Single Phase Transfer with Webhooks
Single Phase Commit Transfers Endpoints
Single Commit API
Sample Request Header Parameters
Field | Datatype | Required (Y/N) | Format | Description |
Request-ID | string | Y | UUID | The request identifier (UUID format). |
x--Remapped-Authorization | string | Y | JWT | In the form of “Bearer {JWT }” |
Content-Type | string | Y | “application/json” |
Sample Request Body
"transferIdentifier": "4771cde6-e8ee-4458-8020-c905d704064f",
"transferType": "DisbursementExternal",
"initiator": "e4b06240-b719-4c76-87c3-961f515e33eb",
"transferdescription": "",
"transferRoute": {
"transactionAmount": 5,
"sourceTransferEndpoint": {
"transferEndPointType": "programFundingSource",
"identifier": "8EADF071-657B-4CFA-9FBA-7B77D77C3BE8",
"currency": "USD"
"targetTransferEndpoint": {
"transferEndPointType": "singlePhaseFunding",
"identifier": "6b5eed71-48d3-46e0-be44-4342c6826b60",
"currency": "USD",
"cardData": {
"expiration": {
"month": "12",
"year": "2022"
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Dee",
"address1": "123 Street",
"address2": "Apt 123",
"city": "Test",
"state": "AZ",
"zipCode": 12345
"userData": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Dee",
"zipCode": 12345
Request Body Parameters
Field | Datatype | Required (Y/N) | Format | Description |
transferIdentifier | string | Y | GUID | If the transaction is initiated through the Transfers API, the transferIdentifier uniquely identifying the initiating transfer is included. |
transferType | string | Y | Max 50 characters | Use disbursementExternal. |
Initiator | string | N | Must be 36 characters | This is the account from which the transfer was initiated. It must be either the source or the target account. For a One Phase Commit Transfer, this is an optional field. If needed, the partner can pass the Payee Site ID. |
transferdescription | string | N | Max 100 characters | The transaction description. |
transferRoute | complex | Y | Contains the information for a POST transfer call involving a new source and new target. | |
transactionAmount | Decimal | Y | The transfer amount. | |
sourceTransferEndpoint | complex | Y | Represents the source of the funds. | |
transferEndpointType | string | Y | Max 50 characters | Use programFundingSource for disbursementExternal. |
sourceTransferEndpoint. identifier | string | Y | Must be 36 characters | The accountIdentifer of the partner’s Disbursement Business account. |
currency | string | Y | Must be 3 characters | If a currency code is provided in the request payload, it must be a valid 3-character ISO code and be valid for the program for which the call is being made. Note: Currently, only USD is supported for all programs. |
targetTransferEndpoint | complex | Y | Represents the target of the funds. | |
transferEndpointType | string | Y | Max 50 characters | targetTransferEndpoint. transferEndpointType as “singlePhaseFunding” |
targetTransferEndpoint. Identifier | GUID | Y | The External Card Identifier of the applicable account based on the transferEndpointType. For a Single Phase Commit, this will be the Payee Site ID. | |
encryptedCardData | Y | The encrypted card data. Refer to Encrypted Card Data Field Definitions. | ||
encryptedUserData | Y | The encrypted user data. Refer to Encrypted User Data Field Definitions. |
Encrypted Card Data Body
"CardData": {
"CardNumber": "string",
"Expiration": {
"CardExpirationMonth": "string",
"CardExpirationyear": "string"
"FirstName": "string",
"LastName": "string",
"AddressLine1": "string",
"AddressLine2": "string",
"City": "string",
"State": "string",
"ZipCode": "string"
Sample Encrypted Card Data Body
"CardData": {
"pan": "4111999999991234",
"expiration": {
"month": "12",
"year": "2020"
Encrypted Card Data Parameters
Field | Required (Y/N) | Description | Format | Values Allowed |
cvv | N | Card verification value or security code. | 3-4 digits | 0-9 |
cardNumber | Y | Personal Account Number (PAN) on the customer card | 0-9 | |
expiration | Y | Card expiration date | MMYYYY | 0-9 |
firstName | Y | Cardholder’s first name | 2-35 Characters | a-z, A-Z, hyphen, space |
lastName | Y | Cardholder’s last name | 2-35 Characters | a-z, A-Z, hyphen, space |
address1 | Y | Customer address, line1 | Max 255 characters | , a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, space, /, period |
address2 | N | Customer address, line 2 | Max 255 characters | a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, space, /, period |
city | Y | City where customer lives | Max 50 characters | a-z, A-Z, hyphen, space |
state | Y | State where customer lives | Max 2 characters | A-Z, a-z |
zipCode | Y | Customer zip code | Max 5 digits | 0-9 |
Sample User Data Body
"UserData": {
"FirstName": "john",
"LastName": "doe",
"ZipCode": "91107"
User Data Parameters
Field | Required (Y/N/C) | Description | Format | Values Allowed |
firstName | Y | Cardholder’s first name | 2-35 characters | a-z, A-Z, hyphen, space |
lastName | Y | Cardholder’s last name | 2-35 characters | a-z, A-Z, hyphen, space |
dateOfBirth | C | User’s date of birth | YYYY-MM-DD | Conditional value. Must be between 1901 and current year. |
zipCode | Y | User’s zip code | NNNNN | Must be 5 digits. |
Sample Single Commit Responses
Transfer Pending
Response:HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 19:47:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 121
Connection: keep-alive
x-correlation-id: be732974-aa3d-4b1b-aaea-5d64daf0b170
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
"transfer": {
"transferIdentifier": "c8b18a28-b87b-4c0f-ab77-87965c4c6199",
"transferStatus": "Pending"
Transfer Failed (HTTP 503)
This response indicates a timeout (HTTP 503) or internal exception.
"transfer": {
"transferIdentifier": "1d670075-a5bc-467d-856c-32ec44455fef",
"transferStatus": "failed"
"errors": [
"code": 4214,
"subcode": 1514,
"description": "system error"
Transfer Failed (HTTP 400)
This response indicates a data issue (HTTP 400) occurred.
"transfer": {
"transferIdentifier": "1d670075-a5bc-467d-856c-32ec44455fef",
"transferStatus": "failed"
"errors": [
"code": 4200,
"subcode": 945,
"description": "Invalid Request Id"
GET Transfer API
Partner Integration Environment URL
Production URL
Request Header Parameters
Field | Datatype | Required (Y/N) | Format | Description |
Request-ID | string | Y | UUID | The request identifier (UUID format). |
x--Remapped-Authorization | string | Y | JWT | In the form of “Bearer {JWT }” |
Content-Type | string | Y | “application/json” |
URL Parameters
Field | Datatype | Required (Y/N) | Format | Description |
externalAcctId | string | Y | GUID | Customer Payee Side ID. |
transferId | string | Y | GUID | The transferIdentifier that uniquely identifies the initiating transfer that will be included. |
Sample Request
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
x-Remapped-Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImMzNmNlZGI4LTg3NTQtNDY1MS04NWYxLTY2NDI4ODY4YzAwZSJ9.eyJjbGllbnRpZCI6ImU1MWIyMDExYjNhMzRmYzE5Mzk0MTJkZWU4ZTRkOTIyIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9ncmVlbmRvdC5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiJBbGwiLCJpYXQiOjE2MDI3ODMzMTYsImV4cCI6MjIzMzUwMzMxNn0.lT5Oeb1wL-cf8F15A4O7g8ixlrUYDV-GM-RIspQ5yUDp6NhVRCW7054nLvhyYYQIxiT5X1vKKA4QYLbSvcEMY1GxLUkSlassJRrqA8djucdpK5e9evGzN7knqQ3HR8arTLe8Ah6HrcznN_xbQ_UOvAvfLT8Sk7M3pIIUfEZhOtFyYtph4tJOmkJBsvU3yIBRlLb9k9Z4BhqCBftvQalIZ7RYIGJIQW6vX_fUQFKHI3-FjPkFXT3uOEzGr1LNyhHM5t31r525rZeuem5co1bXFiDaGBaRJbdNCMCxoNaM6e9CqzVcoupFW_u1jyPokFwIDLXrZtAzEn8RSBHA4QKVXg
Request-ID: 5da118ce-29ef-4d86-81a4-2990ec1471fa
Content-Length: 0
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_181)
Sample Response Body
"transfer": {
"transferId": "046D4980-6428-4CE4-9476-4755564F8517",
"transferStatus": "Completed",
"transactionDate": "Completed",
"currency": "USD",
"transactionAmount": "5.00",
"totalFeeAmount": "0.0",
"totalTransactionAmount": "5.00",
"responseDetails": [
"code": 0,
"subCode": 0,
"description": "string",
"url": "http://tbd"
Webhook Transfer Statuses
To notify a partner the result of a transfer, the GFT processor triggers transfer webhooks.
API Call Structure
Webhook status types include:
- Completed - The transfer was successful.
- Failed - A system error occurred.
- Declined - The transfer was declined for one of the following reasons:
- The account was not eligible for transfer activity.
- The transfer request exceeded the transfer limit.
- The transfer was rejected due to fraud (OFAC).
- The transfer request was for less than the minimum transaction amount.
A sample of each type follows.
Sample Completed Transfer
"accounts": [
"accountIdentifier": "c63ff033-7df4-4bdf-a5aa-d8d1dfc4a05d",
"events": [
"eventIdentifier": "125d5986-4c07-4ab6-9c66-de3053e688a1",
"eventType": "singlePhaseTransfer",
"eventDateTime": "2022-03-14T17:10:08.129Z",
"singlePhaseTransfer": [
"transferIdentifier": "DBC79BB6-40D9-A63C-B69B-C7DBD9403CA6",
"transactionAmount": 5.0,
"transferStatus": " Completed",
"transferDateTime": "2022-03-11T23:13:13Z",
"response": {
"code": "0",
"subCode": "0",
"description": "success"
Sample Failed Transfer
"accounts": [
"accountIdentifier": "c63ff033-7df4-4bdf-a5aa-d8d1dfc4a05d",
"events": [
"eventIdentifier": "125d5986-4c07-4ab6-9c66-de3053e688a1",
"eventType": "singlePhaseTransfer",
"eventDateTime": "2022-03-14T17:10:08.129Z",
"singlePhaseTransfer": [
"transferIdentifier": "DBC79BB6-40D9-A63C-B69B-C7DBD9403CA6",
"transactionAmount": 5.0,
"transferStatus": "failed",
"transferDateTime": "2022-03-11T23:13:13Z",
"response": {
"code": "4200",
"subCode": "948",
"description": " InvalidTransferType"
Sample Declined Transfer
"accounts": [
"accountIdentifier": "c63ff033-7df4-4bdf-a5aa-d8d1dfc4a05d",
"events": [
"eventIdentifier": "125d5986-4c07-4ab6-9c66-de3053e688a1",
"eventType": "singlePhaseTransfer",
"eventDateTime": "2022-03-14T17:10:08.129Z",
"singlePhaseTransfer": [
"transferIdentifier": "DBC79BB6-40D9-A63C-B69B-C7DBD9403CA6",
"transactionAmount": 5.0,
"transferStatus": "declined",
" transferDateTime": "2022-03-11T23:13:13Z",
"response": {
"code": "4240",
"subCode": "1540",
"description": "Consumers monthly transaction limit reached"
Realtime API Response Codes
Response Code Description | Response Code | Response Sub-Code Description | Response Sub-Code | HTTP Status Code |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing first name | 900 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing last name | 901 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid first name value was specified | 906 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid last name value was specified | 907 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid ZipCode | 910 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Address Line1 | 911 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Address Line2 | 912 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid State | 913 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid City | 914 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Program Code | 916 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Account number | 917 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Expiry Month | 918 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Expiry Year | 919 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Account Number | 921 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Transfer Id | 924 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Transfer Type | 925 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Source Link Id | 927 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Currency | 929 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Transaction Description | 930 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid CVV | 931 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Expiry Year | 933 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Expiry Month | 934 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Transfer Type | 935 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Source Link Id | 938 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Transaction Amount | 940 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Program Code | 943 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 350 | X-GD-Request ID must be a GUID | 400 | |
ValidationFailed | 200 | Missing Request Id | 400 | |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Initiator | 948 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Currency | 949 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | System Error - Business account status is pending | 966 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Invalid Target Customer Identifier | 975 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Transfer Route | 994 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Source Transfer Endpoint | 995 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Target Transfer Endpoint | 996 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing CardInfo | 997 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing CustomerInfo | 998 | 400 |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | Missing Target Customer Identifier | 974 | 400 |
Transfer id exists | 4202 | Record already exists | 1502 | 200 |
OperationFailed | 4214 | SystemError | 1514 | 555 |
Success | 0 | Success | 0 | 201 |
Webhook Transfer Status Codes
Message | Response Code | Sub Code | Description | Transaction Status |
Success | 0 | 0 | Success | Completed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 900 | Missing first name | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 901 | Missing last name | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 903 | Missing ZipCode code | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 906 | Invalid first name value was specified | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 907 | Invalid last name value was specified | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 910 | Invalid ZipCode | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 911 | Invalid Address Line1 | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 912 | Invalid Address Line2 | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 913 | Invalid State | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 914 | Invalid City | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 915 | Invalid Country | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 916 | Missing Program Code | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 917 | Missing Account number | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 918 | Missing Expiry Month | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 919 | Missing Expiry Year | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 921 | Invalid Account Number | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 924 | Invalid Transfer Id | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 925 | Missing Transfer Type | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 927 | Missing Source Link Id | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 929 | Invalid Currency | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 930 | Invalid Transaction Description | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 931 | Invalid CVV | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 933 | Invalid Expiry Year | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 934 | Invalid Expiry Month | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 935 | Invalid Transfer Type | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 938 | Invalid Source Link Id | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 940 | Invalid Transaction Amount | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 943 | Invalid Program Code | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 948 | Invalid Initiator | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 949 | Missing Currency | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 952 | System Error - Missing Transaction Reference | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 953 | System Error - Invalid Transaction Reference | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 954 | System Error - Missing Sender User Profile Details | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 955 | System Error - Missing Sender Account Details | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 960 | System Error - Invalid Account Identifier | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 962 | System Error - Transaction amount is less than Fee amount | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 965 | TransferId already exist with different partner. Please try with new TransferId | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 966 | System Error - Business account status is pending | Failed |
BusinessRuleFailure | 4200 | 971 | Transaction amount exceeds per transaction limit | Declined |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 974 | Missing Target Customer Identifier | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 975 | Invalid Target Customer Identifier | Failed |
BusinessRuleFailure | 4200 | 976 | Transaction exceeds per transaction limit count | Declined |
BusinessRuleFailure | 4200 | 977 | Transaction amount exceeds daily limit | Declined |
BusinessRuleFailure | 4200 | 978 | Transaction exceeds daily limit count | Declined |
BusinessRuleFailure | 4200 | 979 | Transaction amount exceeds weekly limit | Declined |
BusinessRuleFailure | 4200 | 980 | Transaction exceeds weekly limit count | Declined |
BusinessRuleFailure | 4200 | 981 | Transaction amount exceeds monthly limit | Declined |
BusinessRuleFailure | 4200 | 982 | Transaction exceeds monthly limit count | Declined |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 983 | System Error - Missing Processor | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 984 | System Error - Invalid Processor | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 985 | Unable to verify Customer OFAC at this time. Please try again | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 986 | Invalid Request | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4200 | 987 | Account Not Eligible | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4200 | 989 | Customer Is OFAC blocked | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4200 | 990 | Customer Is OFAC partial match | Declined |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 1000 | System Error - Missing Receiver User Profile Details | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 1001 | System Error - Missing Receiver Account Details | Failed |
ValidationFailed | 4200 | 1001 | System Error – Missing Receiver Account Details | Failed |
Transfer id exists | 4202 | 1502 | Record already exists | We will return the existing transfer record status: - Pending - Completed - Failed - Declined |
OperationFailed | 4214 | 1514 | System Error | Failed |
MissingPaymentType | 4216 | 1516 | No Payment type configured for this partner | Failed |
InvalidPaymentType | 4217 | 1517 | Payment type configured for this partner is not supported | Failed |
NoPaymentProcessorConfigured | 4219 | 1519 | Cannot proceed transfer request - No Payment Processor is enabled for this partner | Failed |
MissingPartnerConfiguration | 4220 | 1520 | Cannot proceed transfer request - Partner configuration is not available | Failed |
AllPaymentProcessorDown | 4221 | 1521 | Cannot proceed transfer request - All the available Payment processors are down | Failed |
TransactionProcessingSuspended | 4222 | 1522 | Unauthorized access to Master Card Send | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4223 | 1523 | No default account is defined for the consumer | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4224 | 1524 | Card type is not supported for merchant | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4225 | 1525 | Operation not allowed | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4226 | 1526 | Country not supported for merchant | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4227 | 1527 | Acquiring credential used for the funding transaction is no longer valid | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4229 | 1529 | Card declined | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4230 | 1530 | Fraud detected | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4231 | 1531 | Card expired | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4232 | 1532 | Per transaction maximum amount limit reached | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4233 | 1533 | Exceeded Daily Load Amount | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4234 | 1534 | Does Not Meet Per Transaction Load Amount | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4235 | 1535 | Exceeded Monthly Load Amount | Declined |
AuthenticationFailed | 4236 | 1536 | Authentication Failed | Failed |
Account is not eligible | 4237 | 1537 | Partner has exceeded the daily limit configured in the system | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4238 | 1538 | Per transaction maximum amount limit reached | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4239 | 1539 | Amount is less than the minimum configured for the partner | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4240 | 1540 | Consumers monthly transaction limit reached | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4241 | 1541 | Per transaction maximum amount limit for the transaction type | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4242 | 1542 | Amount is less than the minimum allowed for the transaction type | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4243 | 1543 | Account Type not supported for the partner | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4244 | 1544 | Partner not on boarded for the network to reach account | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4245 | 1545 | Currency is not supported for the account | Declined |
Account is not eligible | 4246 | 1546 | Country is not supported for the account | Declined |
Declined | 4247 | 1547 | Transaction Declined | Declined |
Failed | 4249 | 1549 | Transaction Failed | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4250 | 1550 | Unauthorized access to Visa Direct | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4252 | 1552 | Transaction Failed in BaaS due to System error | Failed |
Declined | 4254 | 1554 | System Error-Duplicate adjustment identifier | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4255 | 1555 | BaaS Account is Closed | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4256 | 1556 | BaaS Account is Locked | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4257 | 1557 | BaaS Account is Pending | Declined |
Declined | 4258 | 1558 | System Error-Program code not found | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4260 | 1560 | System Error-Invalid Input | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4261 | 1561 | System Error-Missing input value | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4262 | 1562 | System Error-Duplicate value | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4265 | 1565 | Load Not Allowed | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4272 | 1572 | Invalid Merchant | Failed |
Transaction Failed | 4273 | 1573 | Visa Direct Limit Exceeded | Declined |
Transaction Failed | 4274 | 1574 | Transaction was rejected by VisaNet due to a message validation error. | Failed |
Updated 30 days ago