko3kYKOb9VuXo3JhBs7d6Tf3Cp4ds_9pPyrfIDqGR-ECY4ubcilMtQRblQRMI3qg7zvnjdWjPSK3hSpKunJ7nWCiIQ9lePgo5VLcH2_Lw
X-GD-AuthenticationType: OAuth
X-GD-RequestId: b7b22dc0-6640-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:44362
Content-Length: 193
"originalAuthorizationId": "57c36273-b231-431c-91a3-b9d997360fce",
"transactionReference": "e9d7b5aa1c0a4f538358a74462d7c1d8",
"transactionDateTime": "2024-02-09T03:34:02.7767408Z"
Field | Type | Format | Description |
confirmationId | String | UUID | If transaction is found, this is the Confirmation Id generated by Partner for the operation If transaction is not found, this field can be left empty |
claimCode | String | 10-30 digit | claimcode on which void is performed If transaction is not found, this field can be left empty |
transactionStatus | String | Max 25 chars | Transaction status after the operation is performed. See table above for possible transactionstatus If transaction is not found, this field can be left empty |
claimCodeStatus | String | Max 25 chars | Possible values: new, pending, consumed, expired. In this case, if the operation is successful, it will return new. If transaction is not found, this field can be left empty. |
responseDetails | Object | N/A | Response Details object. Note: If transaction is not found, the response must be HTTP 2xx with code =954 and subcode 625 A HTTP status code of 503 or code = 954 with any other subCode, will trigger settlement mismatch alerts and start the manual resolution process |
Sample Response
"claimCode": "EC*******75",
"claimCodeStatus": "Voided",
"confirmationid": "eb7a1356-8699-43ce-8dab-7b914ac02b72",
"responseDetails": {
"code": 0,
"codeDescription": "Success",
"subCode": 0,
"subCodeDescription": "Success"
"transactionStatus": "Voided"
Updated 11 months ago