Package Sale
This offering is not yet live, and contract(s) may change. However, you can read below to get a sneak-peak before full release!
Package Sale API Method
This method is used to sell a card or MoneyPak to a customer.
Every request triggered should have a unique X-GD-RequestId value in the header
POST {baseUrl}/package/sale
Example Request
Success Request
POST {baseUrl}/package/sale
Authorization: bearer {token}
Content-Type: application/json
X-GD-RequestId: 123456789
"metadata": {
"merchantId": "15|118",
"registerId": "01001",
"storeId": "CC970",
"userId": "[email protected]",
"requestDateTime": "2013-09-18T10:53:07Z"
"externId": "3085033189"
"transactionAmount": 20.00,
"paymentProgramType": "Regular"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required(Y/N) | Format/Data Type | Pattern | Description |
X-GD-RequestId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | It is a unique transaction identifier that is generated by the retailer. |
requestDateTime | Yes | DateTime | 2023-08-08T12:34:56Z | Time stamp at which transaction occurred. The time stamp has to be in UTC time zone and follow the following date and time formats: ā¢ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ |
merchantId | Yes | String | MaxLength: 20 | The unique merchant Id. Defined by Green Dot ā Merchant corresponding with Retailer. |
storeId | Yes | String | MaxLength: 20 | The store number associated with the retailer that sold the package. If not supplied, InvalidParameter (Code:100) error will be return. |
registerId | No | String | MaxLength: 20 | Register where the transaction occurred. |
userId | No | String | MaxLength:50 | The unique ID of the user generating the transaction. UserID is now a required field to support āteller incentive programā. |
externId | Yes | string | Max:19 | The externId is the last 19 digits of the barcode on the package. |
transactionAmount | Yes | decimal | 500.00 | Amount of money to be loaded. For example: Five Hundred Dollars is entered as ā500.00ā. Twenty Dollars is entered as ā20.00ā) |
paymentProgramType | Yes | Enum | Regular, CheckCashing | Type of payment option that customer selects. For example: ā¢ If the customer is paying with a check, then it will be āCheckCashingā. If they are paying by cash, or a combination of check and cash, PaymentProgramType will be āRegularā. |
Example Response
Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-GD-RequestId: 201309181254
X-GD-ResponseId: 127d59fa-8851-444a-a639-716e81b2cecd
X-GD-ResponseCode: 0
"metadata": {
"requestId": "201309181254",
"responseCode": 0,
"responseDescription": "Success",
"responseDateTime": "2013-09-18T17:53:07.1411753Z",
"responseId": "127d59fa-8851-444a-a639-716e81b2cecd"
"receiptText":"Please wait 10 minutes to register your card at or 1 (866) 785-6963. You need the temporary card number found on the card in your package. ... Keep this receipt for your records.",
āfundingDelaySecondsā: ā60ā
Response Parameters
Parameter | Required(Y/N) | Format/Data Type | Pattern | Description |
requestId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | The unique request ID from request. |
responseId | Yes | String | MaxLength:50 | The unique Response Identifier (generated by GreenDot). |
responseDateTime | Yes | DateTime | 2023-09-07T16:12:23.4541445+08:00 | Time stamp at which transaction occurred. The time stamp is in UTC time zone and follow the following date and time formats: ā¢ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssfffffffK |
responseCode | Yes | Numeric | MaxLength:4 | Indicates success and failure of the response codes. It is in the numeric format. |
responseDescription | Yes | String | MaxLength:255 | Describes the Response Code in more detail. It is in the String format. |
fundingDelaySeconds | Yes | String | ā60ā | The length of the funding delay in seconds. The transaction may be voided immediately after it had succeeded and up to FundingDelaySeconds. Please note that the actual delay the funds will be usable may be up to 2 minutes longer that this value due to some asynchronous processing in the backend system. Only successful reload will have fundingDelaySeconds value. |
receiptText | No | String | Max 1000 | Describes the receipt text. |
Response Codes
Code | Code Text | Response Description | Explanation of the Response Code |
0 | Success | Success | Card is enrolled successfully. |
100 | InvalidParameter | ā¢ StoreId is required ā¢ MerchantId is required ā¢ UserId is required ā¢ StoreId is too long ā¢ UserId is too long ā¢ MerchantId is too long ā¢ RequestId is too long ā¢ ExternalId already used. ā¢ ExternalId expired. ā¢ RequestDateTime is required ā¢ RequestId is required ā¢ The field ExternId must be a string with a maximum length of 20. | Invalid parameter when validating the request value. Examples: MerchantID not supplied, StoreID not supplied. |
130 | InvalidMerchant | InvalidMerchant | MerchantId in request has not been found/enabled in the system. |
800 | InvalidStore | Store was not found | Store is not found; store is not for the partner or store does not support this operation. |
861 | RetailChainUserNotFound | User is not found. | UserID in the request is not found in system. |
862 | RetailChainUserNotActive | User is not active. | UserId in request is not active. |
600 | UnableToProcessRequest | Package Id not found | Extern ID on the package was not found. |
1000 | GeneralFailure | GeneralFailure | Service failure. |
Updated 7 months ago