POST /transfers/{transferId}

Creates a transfer request to move funds from a source link to a destination link. The transferId is optional. If transferId is not passed, the Disbursement Platform will create one. The partner generated transferId must be unique for a given partner program and meet the following format criteria:

  • Length = 6-40 and allowable characters include alphanumeric and , - _ ~

The transfer status can be in one of the following statuses. The status of a transfer can be retrieved by checking Status on the response object of GET /transfers/ TransferID.

PendingThe transfer request is pending, and the funds have NOT been deposited to the recipient
CompletedThe transfer request is complete, and the funds have been deposited to the recipient
FailedThe transfer request failed, and the funds have NOT been deposited to the recipient
RejectedThe transfer request is rejected, and the funds have NOT been deposited to the recipient
CancelledThe transfer request is cancelled by customer or GD expiration job, and the funds have NOT been deposited to the recipient


transferobjects:sourceuriStringMax 255 charactersYesThe LinkURI of the funding source
transferobjects:destinationuriStringMax 255 charactersYesThe LinkURI of the destination
transaction:amountStringMax 8 characters (99999.99)YesAmount to be transferred
transaction:currencyStringMax 3 charactersYesUSD – US Dollar
transaction:descriptionStringMax 250 charactersNoOptional transaction description
transaction:transactiondateStringISO 8601YesTransaction date time of transfer
optionsStringArray of key/value pairNoArray of Key/Value pair that partner can use to pass any special options for the transfer
retailer:retailerkeyStringMax 5 charactersConditionalRetailer object is mandatory for POS transactions

Retailer identifier for this transaction (Provided by Green Dot). This field is Mandatory if retailer complex object is passed with a non-null value
retailer:storenumberStringMax 50 charactersNoStore number or Store ID of the retailer where the transaction was initiated
retailer:terminalidStringMax 10 charactersNoRegister/Terminal ID of the POS system where the transaction was initiated
retailer:statecodeStringMax 2 charactersNoState where the transaction was initiated
retailer:storenameStringMax 50 charactersNoStore where the transaction was initiated


  • transferid: The unique identifier for this transfer.
  • status: See the status table above.
  • claimcode: Optional. For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register.
  • claimexpirationdate: Optional. For Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires.
  • fees: Complex object. See example below.
  • allowedamount: Maximum amount allowed for this transfer.
  • fundsavailability: Funds availability can conditionally be any one of the following:
  • externalreferenceid: The transaction reference ID shared with the Card Issuer.
  • responsecode: Response code associated to the Transfer.
    • If 0 – Success, refer to transaction status to confirm is ‘Completed’ or ‘Pending.’
    • If not 0 – Success, it provides the code explaining why transaction failed.
  • responsemessage: Description of response code.
  • responsedate: The response date and time.
  • responsedetailcode: Detail code associated to Transfer Request.
  • responsedetailcodedescription: Detail description of detail code.
transferidStringMin 2 characters
Max 50 characters
The unique identifier for this transfer (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af)
statusStringMax 50 charactersSee the status table above
claimcodeStringMax 100 charactersFor Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register
claimexpirationdateDatetimeN/AFor Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires
feesObjectN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
allowedamountDecimalN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
fundsavailabilityStringN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
externalreferenceidStringN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
responsecodeIntN/ASee the response code & description above (e.g. 0)
responsemessageStringMax 150 charactersSee the response code & description above (e.g. Success)
responsedateDatetimeN/AThe response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z)

Sample Request

Creates a transfer request from source to destination.

    "transferobjects": {
        "sourceuri": "",
        "destinationuri": ""
    "transaction": {
        "amount": "10",
        "currency": "USD",
        "description": "ClaimcodeGenerateDescription",
        "transactiondate": "2023-11-11T16:00:07.633Z"
    "options": [
            "key": "Sample-Key1",
            "value": "Sample-Value1"

Sample Response (Success)

    "transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
    "status": "Pending",
    "claimcode": "ECW03530744",
    "claimexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
    "fees": null,
    "allowedamount": null,
    "fundsavailability": null,
    "externalreferenceid": null,
    "responsecode": 0,
    "responsemessage": "Success",
    "responsedate": "2023-12-21T01:50:14.1384565Z",
    "responsedetail": {
        "responsedetailcode": 0,
        "responsedetaildescription": "Success"

Sample Response (Error)

	"errors": [{
		"errorcode": "1250",
		"errordescription": "Invalid Currency Type was specified"




Response Object

  • partnerprogramidentifier: Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
  • transferid: Transfer Id associated with the request.
  • statuscode: code associated with the status.
  • status: Status of the transaction. Possible statues are included below.
  • statusreason: Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like Partner Rejected, System Error etc.
  • claimcode: claimcode, if any, associated with the transaction.
  • claimcodeexpirationdate: claimcode expiration date.
  • source: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
  • destination: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
  • transaction: complex object (Transaction) – see example below.
  • reversals: complex object (Reversals) – see example below.
  • options: array of object (Key/Value Pair) – see example below.
  • responsecode: Response code associated to the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
    • This is not the response code associated to the result of the transaction. To receive response detail information of the transaction, please use the GET/transfers/detailinfo/{transferrequestId} API.
  • responsemessage: Description of the response code returned for the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
  • responsedate: The response date and time.
  • responsedetailcode: Detail code associated to the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
    • This is not the detail code associated to the result of the transaction. To receive response detail information of the transaction, please use the GET/transfers/detailinfo/{transferrequestId} API.
  • responsedetailcodedescription: Detailed description of response code.
partnerprogramidentifierStringMax 100 charactersUnique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
transferidStringMin 2 characters
Max 50 characters
The unique identifier for this transfer. (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af)
statuscodeIntN/ACode related to status
1: Pending
2: Completed
3: Failed
4: Rejected
5: Cancelled
statusStringMax 50 charactersSee the status table above
statusreasonStringMax 50 charactersDescription of the status, if failed. This gives more details like PendingClaimCodeRedemption, Partner Rejected, System Error etc
claimcodeStringMax 100 charactersFor Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register
claimexpirationdateDatetimeN/AFor Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires
source: nameStringMax 100 charactersCustomer name
source: idStringMax 100 charactersCustomer linkid
source: detailsStringN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
destination: nameStringMax 100 charactersLink name
destination: idStringMax 100 charactersLink linkid
destination: detailsStringN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
transaction:retailernameStringMax 50 charactersStore where the transaction was initiated
transaction:feesObjectN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
transaction: receipttextStringMax 255 characterse.g. Service provided by Green Dot. 866-795-7597. P.O. Box 5100, Pasadena, CA, 91117-0100. For support, call Fiserv customer support number at xxxxx.
transaction:amountdecimalN/ATransfer amount
transaction:currencyStringMax 3 charactersUSD – US Dollar
transaction:descriptionStringMax 250 charactersTransaction description
transaction:originaltransferidStringMax 100 charactersThe requestId in RequestHeader when calling create claimcode API
transaction:isreversalBoolN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
transaction: transactiondateStringISO 8601Transaction date time of transfer
transaction:lastmodifieddateStringISO 8601Last modified date time of transfer
transaction:externalreferenceidStringN/ANot applicable for Cash transactions
reversalsArrayN/ANot applicable for Cash transactions
responsecodeIntN/ASee the response code & description above (e.g. 0)
responsemessageStringMax 150 charactersSee the response code & description above (e.g. Success)
responsedateDatetimeN/AThe response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z)

GET Request


Sample Success Response

    "partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
    "transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
    "statuscode": 1,
    "status": "Pending",
    "statusreason": "PendingClaimCodeRedemption",
    "claimcode": "ECW03530744",
    "claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
    "source": {
        "name": "Taska Ston",
        "id": "cf42ecba-736c-4082-82ab-99849a6e1be5",
        "details": null
    "destination": {
        "name": "Daall Tinan",
        "id": "4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af",
        "details": null
    "transaction": {
        "retailername": null,
        "fees": null,
        "receipttext": null,
        "amount": 10.0000,
        "currency": "USD",
        "description": "ClaimcodeGenerateDescription",
        "originaltransferid": null,
        "isreversal": false,
        "transactiondate": "2023-12-30T16:00:07.633Z",
        "lastmodifieddate": "2023-12-20T09:50:13.297Z",
        "externalreferenceid": null,
        "responsecode": 0,
        "responsecodedescription": "Success",
        "responsedetailcode": 0,
        "responsedetailcodedescription": "Success"
    "reversals": [],
    "options": [
            "key": "Sample-Key1",
            "value": "Sample-Value1"
    "responsecode": 0,
    "responsemessage": "Success",
    "responsedate": "2023-12-21T05:37:55.5411998Z",
    "responsedetail": {
        "responsedetailcode": 10,
        "responsedetaildescription": "None"



  • transferrequestId: The transferrequestId associated with the request, which is part of the URL.
  • PartnerIdentifier: PartnerIdentifier is also required as part of the header since transferrequestId is unique with PartnerIdentifier.

Response Object

  • partnerprogramidentifier: Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
  • transferid: Transfer Id associated with the request.
  • statuscode: code associated with the status.
  • status: Status of the transaction (e.g., Completed, Pending, etc).
  • statusreason: Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like Partner Rejected, System Error, etc.
  • claimcode: claimcode, if any associated with the transaction.
  • claimcodeexpirationdate: claimcode expiration date.
  • source: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
  • destination: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
  • transaction: complex object (Transaction) – see example below.
  • reversals: complex object (Reversals) – see example below.
  • options: array of object (Key/Value Pair) – see example below.
  • responsecode: Response code associated to the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
    • This is not the response code associated to the result of the transaction. To receive response detail information of the transaction, please use the GET/transfers/detailinfo/{transferrequestId} API.
  • responsemessage: Description of the response code returned for the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
  • responsedate: The response date and time
  • responsedetailcode: Detail code associated to the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
    • This is not the detail code associated to the result of the transaction. To receive response detail information of the transaction, please use the GET/transfers/detailinfo/{transferrequestId} API.
  • responsedetailcodedescription: Detailed description of detail code.
partnerprogramidentifierStringMax 100 charactersUnique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
transferidStringMin 2 characters
Max 50 characters
The unique identifier for this transfer. (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af)
statuscodeIntN/ACode related to status
1: Pending
2: Completed
3: Failed
4: Rejected
5: Cancelled
statusStringMax 50 charactersSee the status table above.
statusreasonStringMax 50 charactersDescription of the status, if failed. This gives more details like PendingClaimCodeRedemption, Partner Rejected, System Error etc.
claimcodeStringMax 100 charactersFor Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register
claimexpirationdateDatetimeN/AFor Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires
source: nameStringMax 100 charactersCustomer name
source: idStringMax 100 charactersCustomer linkid
source: detailsStringN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
destination: nameStringMax 100 charactersLink name
destination: idStringMax 100 charactersLink linkid
destination: detailsStringN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
transaction:feesObjectN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
transaction: receipttextStringMax 255 characterse.g. Service provided by Green Dot. 866-795-7597. P.O. Box 5100, Pasadena, CA, 91117-0100. For support, call Fiserv customer support number at xxxxx.
transaction:amountDecimalN/ATransfer amount
transaction:currencyStringMax 3 charactersUSD – US Dollar
transaction:descriptionStringMax 250 charactersTransaction description
transaction:originaltransferidStringMax 100 charactersThe requestId in RequestHeader when calling create claimcode API
transaction:isreversalBoolN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
transaction: transactiondateStringISO 8601Transaction date time of transfer
transaction:lastmodifieddateStringISO 8601Last modified date time of transfer
reversalsArrayN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
responsecodeIntN/ASee the response code & description above (e.g. 0)
responsemessageStringMax 150 charactersSee the response code & description above (e.g. Success)
responsedateDatetimeN/AThe response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z)

GET Request


Sample Success Response

    "fundsavailability": null,
    "partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
    "transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
    "statuscode": 1,
    "status": "Pending",
    "statusreason": "PendingClaimCodeRedemption",
    "claimcode": "ECW03530744",
    "claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
    "source": {
        "name": "Taska Ston",
        "id": "cf42ecba-736c-4082-82ab-99849a6e1be5",
        "details": null
    "destination": {
        "name": "Daall Tinan",
        "id": "4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af",
        "details": null
    "transaction": {
        "retailername": null,
        "fees": null,
        "receipttext": null,
        "amount": 10.0000,
        "currency": "USD",
        "description": "ClaimcodeGenerateDescription",
        "originaltransferid": null,
        "isreversal": false,
        "transactiondate": "2023-12-30T16:00:07.633Z",
        "lastmodifieddate": "2023-12-30T16:00:07.633Z",
        "externalreferenceid": null,
        "responsecode": 0,
        "responsecodedescription": "Success",
        "responsedetailcode": 0,
        "responsedetailcodedescription": "Success"
    "reversals": [],
    "options": [
            "key": "Sample-Key1",
            "value": "Sample-Value1"
    "responsecode": 0,
    "responsemessage": "Success",
    "responsedate": "2023-12-21T05:39:39.2895897Z",
    "responsedetail": {
        "responsedetailcode": 10,
        "responsedetaildescription": "None"



  • transferrequestId: The transferrequestId associated with the request, which is part of the URL.
  • PartnerIdentifier: PartnerIdentifier is also required as part of the header since transferrequestId is unique with PartnerIdentifier.

Response Object

  • partnerprogramidentifier: Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
  • partnername: Partner name associated with partnerprogramidentifier.
  • transferId: Transfer Id associated with the request.
  • externalreferenceid: The transaction reference ID shared with the Card Issuer.
  • transferdetails: Node containing transfer status and responses returned as part of the POST call.
    • status: Status of the transaction (e.g., Completed, Pending, etc).
    • statusreason: Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like Partner Rejected, System Error, etc.
    • responsecode: Response code associated to the Transfer.
    • responsecodedescription: Description associated with the response code.
    • responsedetailcode: Detail code, if one is set-up and defined, associated to Transfer.
    • responsedetailcodedescription: Detail description of detail code.
    • errorinfo: URL to obtain additional information and explanation of errors.
  • responsecode: Response code of the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
  • responsemessage: Response code description associated with response code to the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
  • responsedate: Response date in UTC format.
  • responsedetail: ResponseDetail object of the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
    • responsedetailcode: Response detail code of the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
    • responsedetailcodedescription: Response detail code description associated with the response detail code of the GET/transfers/detailinfo request.
partnerprogramidentifierStringMax 100 charactersUnique ID provided by GD for the given partner program
transferidStringMin 2 characters
Max 50 characters
The unique identifier for this transfer (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af)
externalreferenceidStringMax 50 charactersThe unique transaction reference ID shared with the card issuer
transferdetails: errorinfoStringMax 100 charactersURL to obtain additional information and explanation of errors (e.g.
transferdetails:statusStringMax 50 charactersSee the status table above.
1: Pending
2: Completed
3: Failed
4: Rejected
5: Cancelled
transferdetails:statusreasonStringMax 50 charactersDescription of the status, if failed. This gives more details like PendingClaimCodeRedemption, Partner Rejected, System Error etc.
transferdetails: responsecodeIntN/AResponse code associated to the transfer
transferdetails: responsecodedescriptionStringMax 100 charactersDescription associated with the response code (e.g.
Success = 0
Cancelled = 10
NoRecordFound = 11
LimitExceeded = 80)
transferdetails: responsedetailcodeIntN/ADetail code, if one is set-up and defined, associated to transfer
transferdetails:responsedetailcodedescriptionStringMax 100 charactersDetail description of detail code (e.g.
Success = 0
None = 10
Failed = 40
TransferCancelled = 3600
responsecodeIntN/ASee the response code & description above (e.g. 0)
responsemessageStringMax 150 charactersSee the response code & description above (e.g. Success)
responsedateDatetimeN/AThe response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z)

GET Request


Sample Success Response

    "partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
    "partnername": "Fiserv",
    "transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
    "externalreferenceid": null,
    "transferdetails": {
        "errorinfo": "",
        "status": "Pending",
        "statusreason": "PendingClaimCodeRedemption",
        "responsecode": 0,
        "responsecodedescription": "Success",
        "responsedetailcode": 0,
        "responsedetailcodedescription": "Success"
    "responsecode": 0,
    "responsemessage": "Success",
    "responsedate": "2023-12-21T07:31:44.7081267Z",
    "responsedetail": {
        "responsedetailcode": 10,
        "responsedetaildescription": "None"


Returns transfers for the given customer ID for a given partner identifier (max 25). It can also return with the filter of start and end date.


  • customerid: customer ID associated with the transfer.
  • startdate: optional. It will be in the format mm-dd-yyyy. If start date is provided, end date is mandatory.
  • enddate: optional. It will be in the format mm-dd-yyyy.

Response Object

  • partnerprogramidentifier: Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
  • transferid: identifier associated with the transfer.
  • statuscode: code associated with the status.
  • status: Status of the transaction (e.g., Completed, Pending, etc).
  • statusreason: Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like Partner Rejected, System Error, etc.
  • claimcode: claimcode, if any associated with the transaction.
  • claimcodeexpirationdate: claimcode expiration date.
  • source: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
  • destination: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
  • transaction: complex object (Transaction) – see example below.
  • reversals: complex object (Reversals) – see example below.
  • responsecode: Response code of this API request. It is not the response code for the transaction.
  • responsemessage: Response code description associated with response of this API request.
  • responsedate: Response date in UTC format.
  • responsedetail: ResponseDetail object of this API request. It is not the response detail code of the transaction.
    • responsedetailcode: Response detail code of the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
    • responsedetailcodedescription: Response detail code description associated with response detail code of the GET/transfers/detailinfo request.
partnerprogramidentifierStringMax 100 charactersUnique ID provided by GD for the given partner program
transferidStringMin 2 characters
Max 50 characters
The unique identifier for this transfer (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af)
statuscodeIntN/ACode related to status
1: Pending
2: Completed
3: Failed
4: Rejected
5: Cancelled
statusStringMax 50 charactersSee the status table above
statusreasonStringMax 50 charactersDescription of the status, if failed. This gives more details like PendingClaimCodeRedemption, Partner Rejected, System Error etc.
claimcodeStringMax 100 charactersFor Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register
claimexpirationdateDatetimeN/AFor cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires
source: nameStringMax 100 charactersCustomer name
source: idStringMax 100 charactersCustomer linkid
source: detailsStringN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
destination: nameStringMax 100 charactersLink name
destination: idStringMax 100 charactersLink linkid
destination: detailsStringMax 100 charactersOptional
transaction:retailernameStringN/AStore where the transaction was initiated
transaction:feesObjectN/ANot applicable for Cash transactions
transaction: receipttextStringMax 255 characterse.g. Service provided by Green Dot. 866-795-7597. P.O. Box 5100, Pasadena, CA, 91117-0100. For support, call Fiserv customer support number at xxxxx.
transaction:amountdecimalN/ATransfer amount
transaction:currencyStringMax 3 charactersUSD – US Dollar
transaction:descriptionStringMax 250 charactersTransaction description
transaction:originaltransferidStringMax 100 charactersThe requestId in RequestHeader when calling create claimcode API
transaction:isreversalBoolN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
transaction: transactiondateStringISO 8601Transaction date time of transfer
transaction:lastmodifieddateStringISO 8601Last modified date time of transfer
reversalsArrayN/ANot applicable for cash transactions
responsecodeIntN/ASee the response code & description above (e.g. 0)
responsemessageStringMax 150 charactersSee the response code & description above (e.g. Success)
responsedateDatetimeN/AThe response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z)

GET Request


GET Response

Sample Success Response

    "transfers": [
            "partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
            "transferid": "2e4d803a-1891-4bbc-91c4-e02d392d25fd",
            "statuscode": 5,
            "status": "Cancelled",
            "statusreason": "CancelledByCustomer",
            "claimcode": "ECW04040812",
            "claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Taska Ston",
                "id": "cf42ecba-736c-4082-82ab-99849a6e1be5",
                "details": null
            "destination": {
                "name": "Daall Tinan",
                "id": "4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af",
                "details": null
            "transaction": {
                "retailername": null,
                "fees": [
                        "feeamount": 0.0,
                        "feetype": "Company Paid Fee",
                        "requeststatuskey": null
                        "feeamount": 0.0,
                        "feetype": "Recipient Paid Fee",
                        "requeststatuskey": null
                "receipttext": null,
                "amount": 10.0000,
                "currency": "USD",
                "description": "ClaimcodeGenerate",
                "originaltransferid": null,
                "isreversal": false,
                "transactiondate": "2023-12-20T16:00:07.633Z",
                "lastmodifieddate": "2023-12-20T16:00:07.633Z",
                "externalreferenceid": null,
                "responsecode": null,
                "responsecodedescription": null,
                "responsedetailcode": null,
                "responsedetailcodedescription": null
            "reversals": []
            "partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
            "transferid": "3dbb8c96-a374-44b8-8f68-e54da35532b3",
            "statuscode": 5,
            "status": "Cancelled",
            "statusreason": "CancelledByCustomer",
            "claimcode": "ECW03954122",
            "claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
            "source": {
                "name": "Taska Ston",
                "id": "cf42ecba-736c-4082-82ab-99849a6e1be5",
                "details": null
            "destination": {
                "name": "Daall Tinan",
                "id": "4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af",
                "details": null
            "transaction": {
                "retailername": null,
                "fees": [
                        "feeamount": 0.0,
                        "feetype": "Company Paid Fee",
                        "requeststatuskey": null
                        "feeamount": 0.0,
                        "feetype": "Recipient Paid Fee",
                        "requeststatuskey": null
                "receipttext": null,
                "amount": 10.0000,
                "currency": "USD",
                "description": "ClaimcodeGeneratedescription",
                "originaltransferid": null,
                "isreversal": false,
                "transactiondate": "2023-12-20T16:00:07.633Z",
                "lastmodifieddate": "2023-12-20T16:00:07.633Z",
                "externalreferenceid": null,
                "responsecode": null,
                "responsecodedescription": null,
                "responsedetailcode": null,
                "responsedetailcodedescription": null
            "reversals": []
    "responsecode": 0,
    "responsemessage": "Success",
    "responsedate": "2023-12-21T09:25:18.5250791Z",
    "responsedetail": {
        "responsedetailcode": 10,
        "responsedetaildescription": "None"

POST /transfers/confirm/{transferid}

This API can be used to cancel a claimcode already generated.


  • transferid: The transferid associated with the request, which is part of the URL.
  • actiontype: actiontype is also required as part of the body.
transaction:actiontypestringMax 25 charactersYesValid values is CancelClaimCode

Response Object

  • transferid: The unique identifier for this transfer.
  • status: Completed or Failed.
  • changedate: Last status of the transaction in UTC format.
  • claimcode: Optional. For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register.
  • claimcodeexpiration: Optional. For Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires in UTC format.
  • customerfee: The customer fee.
  • retailcommission: The retail commission .
  • partnername: The partner name.
  • receipttext: Receipt Text.
  • responsecode: See the response code & description below.
  • responsemessage: See the response code & description below.
  • responsedate: The response date and time.
  • responsedetail: Detail code associated to the POST /transfers/confirm/{transferid} API response.
transferidStringMin 2 characters
Max 50 characters
The unique identifier for this transfer (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af)
statusStringMax 50 charactersCompleted or Failed or Null
changedateDatetimeN/ALast status of the transaction in UTC format
claimcodeStringMax 100 charactersFor Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register
claimexpirationdateDatetimeN/AFor cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires
customerfeeDecimalN/ANot applicable for Cash transactions
retailcommissionDecimalN/AThe retailer’s commission
partnernameStringN/AThe partner’s name
receipttextStringMax 150 charactersReceipt text
responsecodeIntN/ASee the response code & description above (e.g. 0)
responsemessageStringMax 150 charactersSee the response code & description above (e.g. Success)
responsedateDatetimeN/AThe response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z)

GET Request

Sample /transfers/confirm/64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2 Request

    "transaction": {

GET Response

Sample Response (Success)

    "transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
    "status": null,
    "changedate": "2023-12-20T17:28:18.883Z",
    "claimcode": "ECW03530744",
    "claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
    "customerfee": 0.0,
    "retailcommission": 0.0,
    "partnername": null,
    "receipttext": null,
    "responsecode": 0,
    "responsemessage": "Success",
    "responsedate": "2023-12-21T09:28:19.9159506Z",
    "responsedetail": {
        "responsedetailcode": 0,
        "responsedetaildescription": "Success"

Sample Response (Error)

	"errors": [{
		"errorcode": "1310",
		"errordescription": “Invalid TransferId"