Get Transaction Info
GetTransactionInfo API Method
This operation is to retrieve the transaction information using the “RequestID” as the TransactionID sent in a Reload or Unload request. It will only return transaction info within the last 12 hours.
Note: The transaction info contains a field named [VoidableCode], it indicates if the transaction can be voided or not at that time.
Every request triggered should have a unique X-GD-RequestId value in the header.
POST {baseUrl}/transaction/information
Example Request
Success Request
POST {baseUrl}/transaction/information
Authorization: bearer {token}
Content-Type: application/json
X-GD-RequestId: test101
"metadata": {
"merchantId": "fscc0342",
"registerId": "01",
"requestDateTime": "2023-11-09T05:46:38Z",
"storeId": "CC970",
"userId": ""
"transactionId": "202311082215000929"
Negative Request
POST {baseUrl}/transaction/information
Authorization: bearer {token}
Content-Type: application/json
X-GD-RequestId: test101
"metadata": {
"merchantId": "fscc0342",
"registerId": "01",
"requestDateTime": "2023-11-09T05:50:33Z",
"storeId": "CC970",
"userId": ""
"transactionId": "12345654321"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required (Y/N) | Format/ Data Type | Pattern | Description |
X-GD-RequestId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | It is a unique transaction identifier that is generated by the retailer. |
requestDateTime | Yes | DateTime | 2023-08-08T12:34:56Z | Time stamp at which transaction occurred. The time stamp has to be in UTC time zone and follow the following date and time formats: • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ |
registerId | No | String | MaxLength: 20 | Register where the transaction occurred. |
userId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | The unique ID of the user generating the transaction. |
storeId | Yes | String | MaxLength: 20 | The store number associated with the retailer that sold the package. If not supplied, InvalidParameter (Code:100) error will be return. |
merchantId | Yes | String | MaxLength: 20 | Unique merchant Id. It is defined by Green Dot – Merchant corresponding with Retailer. |
transactionId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | The transaction id of the transaction info that needs to be retrieved. This is the same value as X-GD-RequestId passed in the transaction that you would like to search. |
Example Response
Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-GD-RequestId: test101
X-GD-ResponseId: 53af721a-9ff2-4ee3-b74d-b6b1282e17a1
X-GD-ResponseCode: 0
"transactionInfo": {
"transactionId": "202311082215000929",
"transactionType": "Unload",
"transactionStatus": "Posted",
"transactionDate": "2023-11-08T22:15:00",
"transactionAmount": 16.1300,
"merchantCode": "fscc0342",
"storeID": "Store1",
"userID": "",
"voidableCode": 841,
"maskedAccountNumber": "534456******6246"
"metadata": {
"requestId": "test101",
"responseId": "53af721a-9ff2-4ee3-b74d-b6b1282e17a1",
"responseDateTime": "2023-11-09T05:46:40.6804659Z",
"responseCode": 0,
"responseDescription": "Success"
} }
Negative Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-GD-RequestId: test101
X-GD-ResponseId: be16db75-a51e-4e27-abbe-3bfb16d7154b
X-GD-ResponseCode: 840
"transactionInfo": null,
"metadata": {
"requestId": "test101",
"responseId": "be16db75-a51e-4e27-abbe-3bfb16d7154b",
"responseDateTime": "2023-11-09T05:50:35.1560348Z",
"responseCode": 840,
"responseDescription": "TransactionNotFound"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Required(Y/N) | Format/Data Type | Pattern | Description |
requestId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | The unique request ID from request. |
responseId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | The unique Response Identifier (generated by GreenDot). |
responseDateTime | Yes | DateTime | 2023-09-07T16:12:23.4541445+08:00 | Time stamp at which transaction occurred. The time stamp is in UTC time zone and follow the following date and time formats: • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssfffffffK |
responseCode | Yes | Numeric | MaxLength:4 | Indicates success and failure of the response codes. It is in the numeric format. |
responseDescription | Yes | String | MaxLength:255 | Describes the Response Code in more detail. It is in the String format. |
transactionInfo | No | object | { 1, … } | Transaction information fetched from database. Null if no transaction has been found. |
transactionId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | The transaction id of the transaction that was retrieved. |
transactionType | Yes | String | InitialLoad, Reload, Unload | Type of the transaction. |
transactionStatus | Yes | String | Pending, Posted, Voided, Failed | Status of the transaction. |
transactionDate | Yes | DateTime | 2023-11-08T22:15:00 | Date and time that transaction performed. It’s equal to the requestDateTime in previous transaction request meta data payload. |
transactionAmount | Yes | Decimal | 500.00 | Transaction amount of the transaction. |
merchantCode | Yes | String | MaxLength: 20 | Merchant code of the transaction. It’s equal to mechantId in transaction request meta data payload. |
storeID | Yes | String | MaxLength: 20 | storeId of the transaction. |
userID | Yes | String | MaxLength: 50 | userId of the transaction. |
voidableCode | Yes | Number | 0 841 842 843 844 | Potential return values: 0 : Voidable 841: NotVoidableTransactionType 842: TransactionAlreadyVoided 843: TransactionAlreadyPosted 844: NotVoidableTransactionStatus |
maskedAccountNumber | Yes | String | 534456**7386 | Masked account number. |
Response Cases
Code | CodeText | Response Description | Explanation of the Response Code |
0 | Success | Success | Operation is finished successfully. |
100 | InvalidParameter | • The TransactionId field is required. • MerchantId is required • StoreId is required • UserId is required • RequestId is required • RequestDateTime is required • RequestId is too long • UserId is too long • StoreId is too long • MerchantId is too long | Invalid parameter in the request. Examples: MerchantID not supplied, StoreID not supplied. |
130 | InvalidMerchant | InvalidMerchant | MerchantId in request has not been found/enabled in the system. |
800 | InvalidStore | Store was not found | Store is not found; store is not for the partner or store does not support this operation. |
861 | RetailChainUserNotFound | User is not found. | UserID in request is not found in system. |
862 | RetailChainUserNotActive | User is not active. | UserId in request is not active. |
840 | TransactionNotFound | TransactionNotFound | Transaction is not found, and the [TransactionInfo] is null. |
1000 | GeneralFailure | GeneralFailure | Service failure. |
Updated 10 months ago