Response Codes
Barcode Generation HTTP Response Codes
The HTTP response code is usually 200, meaning the HTTP request is processed with a result that could be either success or failure. Other HTTP response codes may be used for situations in which a client application must handle appropriately with required actions. The below table lists HTTP response codes, their descriptions, and suggested subsequent actions.
HTTP Response Code | Description | Subsequent Action |
200 OK | HTTP request is processed. Refer to Response.Code data member in the response body for details about the service processing result. Response.Code = 0 means the request was successfully processed. | None. |
201 Created | The HTTP request (must be a POST request) is processed successfully with a newly created resource. | Optionally, the client application can query about the new resource being created by using the returned resource URI in the location header. |
202 Accepted | The HTTP request is received, and it is still in processing. This status facilitates asynchronous processing of a time-consuming request. It is available only for specific services that declare support of an asynchronous processing feature. | Optionally, the client application can query about the processing status of the affected resource by using the returned URI in the location header. |
304 Not Modified | The HTTP request returns exactly the same response as it did the last time it was submitted. This response code is returned only for the HTTP GET request when it presents a valid If-Modified-Since HTTP header and the requested resource has not changed since the If-Modified-Since value. | Get the resource from the cache. |
307 Redirect | The HTTP request cannot be processed—please use the URI defined location header to resubmit the HTTP request. A typical scenario is when the HTTP request URL in request is no longer supported at the original URI. | Resubmit the HTTP request to a different URI as advised in the response’s location header. Use the exact same HTTP method (GET or POST) as in the original request. |
400 Bad Request | The HTTP request is invalid. | Examine the Errors block in the response body for more details. |
401 Unauthorized | The HTTP request is not permitted based on client application and/or impersonated user. | N/A |
403 Forbidden | The HTTP request cannot be authenticated. | Verify whether request headers are created correctly. |
404 Not Found | Request cannot be processed because the resource at the URI cannot be found. | Verify whether the correct URI has been used. |
405 Method Not Allowed | The HTTP request method (GET or POST) is not allowed for the resource identified by the request URI. | Resubmit the HTTP request by using the allowed method defined in the API reference. |
409 Conflict | Reserved for future versions. | TBD |
500 Internal Server Error | The HTTP request cannot be processed because of an unknown reason. | Resubmit the HTTP request later. Report the issue to the GDC team. |
503 Service Unavailable | The HTTP host is unavailable because of maintenance or traffic overload. | Resubmit the request later. Report the outage to the GDC team. |
Updated 5 months ago