eWallet Tokens
eWallet Tokens APIs can be used for creating and retrieving push provisioning data, as well as retrieving eWallet Tokens for an account.
The eWallet Tokens feature allows partners to:
- Create push provisioning data
- Retrieve push provision configuration options for a specific account
- Retrieve eWallet tokens for a specific account
Note: Partners must be configured to use eWallet Token APIs. Contact your Green Dot representative to request configuration.
Digital Wallets
Digital wallets, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, store digitized versions of payment instruments (cards) which provides customers with a secure and convenient way to store and use their payment instruments without carrying physical cards. The eWallet Tokens APIs allow Partners to offer digital wallet technology to their customers.
When using digital wallet technology, a customer’s card data, such as the PAN, CVV, and expiration date, is protected using card tokenization. Once a payment instrument is added to a digital wallet, the sensitive data is replaced with a token that serves as a reference to the payment instrument whenever it is used. For example, if a customer uses a payment instrument in their Google Pay digital wallet to purchase groceries, Google Pay will only provide the token at checkout without exposing any of the card data. Green Dot supports network tokenization where the card network (i.e., Visa, Mastercard, Discover, QUICPay) generates the tokens.
eWallet Tokens API Endpoints
Create Push Provisioning Data
Push provisioning allows customers to add credit and debit cards to their digital wallets (i.e. Google Pay or Apple Pay) directly from the card issuer’s (i.e. Visa or Mastercard) application. This endpoint can be used to create the data needed to add payment instruments to a digital wallet within the card issuer’s application.
API Call Structure
POST /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/paymentInstruments/{paymentInstrumentIdentifier}/pushProvisionData
POST /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/paymentInstruments/{paymentInstrumentIdentifier}/CreatepushProvisionData
API Call Structure Parameters
Field | Format | Required/Optional | Type |
X-GD-RequestId | Header | Required | String |
programCode | Path | Required | String |
accountIdentifier | Path | Required | String |
paymentInstrumentIdentifier | Path | Required | String |
Sample Request
Sample Request Body – Apple Pay
Sample Request Body – Google Pay
Request Parameters
Field | Data Type | Required/Conditional | Description |
walletProvider | Enum | Required | Provider of the digital wallet being used for provisioning. Options: • apple |
deviceData | Device Data | Required | Container for values needed from the device being used. This information varies by digital wallet provider. |
nonce | String | Conditional | Hex encoded unique value generated by the mobile device being used. Note: This field is only required for Apple Pay. |
nonceSignature | String | Conditional | Hex encoded signature generated by the mobile device’s secure element over the nonce field to prevent data tampering. Note: This field is only required for Apple Pay. |
publicCertData | String | Conditional | Hex encoded public certificate for which provisioning response data should be encrypted. Note: This field is only required for Apple Pay. |
clientDeviceId | String | Conditional | Stable hardware identifier obtained from the mobile device being used. Note: This field is only required for Google Pay. |
clientWalletId | String | Conditional | ID assigned by Google Pay. Note: This field is only required for Google Pay. |
Sample Response
Sample Response – Apple
"displayName":"Super Product",
Sample Response – Google
"addressLine1":"3465 E Foothill Blvd",
"addressLine2":"SUITE 100",
"lastUpdatedDateTime":"12/02/2019 01:34:13"
"lastUpdatedDateTime":"12/02/2019 01:34:13"
"displayName":"Super Product",
Response Parameters
Field | Data Type | Required/Conditional | Description |
activationData | String | Conditional | Base 64 encoded provisioning activation data used when provisioning request is for Apple. |
encryptedPaymentData | EncryptedData | Conditional | Container for Base64 encoded encrypted data and Base64 encoded ephemeral public key when the provisioning request is for Apple. |
ephemeralPublicKey | String | Conditional | Base64 encoded ephemeral public key. Included when provisioning request is for Apple. |
publicKeyHash | String | Conditional | Base 64 encoded encrypted data. Included when provisioning request is for Apple. |
data | String | Conditional | Base 64 encoded encrypted data. Included when provisioning request is for Apple. |
displayName | String | Conditional | Description of associated product. Included when provisioning request is for Apple. |
paymentNetworkOperator | String | Required | Identifier for payment network operator. Options: • Visa • MasterCard • Discover • QUICPay |
billingAddress | Billing Address | Conditional | Container for billing address information required when digital wallet provider is Google. |
addressLine1 | String | Conditional | Line 1 of customer’s primary billing address. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
city | String | Conditional | City of customer’s primary billing address. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
state | String | Conditional | State of customer’s primary billing address. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
zipCode | String | Conditional | Zip code of customer’s primary billing address. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
countryCode | String | Conditional | Country code of customer’s primary billing address. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
isDefault | Boolean | Conditional | Indicates if billing address was verified. Included when provisioning request is for Google |
isVerified | Boolean | Conditional | Indicates if billing address was verified. Included when provisioning request is for Google |
isReturned | Boolean | Conditional | Indicates if mail was previously returned from this billing address. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
lastUpdatedDateTime | String | Conditional | Date and time address was last updated. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
phoneNumber | Phone Number | Conditional | Container for customer’s billing phone number information required when digital wallet provider is Google. |
number | String | Conditional | Customer’s phone number. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
type | String | Conditional | Indicates if the phone number was verified. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
isDefault | Boolean | Conditional | Indicates if the phone number was verified. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
isVerified | Boolean | Conditional | Indicates if the phone number was verified. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
lastUpdatedDateTime | String | Conditional | Date and time phone number was last updated. Included when provisioning request is for Google. |
opc | String | Conditional | Opaque payment card required when digital wallet provider is Google. |
last4Pan | String | Conditional | Last four digits of the payment card required when the digital wallet provider is Google. |
Response Codes
Code | subCode | Description |
403 | 0 | Auth token is not valid |
10 | 0 | Account Not Found or Payment Instrument Not Found |
500 | 0 | Server Error |
503 | 0 | A downstream system is unavailable. It may be transient so the client may retry automatically. |
Obtain List of Push Provision Configuration Options
This endpoint allows Partners to retrieve a list of options that can be used to add payment instruments to a digital wallet for a specific account.
API Call Structure
GET /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/pushProvisionConfig
Request Parameters
Field | Format | Required/Optional | Type |
X-GD-RequestId | Header | Required | String |
programCode | Path | Required | String |
accountIdentifier | Path | Required | String |
Sample Response Body
Response Parameters
Field | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description |
provisionConfigs | Array | Required | Container for provision configuration options available for a specific accountIdentifier. |
walletProvider | String | Required | Provider of the digital wallet being used for provisioning. Options: • apple |
tokenServiceProviderEncryptionVersion | String | Required | Reference to internal encryption version to be used when create push provisioning data (POST /pushProvisionData) is called with the associated walletProvider. |
paymentNetworkOperator | String | Required | Identifier for the payment network operator. Options: • Visa • MasterCard • Discover • QUICPay |
Response Codes
Code | subCode | Description |
10 | 0 | Account Not Found |
500 | 0 | Internal Server Error |
403 | 0 | Auth token is not valid |
503 | 0 | A downstream system is unavailable. It may be transient so the client may retry automatically. |
Obtain List of Previously Provisioned eWallet Tokens
This endpoint allows the retrieval of all eWallet tokens previously provisioned into a digital wallet for a specific account based on the accountIdentifier provided in the request.
API Call Structure
GET /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/tokens
API Call Structure Parameters
Field | Format | Required/Optional | Type |
X-GD-RequestId | Path | Required | String |
programCode | Path | Required | String |
accountIdentifier | Path | Required | String |
Sample Response Body
"wallet":"Apple Pay",
"wallet":"Google Pay",
"wallet":"Samsung Pay",
Response Parameters
Field | Data Type | Required/Optional | Description |
tokens | Array | Optional | Container for an array of eWallet tokens associated with the provided accountIdentifier |
paymentIdentifier | String | Required | Unique identifier for the Payment Instrument number. |
deviceId | String | Required | Identifier for the mobile device being used. |
last4Pan | String | Required | Last 4 digits of the payment instrument number. |
DPANID | String | Required | Network proxy representation of a digital card number. This ID will be unique to the mobile device being used. |
FPANID | String | Required | Network proxy representation of a payment identifier. This ID will be the same for the payment identifier on all mobile devices used. |
PAR | String | Required | Network proxy representation of an account. This number will be the same for all payment identifiers. |
last4DPAN | String | Required | Last 4 digits of a digital card number. |
wallet | String | Required | The digital wallet the payment identifier is being added to. Options: • Apple Pay • Google Pay |
walletType | String | Required | The type of digital wallet being used. Options: • digitalWallet • merchantToken |
status | String | Required | The status of the digital card number. Options: • active • suspended • deactivated • deleted • inactive • suspended • resume • tokenization • exception • replacement |
Response Codes
Code | subCode | Description |
11 | 0 | No tokens exist for this account |
403 | 0 | Auth token is not valid |
10 | 0 | Account Not Found |
500 | 0 | Internal Server Error |
503 | 0 | A downstream system is unavailable. It may be transient so the client may retry automatically. |
Updated about 1 year ago