Headers & Common Fields
Barcodes and Store Locations Headers
Header Information
Field | Required? | Description |
x-gdn-timestamp | Yes | Timestamp in http headeris using the pattern[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss][timezone] that preserves timezone information andcomplies with ISO 8601.The time zone componentis an offset from UTC (forexample, +01:00,-07:00).The time zone componentuses ‘Z’ (which stands forzero offset) to representUTC. Timestamp stringwithout time zonecomponent is assumed tobe UTC. Examples of thetimestamp string are202005-22T03:07:53Z |
x-gdn-signature | Yes | Signature of the message(see API Authenticationsection below |
x-gdn-encryptiontype | Yes | 0-none, 1-Digital Signature |
x-gdn-sessionid | No | Session id of thetransaction (for future use,will be empty) |
x-gdn-messageid | Yes | Unique id of the transaction |
x-gdn-channeltype | Yes | 1-mobile, 2–web, 0-other |
x-gdn-deviceid | No | Device id of the clientmaking the API call (forfuture use) |
x-gdn-devicetype | Yes | 0-other, 1-mobile, 2-desktop |
x-gdn-ipaddress | Yes | IP Address of the clientmaking the API call |
x-gdn-latitude | No | Latitude of the clientdevice/browser making theAPI call |
x-gdn-longitude | No | Longitude of the clientdevice/browser making theAPI call |
x-gdn-programnumber | Yes | Program number assignedby Green Dot |
x-gdn-ext-programnumber | No | Ext ProgramNumberassigned by Green Dot |
Barcodes and Store Locations Common Response Fields
These fields are common in all the API responses and the consumer should expect a valid value for this fields.
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
partner_transaction_reference | String | TransactionReference of the partner if the partner passes this information |
gd_transaction_reference | String | Unique reference for this transaction generated by Gd |
gd_response_code | Int | Refer to Response CodesSection |
gd_response_message | String | Custom text describing the success or failure of the API. |
gd_response_date | DateTime | Response date time in UTC |
Updated about 1 month ago