
Environments, Authentication, and Codes

API Environments


DNS NAMEActual EnvironmentPublic IP Address
partners.greendotonline.comPROD66.116.101.64 /26 /22
Or port 443 port 443 port 443


DNS NAMEActual Environment

NOTE: The DNS name and Actual environment names do not match.

Development Environment Settings

Green Dot Development & Testing Environment URL

Green Dot Development & Testing Environment Host File Settings

DNS NAMEActual EnvironmentPublic IP Address

Note: For the production environment, there is no need to add HOSTS file entries.

About API Authentication

  • The services will be hosted in an environment which is IP restricted. Only authorized partners will have access to this service.
  • The payload will be encrypted in the SSL environment.
  • A secret key/token will be shared between GDN and the partner. Please contact Green Dot development team for the secret key/token
  • Individual data elements like CustomerID will be sent as plain text.

Header Information

The GDN APIs use the following headers.

x-gdn-timestampYesTimestamp in http header is using the pattern [YYYY]- [MM]- [DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss][time zone] that preserves time zone information and complies with ISO 8601.
The time zone component is an offset from UTC (for example, +01:00, -07:00).
The time zone component uses ‘Z’ (which stands for zero offset) to represent UTC.
Timestamp string without time zone component is assumed to be UTC.
Example: 202005-22T03:07:53Z
x-gdn-signatureYesSignature of the message (see API Authentication section below)
1-Digital Signature
x-gdn-sessionidNoThe Transaction Session ID (for future use).
x-gdn-messageidYesThe unique Transaction ID
x-gdn-deviceidNoThe Device ID of the client making the API call(for future use).
1- mobile
2- desktop
x-gdn-ipaddressYesThe IP Address of the client making the API call
x-gdn-latitudeNoLatitude of the client device/browser making the API call.
x-gdn-longitudeNoLongitude of the client device/browser making the API call.
x-gdn-programnumberYesProgram number assigned by Green Dot

Common Response Fields

The following common response fields are used in the GDN APIs.

partner_transaction_referenceStringTransactionReference of the partner if the partner passes this information.
gd_transaction_referenceStringThe Unique reference that Green Dot generated for this transaction.
gd_response_codeIntRefer to Response Codes.
gd_response_messageStringCustom text describing the success or failure of the API.
gd_response_dateDateTimeThe Response date time in UTC.

Common Response Codes

Following are the GDN response codes and their displayed descriptions for the GDN client messages.

DescriptionDescriptionClient Message
00Returned if request completed successfully.Success
01Returned if any parameter is invalid or missing.Parameter – Invalid
02Returned if partner identifier [PartnerCode] is invalid.Processor – Invalid
03Returned if the RequestID is the exact same as another request.Duplicate Request
04Returned if BIN/program is invalid.Program – Invalid
05Returned if BIN/program is blocked.Program – Blocked
06Returned if Payment type is invalid for the corresponding Program.Payment Type- Invalid
20Returned if account is invalid.Account – Invalid
22Returned if account is closed.Account – Closed
23Returned if account is not reloadable.Account - Not Reloadable
24Returned if account is expired.Account – Expired
25Returned if account is lost or stolen.Account - Lost/Stolen
26Returned if account is not active.Account - Not Active
27Returned if account is blocked by Partner.Account - Blocked by Partner
28Returned if account is blocked by Green Dot.Account - Blocked by Green Dot
39Returned if total amount transacted by customer is not in the per transaction limit range.Invalid Per Transaction Green Dot Program Limit Amount
40Returned if total amount transacted by customer exceeded retailer daily limits.Exceeds Daily Retailer Limits
41Returned if total number of transactions performed by customer exceeded Green Dot's daily limits.Exceeds Daily Green Dot Program Limits – Count
42Returned if total amount transacted by customer exceeded Green Dot's daily limits.Exceeds Daily Green Dot Program Limits – Amount
43Returned if total number of transactions performed by customer exceeded Green Dot's weekly limits.Exceeds Weekly Green Dot Program Limits – Count
44Returned if total amount transacted by customer exceeded Green Dot's weekly limits.Exceeds Weekly Green Dot Program Limits – Amount
45Returned if total number of transactions performed by customer exceeded Green Dot's monthly limits.Exceeds Monthly Green Dot Program Limits – Count
46Returned if total amount transacted by customer exceeded Green Dot's monthly limits.Exceeds Monthly Green Dot Program Limits - Amount
47Returned if transaction amount is invalid.Invalid Amount – Either Does Not Meet Minimum or Exceeds Maximum Amount.
48Returned if total number of transactions performed by customer exceeded Partner's daily count limits.Exceeds Partner Daily Load Limits - Count
49Returned if total amount transacted by customer exceeded Partner's daily amount limits.Exceeds Partner Daily Load Limits - Amount
50Returned if total amount transacted by customer exceeded maximum account balance.Exceeds Max Account Balance
51Returned if total number of web attempts performed by customer from the same IP exceeds Green Dot’s LimitsExceeds IP Audit Limit
52Returned if the ANI or customer’s phone number is black listed in Green Dot’s systemANI – Blocked by Green Dot
53Returned if total number of transactions performed by customer exceeded Partner's weekly count limits.Exceeds Partner Weekly Load Limits - Count
54Returned if total amount transacted by customer exceeded Partner's weekly amount limits.Exceeds Partner Weekly Load Limits - Amount
55Returned if total number of transactions performed by customer exceeded Partner's monthly count limits.Exceeds Partner Monthly Load Limits - Count
56Returned if total amount transacted by customer exceeded Partner's monthly amount limits.Exceeds Partner Monthly Load Limits - Amount
60Returned if MoneyPak number is invalid.MoneyPak - Invalid
61Returned if MoneyPak status is not active.MoneyPak Status - Invalid
63Returned if MoneyPak is blocked by Green Dot.MoneyPak - Blocked
64Returned if MoneyPak is already consumed.MoneyPak - Consumed
65Returned if MoneyPak is partially used.MoneyPak - Insufficient Fund
66Returned if there is a funding delay on MoneyPak.MoneyPak Funding Delay
98Returned if original transaction amount loaded to customer’s account cannot be reversed as full amount is not available.Unable to Void – Already Posted, Full Amount Not Available
99Reserved ONLY for system errors.Please use the appropriate error codes above to report any transactional errors.Non-Successful – Unspecified
-999Internally generated by Green Dot if no response is received for the API Request from Partner in a pre-defined time period OR Partner can return this response code in a use case where an AuthVoid or AuthCommit should be re-tried. This response code will result in a re-try for AuthVoid and AuthCommit only.Timeout
111111111Success but the oldest barcode will be cancelledThe oldest barcode will be cancelled
351000001This is an invalid barcodeInvalid barcode
351000015This is an invalid ProgramInvalid X_GDN_Program_Number
351000016The retailer is invalidgd_retailer_key is invalid or empty
351000017The time stamp is invalidInvalid X_GDN_TimeStamp or Expired
351000018Invalid Parameter. i.e. One or more of required fields are null or emptyFIELDNAME cannot be empty Ex: sender_first_name cannot be empty
351000019Invalid Signature DigestInvalid X_GDN_Signature
351000021The Start date is not in valid date format (yyyy-mm-dd) or start date > current dateInvalid start_date
351000022The end date is not in valid date format (yyyy-mm-dd)Invalid end_date
351000023Start date > End dateInvalid Date Range. start_date should not be greater than end_date
351000025Missing Required Header FieldsMissing Required Header Fields
351000026Encryption Type Not SupportedEncryption type not supported
351000027Invalid Device TypeInvalid X_GDN_DeviceType
351000028Invalid Channel TypeInvalid X_GDN_ChannelType
351000029GDFN Load Limits ExceededGDFN load limits are exceeded
351000030Barcode Velocity Limits ExceededBarcode velocity limits are exceeded
351000031Invalid Zip CodeInvalid Zip Code
351000032Error Occurred in Get Zip Code LocationError Occurred in Get Zip Code Location
351000033Error Occurred in Get StoreError Occurred in Get Store
351000034Invalid Page NumberInvalid Page Number
351000035Invalid LatitudeInvalid Latitude
351000036Invalid LongitudeInvalid Longitude
351000037Invalid Service TypeInvalid Service Type
351000038Invalid Count NumberInvalid Count Number
351000039Count Number Exceed MaximumCount Number Exceed Maximum
351000040The Given Barcode Amount is less than GDFN's user limitsAmount is less than the minimum transaction amount
351000041The Given Barcode Amount is more than GDFN's user limitsAmount is more than the maximum transaction amount
351000042Barcode not foundBarcode Id not found
351000044Invalid encryption typeInvalid encryption type
351000045Invalid gd_barcode_typeInvalid gd_barcode_type
351000046If sender_email does not support email formatInvalid sender_email
351000047If sender_phone does not support phone number formatInvalid sender_phone
351000048If recipient_email does not support email formatInvalid recipient_email
351000049If recipient_phone does not support phone number formatInvalid recipient_phone
999999999System ErrorSystem Error

HTTP Response Codes

Following is a complete list of the response codes that the application needs to return for requests. In the event of network or infrastructure issues, the infrastructure may return other response codes.

HTTP Response CodesDescription
200 OKThe request was completed successfully.
400 BAD REQUESTGeneral error when the request could not be fulfilled due to problems such as validation errors, missing required data, etc.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDError code response for a missing or invalid authentication token.
404 NOT FOUNDThe requested resource is not found. For example, the PAN is not found or the card is expired.

Error Codes

Error response messages contain the following parameters.

Error CodeError Description
ACCOUNT_EXPIREDAccount expired
ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDAccount not found
AUTHORIZATION_FAILEDAuthorization failed
GATEWAY_TIMEOUTGateway timeout
ACCOUNT_BLOCKEDAccount blocked


Green Dot hosted -- Green Dot is hosting the API.

Green Dot Initiated -- Green Dot initiates the request.

Partner hosted -- Partner is hosting the API.

Partner Initiated -- Partner initiates the request.

PULL -- Partner is sending the request to Green Dot.

PUSH -- Green Dot is sending the request to the partner.