POST /transfers/{transferId}
Creates a transfer request to move funds from a source link to a destination link. The transferId is optional. If transferId is not passed, the Disbursement Platform will create one. The partner generated transferId must be unique for a given partner program and meet the following format criteria:
- Length = 6-40 and allowable characters include alphanumeric and , - _ ~
The transfer status can be in one of the following statuses. The status of a transfer can be retrieved by checking Status on the response object of GET /transfers/ TransferID.
Status | Description |
Pending | The transfer request is pending, and the funds have NOT been deposited to the recipient |
Completed | The transfer request is complete, and the funds have been deposited to the recipient |
Failed | The transfer request failed, and the funds have NOT been deposited to the recipient |
Rejected | The transfer request is rejected, and the funds have NOT been deposited to the recipient |
Cancelled | The transfer request is cancelled by customer or GD expiration job, and the funds have NOT been deposited to the recipient |
Field | Type | Format | Required | Description |
transferobjects:sourceuri | String | Max 255 characters | Yes | The LinkURI of the funding source |
transferobjects:destinationuri | String | Max 255 characters | Yes | The LinkURI of the destination |
transaction:amount | String | Max 8 characters (99999.99) | Yes | Amount to be transferred |
transaction:currency | String | Max 3 characters | Yes | USD – US Dollar |
transaction:description | String | Max 250 characters | No | Optional transaction description |
transaction:transactiondate | String | ISO 8601 | Yes | Transaction date time of transfer |
options | String | Array of key/value pair | No | Array of Key/Value pair that partner can use to pass any special options for the transfer |
retailer:retailerkey | String | Max 5 characters | Conditional | Retailer object is mandatory for POS transactions Retailer identifier for this transaction (Provided by Green Dot). This field is Mandatory if retailer complex object is passed with a non-null value |
retailer:storenumber | String | Max 50 characters | No | Store number or Store ID of the retailer where the transaction was initiated |
retailer:terminalid | String | Max 10 characters | No | Register/Terminal ID of the POS system where the transaction was initiated |
retailer:statecode | String | Max 2 characters | No | State where the transaction was initiated |
retailer:storename | String | Max 50 characters | No | Store where the transaction was initiated |
- transferid: The unique identifier for this transfer.
- status: See the status table above.
- claimcode: Optional. For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register.
- claimexpirationdate: Optional. For Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires.
- fees: Complex object. See example below.
- allowedamount: Maximum amount allowed for this transfer.
- fundsavailability: Funds availability can conditionally be any one of the following:
- externalreferenceid: The transaction reference ID shared with the Card Issuer.
- responsecode: Response code associated to the Transfer.
- If 0 – Success, refer to transaction status to confirm is ‘Completed’ or ‘Pending.’
- If not 0 – Success, it provides the code explaining why transaction failed.
- responsemessage: Description of response code.
- responsedate: The response date and time.
- responsedetailcode: Detail code associated to Transfer Request.
- responsedetailcodedescription: Detail description of detail code.
Field | Type | Format | Description |
transferid | String | Min 2 characters Max 50 characters | The unique identifier for this transfer (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af) |
status | String | Max 50 characters | See the status table above |
claimcode | String | Max 100 characters | For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register |
claimexpirationdate | Datetime | N/A | For Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires |
fees | Object | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
allowedamount | Decimal | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
fundsavailability | String | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
externalreferenceid | String | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
responsecode | Int | N/A | See the response code & description above (e.g. 0) |
responsemessage | String | Max 150 characters | See the response code & description above (e.g. Success) |
responsedate | Datetime | N/A | The response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z) |
Sample Request
Creates a transfer request from source to destination.
"transferobjects": {
"sourceuri": "",
"destinationuri": ""
"transaction": {
"amount": "10",
"currency": "USD",
"description": "ClaimcodeGenerateDescription",
"transactiondate": "2023-11-11T16:00:07.633Z"
"options": [
"key": "Sample-Key1",
"value": "Sample-Value1"
Sample Response (Success)
"transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
"status": "Pending",
"claimcode": "ECW03530744",
"claimexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
"fees": null,
"allowedamount": null,
"fundsavailability": null,
"externalreferenceid": null,
"responsecode": 0,
"responsemessage": "Success",
"responsedate": "2023-12-21T01:50:14.1384565Z",
"responsedetail": {
"responsedetailcode": 0,
"responsedetaildescription": "Success"
Sample Response (Error)
"errors": [{
"errorcode": "1250",
"errordescription": "Invalid Currency Type was specified"
Response Object
- partnerprogramidentifier: Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
- transferid: Transfer Id associated with the request.
- statuscode: code associated with the status.
- status: Status of the transaction. Possible statues are included below.
Status | Description |
1 | Pending |
2 | Completed |
3 | Failed |
4 | Rejected |
5 | Cancelled |
- statusreason: Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like Partner Rejected, System Error etc.
- claimcode: claimcode, if any, associated with the transaction.
- claimcodeexpirationdate: claimcode expiration date.
- source: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
- destination: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
- transaction: complex object (Transaction) – see example below.
- reversals: complex object (Reversals) – see example below.
- options: array of object (Key/Value Pair) – see example below.
- responsecode: Response code associated to the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
- This is not the response code associated to the result of the transaction. To receive response detail information of the transaction, please use the GET/transfers/detailinfo/{transferrequestId} API.
- responsemessage: Description of the response code returned for the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
- responsedate: The response date and time.
- responsedetailcode: Detail code associated to the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
- This is not the detail code associated to the result of the transaction. To receive response detail information of the transaction, please use the GET/transfers/detailinfo/{transferrequestId} API.
- responsedetailcodedescription: Detailed description of response code.
Field | Type | Format | Description |
partnerprogramidentifier | String | Max 100 characters | Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program. |
transferid | String | Min 2 characters Max 50 characters | The unique identifier for this transfer. (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af) |
statuscode | Int | N/A | Code related to status 1: Pending 2: Completed 3: Failed 4: Rejected 5: Cancelled |
status | String | Max 50 characters | See the status table above |
statusreason | String | Max 50 characters | Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like PendingClaimCodeRedemption, Partner Rejected, System Error etc |
claimcode | String | Max 100 characters | For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register |
claimexpirationdate | Datetime | N/A | For Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires |
source: name | String | Max 100 characters | Customer name |
source: id | String | Max 100 characters | Customer linkid |
source: details | String | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
destination: name | String | Max 100 characters | Link name |
destination: id | String | Max 100 characters | Link linkid |
destination: details | String | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
transaction:retailername | String | Max 50 characters | Store where the transaction was initiated |
transaction:fees | Object | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
transaction: receipttext | String | Max 255 characters | e.g. Service provided by Green Dot. 866-795-7597. P.O. Box 5100, Pasadena, CA, 91117-0100. For support, call Fiserv customer support number at xxxxx. |
transaction:amount | decimal | N/A | Transfer amount |
transaction:currency | String | Max 3 characters | USD – US Dollar |
transaction:description | String | Max 250 characters | Transaction description |
transaction:originaltransferid | String | Max 100 characters | The requestId in RequestHeader when calling create claimcode API |
transaction:isreversal | Bool | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
transaction: transactiondate | String | ISO 8601 | Transaction date time of transfer |
transaction:lastmodifieddate | String | ISO 8601 | Last modified date time of transfer |
transaction:externalreferenceid | String | N/A | Not applicable for Cash transactions |
reversals | Array | N/A | Not applicable for Cash transactions |
responsecode | Int | N/A | See the response code & description above (e.g. 0) |
responsemessage | String | Max 150 characters | See the response code & description above (e.g. Success) |
responsedate | Datetime | N/A | The response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z) |
GET Request
Sample Success Response
"partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
"transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
"statuscode": 1,
"status": "Pending",
"statusreason": "PendingClaimCodeRedemption",
"claimcode": "ECW03530744",
"claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
"source": {
"name": "Taska Ston",
"id": "cf42ecba-736c-4082-82ab-99849a6e1be5",
"details": null
"destination": {
"name": "Daall Tinan",
"id": "4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af",
"details": null
"transaction": {
"retailername": null,
"fees": null,
"receipttext": null,
"amount": 10.0000,
"currency": "USD",
"description": "ClaimcodeGenerateDescription",
"originaltransferid": null,
"isreversal": false,
"transactiondate": "2023-12-30T16:00:07.633Z",
"lastmodifieddate": "2023-12-20T09:50:13.297Z",
"externalreferenceid": null,
"responsecode": 0,
"responsecodedescription": "Success",
"responsedetailcode": 0,
"responsedetailcodedescription": "Success"
"reversals": [],
"options": [
"key": "Sample-Key1",
"value": "Sample-Value1"
"responsecode": 0,
"responsemessage": "Success",
"responsedate": "2023-12-21T05:37:55.5411998Z",
"responsedetail": {
"responsedetailcode": 10,
"responsedetaildescription": "None"
- transferrequestId: The transferrequestId associated with the request, which is part of the URL.
- PartnerIdentifier: PartnerIdentifier is also required as part of the header since transferrequestId is unique with PartnerIdentifier.
Response Object
- partnerprogramidentifier: Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
- transferid: Transfer Id associated with the request.
- statuscode: code associated with the status.
- status: Status of the transaction (e.g., Completed, Pending, etc).
Status | Description |
1 | Pending |
2 | Completed |
3 | Failed |
4 | Rejected |
5 | Cancelled |
- statusreason: Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like Partner Rejected, System Error, etc.
- claimcode: claimcode, if any associated with the transaction.
- claimcodeexpirationdate: claimcode expiration date.
- source: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
- destination: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
- transaction: complex object (Transaction) – see example below.
- reversals: complex object (Reversals) – see example below.
- options: array of object (Key/Value Pair) – see example below.
- responsecode: Response code associated to the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
- This is not the response code associated to the result of the transaction. To receive response detail information of the transaction, please use the GET/transfers/detailinfo/{transferrequestId} API.
- responsemessage: Description of the response code returned for the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
- responsedate: The response date and time
- responsedetailcode: Detail code associated to the GET/transfers/{transferId} API response.
- This is not the detail code associated to the result of the transaction. To receive response detail information of the transaction, please use the GET/transfers/detailinfo/{transferrequestId} API.
- responsedetailcodedescription: Detailed description of detail code.
Field | Type | Format | Description |
partnerprogramidentifier | String | Max 100 characters | Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program. |
transferid | String | Min 2 characters Max 50 characters | The unique identifier for this transfer. (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af) |
statuscode | Int | N/A | Code related to status 1: Pending 2: Completed 3: Failed 4: Rejected 5: Cancelled |
status | String | Max 50 characters | See the status table above. |
statusreason | String | Max 50 characters | Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like PendingClaimCodeRedemption, Partner Rejected, System Error etc. |
claimcode | String | Max 100 characters | For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register |
claimexpirationdate | Datetime | N/A | For Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires |
source: name | String | Max 100 characters | Customer name |
source: id | String | Max 100 characters | Customer linkid |
source: details | String | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
destination: name | String | Max 100 characters | Link name |
destination: id | String | Max 100 characters | Link linkid |
destination: details | String | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
transaction:retailername | String | N/A | N/A |
transaction:fees | Object | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
transaction: receipttext | String | Max 255 characters | e.g. Service provided by Green Dot. 866-795-7597. P.O. Box 5100, Pasadena, CA, 91117-0100. For support, call Fiserv customer support number at xxxxx. |
transaction:amount | Decimal | N/A | Transfer amount |
transaction:currency | String | Max 3 characters | USD – US Dollar |
transaction:description | String | Max 250 characters | Transaction description |
transaction:originaltransferid | String | Max 100 characters | The requestId in RequestHeader when calling create claimcode API |
transaction:isreversal | Bool | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
transaction: transactiondate | String | ISO 8601 | Transaction date time of transfer |
transaction:lastmodifieddate | String | ISO 8601 | Last modified date time of transfer |
transaction:externalreferenceid | String | N/A | N/A |
reversals | Array | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
responsecode | Int | N/A | See the response code & description above (e.g. 0) |
responsemessage | String | Max 150 characters | See the response code & description above (e.g. Success) |
responsedate | Datetime | N/A | The response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z) |
GET Request
Sample Success Response
"fundsavailability": null,
"partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
"transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
"statuscode": 1,
"status": "Pending",
"statusreason": "PendingClaimCodeRedemption",
"claimcode": "ECW03530744",
"claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
"source": {
"name": "Taska Ston",
"id": "cf42ecba-736c-4082-82ab-99849a6e1be5",
"details": null
"destination": {
"name": "Daall Tinan",
"id": "4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af",
"details": null
"transaction": {
"retailername": null,
"fees": null,
"receipttext": null,
"amount": 10.0000,
"currency": "USD",
"description": "ClaimcodeGenerateDescription",
"originaltransferid": null,
"isreversal": false,
"transactiondate": "2023-12-30T16:00:07.633Z",
"lastmodifieddate": "2023-12-30T16:00:07.633Z",
"externalreferenceid": null,
"responsecode": 0,
"responsecodedescription": "Success",
"responsedetailcode": 0,
"responsedetailcodedescription": "Success"
"reversals": [],
"options": [
"key": "Sample-Key1",
"value": "Sample-Value1"
"responsecode": 0,
"responsemessage": "Success",
"responsedate": "2023-12-21T05:39:39.2895897Z",
"responsedetail": {
"responsedetailcode": 10,
"responsedetaildescription": "None"
- transferrequestId: The transferrequestId associated with the request, which is part of the URL.
- PartnerIdentifier: PartnerIdentifier is also required as part of the header since transferrequestId is unique with PartnerIdentifier.
Response Object
- partnerprogramidentifier: Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
- partnername: Partner name associated with partnerprogramidentifier.
- transferId: Transfer Id associated with the request.
- externalreferenceid: The transaction reference ID shared with the Card Issuer.
- transferdetails: Node containing transfer status and responses returned as part of the POST call.
- status: Status of the transaction (e.g., Completed, Pending, etc).
- statusreason: Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like Partner Rejected, System Error, etc.
- responsecode: Response code associated to the Transfer.
- responsecodedescription: Description associated with the response code.
- responsedetailcode: Detail code, if one is set-up and defined, associated to Transfer.
- responsedetailcodedescription: Detail description of detail code.
- errorinfo: URL to obtain additional information and explanation of errors.
- responsecode: Response code of the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
- responsemessage: Response code description associated with response code to the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
- responsedate: Response date in UTC format.
- responsedetail: ResponseDetail object of the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
- responsedetailcode: Response detail code of the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
- responsedetailcodedescription: Response detail code description associated with the response detail code of the GET/transfers/detailinfo request.
Field | Type | Format | Description |
partnerprogramidentifier | String | Max 100 characters | Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program |
transferid | String | Min 2 characters Max 50 characters | The unique identifier for this transfer (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af) |
externalreferenceid | String | Max 50 characters | The unique transaction reference ID shared with the card issuer |
transferdetails: errorinfo | String | Max 100 characters | URL to obtain additional information and explanation of errors (e.g. |
transferdetails:status | String | Max 50 characters | See the status table above. 1: Pending 2: Completed 3: Failed 4: Rejected 5: Cancelled |
transferdetails:statusreason | String | Max 50 characters | Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like PendingClaimCodeRedemption, Partner Rejected, System Error etc. |
transferdetails: responsecode | Int | N/A | Response code associated to the transfer |
transferdetails: responsecodedescription | String | Max 100 characters | Description associated with the response code (e.g. Success = 0 Cancelled = 10 NoRecordFound = 11 LimitExceeded = 80) |
transferdetails: responsedetailcode | Int | N/A | Detail code, if one is set-up and defined, associated to transfer |
transferdetails:responsedetailcodedescription | String | Max 100 characters | Detail description of detail code (e.g. Success = 0 None = 10 Failed = 40 ExceedsVelocityLimit=3079 TransferCancelled = 3600 ) |
responsecode | Int | N/A | See the response code & description above (e.g. 0) |
responsemessage | String | Max 150 characters | See the response code & description above (e.g. Success) |
responsedate | Datetime | N/A | The response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z) |
GET Request
Sample Success Response
"partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
"partnername": "Fiserv",
"transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
"externalreferenceid": null,
"transferdetails": {
"errorinfo": "",
"status": "Pending",
"statusreason": "PendingClaimCodeRedemption",
"responsecode": 0,
"responsecodedescription": "Success",
"responsedetailcode": 0,
"responsedetailcodedescription": "Success"
"responsecode": 0,
"responsemessage": "Success",
"responsedate": "2023-12-21T07:31:44.7081267Z",
"responsedetail": {
"responsedetailcode": 10,
"responsedetaildescription": "None"
Returns transfers for the given customer ID for a given partner identifier (max 25). It can also return with the filter of start and end date.
- customerid: customer ID associated with the transfer.
- startdate: optional. It will be in the format mm-dd-yyyy. If start date is provided, end date is mandatory.
- enddate: optional. It will be in the format mm-dd-yyyy.
Response Object
- partnerprogramidentifier: Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program.
- transferid: identifier associated with the transfer.
- statuscode: code associated with the status.
Status | Description |
1 | Pending |
2 | Completed |
3 | Failed |
4 | Rejected |
5 | Cancelled |
- status: Status of the transaction (e.g., Completed, Pending, etc).
- statusreason: Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like Partner Rejected, System Error, etc.
- claimcode: claimcode, if any associated with the transaction.
- claimcodeexpirationdate: claimcode expiration date.
- source: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
- destination: complex object (TransferEntity) – see example below.
- transaction: complex object (Transaction) – see example below.
- reversals: complex object (Reversals) – see example below.
- responsecode: Response code of this API request. It is not the response code for the transaction.
- responsemessage: Response code description associated with response of this API request.
- responsedate: Response date in UTC format.
- responsedetail: ResponseDetail object of this API request. It is not the response detail code of the transaction.
- responsedetailcode: Response detail code of the GET /transfers/detailinfo request.
- responsedetailcodedescription: Response detail code description associated with response detail code of the GET/transfers/detailinfo request.
Field | Type | Format | Description |
partnerprogramidentifier | String | Max 100 characters | Unique ID provided by GD for the given partner program |
transferid | String | Min 2 characters Max 50 characters | The unique identifier for this transfer (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af) |
statuscode | Int | N/A | Code related to status 1: Pending 2: Completed 3: Failed 4: Rejected 5: Cancelled |
status | String | Max 50 characters | See the status table above |
statusreason | String | Max 50 characters | Description of the status, if failed. This gives more details like PendingClaimCodeRedemption, Partner Rejected, System Error etc. |
claimcode | String | Max 100 characters | For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register |
claimexpirationdate | Datetime | N/A | For cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires |
source: name | String | Max 100 characters | Customer name |
source: id | String | Max 100 characters | Customer linkid |
source: details | String | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
destination: name | String | Max 100 characters | Link name |
destination: id | String | Max 100 characters | Link linkid |
destination: details | String | Max 100 characters | Optional |
transaction:retailername | String | N/A | Store where the transaction was initiated |
transaction:fees | Object | N/A | Not applicable for Cash transactions |
transaction: receipttext | String | Max 255 characters | e.g. Service provided by Green Dot. 866-795-7597. P.O. Box 5100, Pasadena, CA, 91117-0100. For support, call Fiserv customer support number at xxxxx. |
transaction:amount | decimal | N/A | Transfer amount |
transaction:currency | String | Max 3 characters | USD – US Dollar |
transaction:description | String | Max 250 characters | Transaction description |
transaction:originaltransferid | String | Max 100 characters | The requestId in RequestHeader when calling create claimcode API |
transaction:isreversal | Bool | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
transaction: transactiondate | String | ISO 8601 | Transaction date time of transfer |
transaction:lastmodifieddate | String | ISO 8601 | Last modified date time of transfer |
transaction:externalreferenceid | String | N/A | Optional |
reversals | Array | N/A | Not applicable for cash transactions |
responsecode | Int | N/A | See the response code & description above (e.g. 0) |
responsemessage | String | Max 150 characters | See the response code & description above (e.g. Success) |
responsedate | Datetime | N/A | The response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z) |
GET Request
GET Response
Sample Success Response
"transfers": [
"partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
"transferid": "2e4d803a-1891-4bbc-91c4-e02d392d25fd",
"statuscode": 5,
"status": "Cancelled",
"statusreason": "CancelledByCustomer",
"claimcode": "ECW04040812",
"claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
"source": {
"name": "Taska Ston",
"id": "cf42ecba-736c-4082-82ab-99849a6e1be5",
"details": null
"destination": {
"name": "Daall Tinan",
"id": "4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af",
"details": null
"transaction": {
"retailername": null,
"fees": [
"feeamount": 0.0,
"feetype": "Company Paid Fee",
"requeststatuskey": null
"feeamount": 0.0,
"feetype": "Recipient Paid Fee",
"requeststatuskey": null
"receipttext": null,
"amount": 10.0000,
"currency": "USD",
"description": "ClaimcodeGenerate",
"originaltransferid": null,
"isreversal": false,
"transactiondate": "2023-12-20T16:00:07.633Z",
"lastmodifieddate": "2023-12-20T16:00:07.633Z",
"externalreferenceid": null,
"responsecode": null,
"responsecodedescription": null,
"responsedetailcode": null,
"responsedetailcodedescription": null
"reversals": []
"partnerprogramidentifier": "FiservCashOut",
"transferid": "3dbb8c96-a374-44b8-8f68-e54da35532b3",
"statuscode": 5,
"status": "Cancelled",
"statusreason": "CancelledByCustomer",
"claimcode": "ECW03954122",
"claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
"source": {
"name": "Taska Ston",
"id": "cf42ecba-736c-4082-82ab-99849a6e1be5",
"details": null
"destination": {
"name": "Daall Tinan",
"id": "4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af",
"details": null
"transaction": {
"retailername": null,
"fees": [
"feeamount": 0.0,
"feetype": "Company Paid Fee",
"requeststatuskey": null
"feeamount": 0.0,
"feetype": "Recipient Paid Fee",
"requeststatuskey": null
"receipttext": null,
"amount": 10.0000,
"currency": "USD",
"description": "ClaimcodeGeneratedescription",
"originaltransferid": null,
"isreversal": false,
"transactiondate": "2023-12-20T16:00:07.633Z",
"lastmodifieddate": "2023-12-20T16:00:07.633Z",
"externalreferenceid": null,
"responsecode": null,
"responsecodedescription": null,
"responsedetailcode": null,
"responsedetailcodedescription": null
"reversals": []
"responsecode": 0,
"responsemessage": "Success",
"responsedate": "2023-12-21T09:25:18.5250791Z",
"responsedetail": {
"responsedetailcode": 10,
"responsedetaildescription": "None"
POST /transfers/confirm/{transferid}
This API can be used to cancel a claimcode already generated.
- transferid: The transferid associated with the request, which is part of the URL.
- actiontype: actiontype is also required as part of the body.
Field | Type | Format | Required | Description |
transaction:actiontype | string | Max 25 characters | Yes | Valid values is CancelClaimCode |
Response Object
- transferid: The unique identifier for this transfer.
- status: Completed or Failed.
- changedate: Last status of the transaction in UTC format.
- claimcode: Optional. For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register.
- claimcodeexpiration: Optional. For Cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires in UTC format.
- customerfee: The customer fee.
- retailcommission: The retail commission .
- partnername: The partner name.
- receipttext: Receipt Text.
- responsecode: See the response code & description below.
- responsemessage: See the response code & description below.
- responsedate: The response date and time.
- responsedetail: Detail code associated to the POST /transfers/confirm/{transferid} API response.
Field | Type | Format | Description |
transferid | String | Min 2 characters Max 50 characters | The unique identifier for this transfer (e.g. 4a46c1ba-d5f0-4c04-b84d-6bd481afd4af) |
status | String | Max 50 characters | Completed or Failed or Null |
changedate | Datetime | N/A | Last status of the transaction in UTC format |
claimcode | String | Max 100 characters | For Cash transactions, the recipient will use this claim code to claim cash at the register |
claimexpirationdate | Datetime | N/A | For cash transactions, the date and time the claim code expires |
customerfee | Decimal | N/A | Not applicable for Cash transactions |
retailcommission | Decimal | N/A | The retailer’s commission |
partnername | String | N/A | The partner’s name |
receipttext | String | Max 150 characters | Receipt text |
responsecode | Int | N/A | See the response code & description above (e.g. 0) |
responsemessage | String | Max 150 characters | See the response code & description above (e.g. Success) |
responsedate | Datetime | N/A | The response date and time (e.g. 2023-11-26T08:28:34.6348002Z) |
GET Request
Sample /transfers/confirm/64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2 Request
"transaction": {
GET Response
Sample Response (Success)
"transferid": "64357f08-f442-4725-b6ae-0447e4ee9bb2",
"status": null,
"changedate": "2023-12-20T17:28:18.883Z",
"claimcode": "ECW03530744",
"claimcodeexpirationdate": "2023-12-30T16:00:00Z",
"customerfee": 0.0,
"retailcommission": 0.0,
"partnername": null,
"receipttext": null,
"responsecode": 0,
"responsemessage": "Success",
"responsedate": "2023-12-21T09:28:19.9159506Z",
"responsedetail": {
"responsedetailcode": 0,
"responsedetaildescription": "Success"
Sample Response (Error)
"errors": [{
"errorcode": "1310",
"errordescription": “Invalid TransferId"
Updated 12 months ago