Webhooks can be used to provide event notifications.
The BaaS platform provides a means for users to receive event notifications at an endpoint hosted by the Partner. Because there are several different transaction events, it is important for the Partner to understand these different events to better understand how to develop against the API.
A Webhook (also referred to as Publish Notifications or PNs) is a messaging mechanism that enables the Partner to receive event notifications as they occur. The BaaS platform sends these event notifications to a webhook endpoint (URL). This endpoint is provided and hosted by the Partner in their environment. The Partner’s environment must be configured to receive and process event notifications. Partner endpoints are configured per event type (i.e., transaction, accountUpdated, statementReady, etc.).
Note: Partners can have a different endpoint for each event type or the same endpoint for more than one event type.
The BaaS platform can push webhooks to the Partner’s system in response to a variety of events. An event is an activity that happens outside of the Partner’s system, such as a card transaction at a point-of-sale (POS) terminal or an account status update. Webhooks contain useful information pertinent to the events. For example, a webhook may alert the Partner that a payment instrument was used. The webhook would include details regarding the outcome of the attempted transaction.
For multi-clearing transactions, webhooks will also include posting data. For example, webhooks will be sent as one message with two events (one transaction in each event).
Webhook HTTP Headers
To easily identify Green Dot's traffic, the following three HTTP headers are included in Webhook request messages:
- Accept: application/json, text/plain, text/html
- Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
- User-Agent: greendot-baas/3.0.0
Using Webhooks
When a webhook-enabled event occurs, the BaaS platform issues an HTTPS POST containing information about the event to the Partner’s pre-configured endpoint (Webhook URL). The Partner must have an environment configured to listen for and process event webhooks to take advantage of this functionality. All webhooks issued to the Partner will include an API Key in the header so the Partner can authenticate Green Dot. The PIE (testing environment) and Product API Keys will still need to be provided to Green Dot via a secure channel.
Note: PCI information (i.e., expiration date, pin, cvv) will not be included in the webhook body. Only the last 4 digits of the PAN and the bin will be included
x-api-key: apikeyvalueforPartnerX
The BaaS platform pushes notifications for the following events:
- Transaction Events – Activities such as transaction authorizations and posted transactions.
- Statement Ready Events – When an E-Statement is ready for an account.
- Account Updated Events – Changes to the status of accounts.
- Interest Paid Events – When interest is paid to a purse.
- ACH Transfer Events – When a valid ACH transfer is requested, or the transfer status is updated.
- Failed Transfer Events - When retried transactions fail due to Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF).
- NOC Alert Events – When Green Dot receives ACH Notifications of Change (NOCs) requests for a program.
- User Updated Events – When a user profile is updated (name, address, email or phone).
Note: Only notifications for the delta changes will be pushed. - Card Updated Events – When a card is ordered for the first time or as a replacement.
- Check Updated Events – When events such as check declined by agent, check approved by agent, check posted, and check returned occur.
- eWallet Events – When eWallet events occur, such as token activations, token completions and token status updates.
- Bill Payment Events – When events occur, such as a bill payment debit, a failed debit, or a credit due.
- Paper Check Events – When the clearing status of paper checks is updated.
- Paper Check Order Events - When paper check orders are initiated, ordered, declined, or notReceived.
- Mail Tracking Events – During delivery stages of a physical card once it has been mailed.
- Promotional Events - When promotional transactions are processed.
- MRDC Check Deposit Events - When a MRDC check deposit fails.
- P2P Transfer Events – When a person to person transfer is processed.
- ATM Pin Update Events – When a successful ATM pin change is made.
- Auto Money Movement (AMM) Events – When ACH In, date driven, and failed AMM events occur along with rule expiring reminders and expiration notifications.
- Adjustment Final Status Events – When an adjustment has failed all retries.
Note: The partner needs to respond to notifications with an http status code 200 or 201 and a response body that must be a valid json object. The response body can be used by the Partner to provide Green Dot with a correlation Id to help troubleshoot issues.
Retry Failed Webhooks
This webhook feature must be explicitly requested and configured on a per-partner basis.
If a Partner is configured to use this feature and a webhook fails due to a HTTP Status 5xx or a timeout, then it will be automatically resent on a scheduled basis (initially on an hourly basis, up to 24 hours) until it is successful, or until all attempts have been exhausted.
If a Partner responds to a webhook with a HTTP Status 401 or 403 when the retry processor is executed and the cause of the failed webhook is fixed, then the webhook will be retried and published.
When an HTTP Status 0 is returned or a hard failure is received from a Partner (i.e., All exceptions where no response object is returned, including failure to resolve DNS, failure to connect the endpoint, and SSL errors), the Transaction Webhook will be retried.
This feature can only be configured on release boundaries.
Async Retry is available for:
- Transactions Webhooks
- Statement Ready Webhooks
- Account Updated Webhooks
- ACH Transfer Webhooks
- MRDC Check Deposit Webhooks
- eWallet Webhooks
- Card Updated Webhooks
- Bill Payment
- ATM Pin Update
- NOC Alert
- User Updated Webhooks
- P2P Transfers Webhooks
- Mail Tracking
Note: This retry process is not automatically enabled for partners. It must be explicitly requested through your account liaison team.
Webhook Response Requirements
The partner should return HTTP status codes as follows:
- 4xx and 5xx for errors
- 2xx for successfully received messages
- 503 if the BaaS system needs to retry publishing
Required Response Components
- Required Status Code
- Required Body Format
- Required Response Headers
Required Response Headers
Green Dot requires partners to echo back the following header that we send as part of the webhook request.
Note: The response header should also be called x-GD-RequestId and have the same header value that was provided in the request.
- x-GD-RequestId
Response Codes
Code | HTTP Status code | Reference Name | Description |
0 | 2xx | SUCCESS | The operation was successful. |
10 | 404 | NOT_FOUND | Resource not found. |
100 | 400 | MALFORMED SCHEMA | The payload could not be loaded. |
200 | 400 | INVALID REQUEST | The request was invalid. See the description for details. |
300 | 400 | REQUIRED PROPERTY MISSING OR MISSING A VALUE | A required property (object or scalar) is missing. The property must be provided and contain a value for the type. |
350 | 400 | INVALID DATA TYPE | The data type is invalid. Example: An integer was expected, but an alphanumeric string was provided. |
400 | 400 | INVALID FORMAT | The format of the string or number was invalid. |
500 | 500 | INVALID FIELD LEN | A value was provided that is shorter than the minimum supported length or longer than the maximum supported length. |
503 | 503 | DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM OFFLINE - DO NOT AUTO RETRY | A downstream system is unavailable. It may be offline for an extended or unknown period, so the client should not retry automatically. |
600 | 400 | DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM OFFLINE - RETRY | A downstream system is unavailable. It may be transient, so the client may retry automatically |
610 | 400 | INVALID ENUM VALUE | A value was provided that is not in the set of allowable values. |
620 | 400 | INVALID AMOUNT | An amount was provided that is not valid. |
630 | 400 | INVALID DATE RANGE | A date was provided that is not in the allowable date range. |
640 | 400 | INVALID_PROPERTY | A property was provided that was not valid given the context of the request. |
700 | 400 | INVALID STRING CHARACTER | An invalid character was provided for a string field. |
720 | 400 | INVALID DATE FORMAT | Invalid date-format. Must be (ISO_8601): YYYY-MM-DD |
725 | 400 | INVALID UTC DATE TIME FORMAT | Invalid date-format. Must be (ISO_8601): YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ. Precision can be from MM to SSS. |
730 | 730 | INVALID DATE TIME FORMAT (non-UTC, timezone unknown) | Invalid date-format. Must be (ISO_8601): YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS. Precision can be from MM to SSS. |
740 | 400 | INVALID DATE TIME FORMAT (non-UTC, timezone offset known) | Invalid date-format. Must be (ISO_8601): YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS>±hh:mm. Timezone offset precision can be from HH to MM. |
750 | 400 | INVALID HTTP URL FORMAT | Invalid HTTP URL format. Must follow Internet standard. |
1000 | 200, 201, 202,400 | INVALID EMAIL FORMAT | Invalid Email format. Must follow Internet standard. |
1060 | 2xx | VALUE_DOES_NOT_EXIST | Value does not exist in the system. This is usually because an invalid object identifier was provided. |
n/a | 5xx | DUPLICATE RESOURCE | The resource already exists based on unique identifiers. |
n/a | 5xx | GENERAL UNEXPECTED ERROR | A catch all for any unexpected system errors. |
Webhook Reconciliation Files
The Transaction Webhook Reconciliation file is a daily update sent to Partners to allow reconciliation of webhooks received from Green Dot. Partners configured to use this feature will have access to Green Dot’s Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server where they will receive a reconciliation file each morning containing the transaction webhooks that were sent to them on the previous day. Reconciliation files can be encrypted depending on the Partner’s configuration.
Note: Contact your Green Dot Representative to request configuration with Transaction Webhook Reconciliation.
Secure File Transfer Protocol Accounts
Green Dot uses SFTP to exchange files with Partners. So, Partners must have a SFTP account on Green Dot’s server to access their daily Transaction Webhook Reconciliation files.
Transaction Webhook Reconciliation File Specification
The reconciliation file has a human-readable header line that may be ignored. All other lines fit the fixed width specification. The following table contains the fields included in the reconciliation file along with their fixed width specification.
Note: The examples may not be found in the same reconciliation file. Each value is only being used as an example.
Field | Example | Length | Start | End |
accountIdentifier | e1b7c5b4-14ab-4f64-bf89- 9403a4ba8c4f | 36 | 1 | 36 |
eventIdentifier | a0c7680f-8e0e-44ad-a7c3- f73cb95c8a08 | 36 | 37 | 72 |
eventType | transaction | 20 | 73 | 92 |
eventDateTime | 2020-02-10 07:50:32.9420000 | 28 | 93 | 120 |
transactionIdentifier | cf27e0e7-eaf3-4421-93b3- 012fc9ab46aa | 36 | 121 | 156 |
parentTransactionIdentifier | 23aeb5fe-102a-47b5-bd95- 856be896cc0e | 36 | 157 | 192 |
transactionType | adjustment | 30 | 193 | 222 |
transactionStatus | completed | 15 | 223 | 237 |
bin | 346596 | 6 | 238 | 243 |
last4PAN | 8978 | 4 | 244 | 247 |
transactionAmount | 34.23 | 9 | 248 | 256 |
currency | USD | 3 | 257 | 259 |
isCredit | false | 1 | 260 | 260 |
purseIdentifier | 0e8574a0-12ef-4506-918c-c1d7fc93693a | 36 | 261 | 296 |
purseType | primary | 15 | 297 | 311 |
availableBalance | 34.23 | 9 | 312 | 320 |
availableBalanceAsOfDateTime | 2020-02-10 07:50:21.5900000 | 28 | 321 | 348 |
ledgerBalance | 34.23 | 9 | 349 | 357 |
ledgerBalanceAsOfDateTime | 34.23 | 28 | 358 | 385 |
postedDateTime | 2020-02-10 07:50:21.5900000 | 28 | 386 | 413 |
feeAmount | 1.00 | 9 | 414 | 422 |
feeCurrency | USD | 3 | 423 | 425 |
feeType | bankOTCFee | 30 | 426 | 455 |
feeDescription | Bank OTC Fee | 40 | 456 | 495 |
authorizationDateTime | 2020-02-10 09:34:32.0000000 | 28 | 496 | 523 |
cashBackAmount | 20.00 | 9 | 524 | 532 |
localTransactionAmount | 25.34 | 9 | 533 | 541 |
localTransactionCurrency | CDN | 3 | 542 | 544 |
merchantName | Acme Corp | 25 | 545 | 569 |
merchantCity | Pasadena | 15 | 570 | 584 |
merchantStateProv | CA | 3 | 585 | 587 |
merchantIndustryCode | 6011 | 4 | 588 | 591 |
merchantIndustryCategory | Service Providers | 50 | 592 | 641 |
merchantIndustryDescription | Financial Institutions – automated cash disbursements | 160 | 642 | 801 |
authorizationStatusIndicator | I (stands for Informational) | 15 | 802 | 816 |
holdExpirationDate | 2020-02-10 | 8 | 817 | 824 |
declineReason | insufficient Funds | 30 | 825 | 854 |
eci | eCommerce | 10 | 855 | 864 |
isPartialAuth | false | 1 | 865 | 865 |
approvalCode | 027111 | 6 | 866 | 871 |
transferIdentifier | f9e1a17c-685f-4fbb-8260- 2ac94c3a4bd8 | 36 | 872 | 907 |
adjustmentType | provisionalDispute | 30 | 908 | 937 |
description | Dispute Provisional Credit | 50 | 938 | 987 |
transferType | adjustment | 30 | 988 | 1017 |
dpanIdentifier | 08d9e746-6cda-40b6-84ce-d3be86a48797 | 48 | 1018 | 1065 |
fpanIdentifier | b337df5f-e056-4ca2-868f-3055b93333a8 | 48 | 1066 | 1113 |
par | V0010013818032485958373336929 | 29 | 1114 | 1142 |
last4Dpan | 2040 | 4 | 1143 | 1146 |
wallet | Google Pay | 30 | 1147 | 1176 |
tokenStatus | active | 15 | 1177 | 1191 |
achCategoryCode | pr | 3 | 1192 | 1194 |
bankName | Wells Fargo | 40 | 1195 | 1234 |
accountNumber | 115608195748333 | 16 | 1235 | 1250 |
routingNumber | 123456789 | 9 | 1251 | 1259 |
firstName | John | 40 | 1260 | 1299 |
lastName | Doe | 40 | 1300 | 1339 |
accountType | checking | 10 | 1340 | 1349 |
Webhooks for API Endpoints
General Transaction Notification
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/transactions
Sample Request - Transaction Notification
Note: This is a generalized transactions schema. Certain fields and object groups will be included or excluded, depending on the transactionType. See Transaction Types & Statuses for details.
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/transactions
Content-Type: application/json
X-GD-RequestId: 977d83e8-84d5-4c3d-98f3-fc0e739ba1ee
x-api-key: apikeyvalueforPartnerX
cache-control: no-cache
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.3.0
Accept: */*
Host: https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
content-length: 838
Connection: close
"description":"ATM Withdrawal Fee",
"merchantName":"Acme Gas",
"description":"Acme Invest",
Request Parameters - Transaction Notification
Field | Description |
accounts | The outer account/account balance object is only included for transaction events and provides the most recent balance for the account. This is an optional property that must be explicitly configured when the partner postback subscriptions are configured. |
accountIdentifier | Unique Identifier for the account. |
events | The outer events object. |
eventIdentifier | A unique identifier for the event. |
eventType | The type of event (i.e. transaction, accountUpdated, or statementReady). |
eventDateTime | The date/time (UTC) when the event happened. |
transactions | The outer transactions object containing the content of a transaction that is posted back to the client/partner in response to a transaction event. |
parentTransactionIdentifier | Unique parent identifier for the transaction. |
transactionIdentifier | Unique identifier for the transaction |
transactionType | Type of transaction. See Transaction Types & Statuses for details. Note: The transactionType for a “disbursementIn” and a“disbursementOut” request will be: • disbursementIn – partnerTransferIn • disbursementOut - disbursement. The transferType will also be returned in the transaction webhooks for disbursementIn and disbursementOut and is the recommended way to distinguish between disbursements. |
transactionStatus | Status of transaction:• pending• declined • removed • expired • cleared • completed• reversed See Transaction Types & Statuses for details |
accountIdentifier | Unique identifier for the account. |
bin | First 4-8 digits of a user’s card number that identifies a range of cards assigned to a Card Issuer (i.e. Green Dot). |
last4Pan | Last 4 digits of the Personal Account Number of a card (# on the front of the card). |
currency | String value that returns the account currency provided as an Alpha-3 ISO currency code. Default is USD. |
purses | A balance holding object that returns the following information about the primary purse (used for general spending activities). |
purseIdentifier | Unique identifier for a purse within an account. |
purseType | Indicates the purpose of the purse. |
availableBalance | The amount of funds available for use. pending transactions are included in the availableBalance. |
ledgerBalance | The balance of the account based on all activities that have been posted to the associated ledger. |
availableBalanceAsOfDateTime | The date and time (UTC) that the available balance is reflective of. Since events can be published out of chronological order, do not update the available balance if a more recent available balance as of date was previously processed. |
ledgerBalanceAsOfDateTime | The date and time (UTC) that the ledger balance is reflective of. Note: Since events can be published out of chronological order, do not update the ledger balance if a more recent ledger balance as of date was previously processed. |
postedDateTime | Date/time (UTC) of transaction. Note: UTC means time is offset from US time zones by approx. +4 to +11 hours. |
transactionAmount | Amount of transaction excluding fees. |
fees | A fee associated with a transaction or event. |
feeType | Type of fee associated with the transaction. (i.e. atmWithdrawalFee, bankOtcFee, atmBalanceInquiryFee, foreignTransactionFee). |
description | Description displayed to user in fee schedule. |
amount | Amount of fee associated with the transaction. |
currency | String value that returns the account currency provided as an Alpha-3 ISO currency code. Default is USD. |
isCredit | If true, transaction is a credit. If false, transaction is a debit. |
networkTransactionData | The properties of a network transaction returned with an event object. Note: Examples of network transactionType are authorization, purchase, atmWithdrawal and refund |
authorizationDateTime | Date/time (UTC) of transaction authorization. Note: UTC means time is offset from US time zones by approx. +4 to +11 hours. |
cashBackAmount | Amount requested as cash back during transaction. Included in transactionAmount. |
localTransactionData | The properties of a foreign currency network transaction. |
amount | Amount of foreign currency network transaction. |
currency | The type of currency associated with the foreign currency network transaction. |
cardAcceptor | The properties of a merchant involved in the transaction and returned in an event object. Note: May contain other merchant provided data, in addition to name, city and state, such as a phone number. |
merchantName | Name of merchant involved in the transaction. |
merchantIndustryCode | Industry code of the merchant involved in the transaction. |
merchantIndustryCategory | Industry category of the merchant involved in the transaction. |
merchantIndustryDescription | Industry description of the merchant involved in the transaction. |
city | City where merchant is located. |
stateProvReg | State where merchant is located. |
authorizedTransactionData | An authorized transaction from the network returned in an event object. Note: An authorized transaction will be in a pending status until it is posted, removed (i.e. through a reversal or an abandoned purchase at an automated fuel dispenser) or expires. |
holdExpirationDate | If the authorized purchase is not cleared or removed by this date then the transaction will be expired, and the held funds will become available again. |
declineReason | Included if transactionStatus=declined. Note: Click here for decline reasons. |
eci | Included with authorized transactions. Possible values for the ECI indicator are eCommerce, recurring, installment, multiClearing, none. |
approvalCode | A code assigned during authorization indicating approval. This code follows a transaction through its lifecycle, even for reversals and multi-clearing transactions. |
postedInternalTransactionData | A posted transaction that was initiated within the system and returned in an event object. For example, where transactionType is achOutTransfer, peerTransfer, adjustment, directDeposit, etc. |
transferIdentifier | If the transaction is initiated through the transfers API, then the transferIdentifier uniquely identifying the initiating transfer will be included. |
adjustmentType | provisionalDispute Included if transactionType=adjustment. See Adjustment Types for details. |
description | Transaction description for achIn, achOut, cashReload, partnerTransferIn (achPull), disbursement, purseTransfer and more as added. Notes: • For achIn transaction type, the maximum length of domestic transactions is 26 characters. • For International transactions, the maximum length is 45 characters. • For achIn, Green Dot is the Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI). • An achIn will only generate a Transactions webhook when it is posted. |
transferType | Type of transfer (I.e. achOut) |
Sample Response Bodies
The following example illustrates how parentTransactionIdentifier is included in responses when partners perform the following:
- Query the status of a transaction.
- Programmatically check transactions periodically against the Transaction API to ensure they are in sync.
Sample Response 1
"bin":"424067 ",
"merchantName":"GreenDot Corporation Vish",
"merchantIndustryCategory":"Service Providers",
"merchantIndustryDescription":"Financial institutions - automated cash disbursements",
"city":"E Main Pasadena",
Sample Response 2
"ResponseMessage":"Ingested 1 event(s)",
"merchantIndustryDescription":"Financial institutions-automated cash disbursements",
"merchantName":"PTS MTF TEST",
"merchantIndustryCategory":"Service Providers"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"PTS MTF TEST\\Pasadena",
"merchantIndustryDescription":"Financial institutions -automated cash disbursements",
"merchantName":"PTS MTF TEST",
"merchantIndustryCategory":"Service Providers"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"description":"Bank OTC Fee"
"message":"Publish notification post sent successfully.",
ACH NOC Alert Webhook
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/achNOCAlert
Sample NOC Alert Webhook
--The following properties are all optional and conditional based on the NOC code. See the NOC Code/Request Body Mapping for details.
Unencrypted Account Data
Unencrypted Account Data:-
NOC Code/Request Body Mapping
Return Reason Code | Data Passed to Partner in Webhook |
CO1 | 1. Account ID 2. Correct Account Number |
CO2 | 1. Account ID 2. Correct Routing Number |
CO3 | 1. Account ID 2. Correct Account Number 3. Correct Routing Number |
CO5 | |
CO6 | 1. Account ID 2. Correct Account Number |
CO7 | 1. Account ID 2. Correct Account Number 3. Correct Routing Number |
NOC Codes
Code | Reason | Description |
C01 | Incorrect bank account number | • Bank account number incorrect or formatted incorrectly • Time Frame: 2 banking days from original entry settlement |
C02 | Incorrect transit/routing number | Once valid transit/routing number must be corrected |
C03 | Incorrect transit/routing number and bank account number | • Once valid transit/routing number must be corrected • Will cause a change to bank account number structure |
C05 | Incorrect payment code | Entry posted to demand account should contain savings payment codes or vice versa. |
C06 | Incorrect bank account number and transit code | • Bank account number must be corrected • Payment code should indicate posting to another account type (demand/savings) |
C07 | Incorrect transit/routing number, bank account number and payment code | Corrections are required in the three fields indicated: • Transit/Routing Number • Bank Account Number • Payment Code |
CO8 | Incorrect Receiving DFI Identification (IAT only) | The correct Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI) identification appears in the first 34 positions of the corrected data field. |
C09 | Incorrect individual ID number | The individual’s ID number is incorrect. |
C13 | Addenda Format Error | A CCD Entry is received with an “05” Addenda Type Code, but the addenda information does not contain payment related ANSI ASC X12 data segments or NACHA-endorsed banking conventions. |
C14 | Incorrect SEC Code for Outbound International Payment | A CCD or PPD Entry is received by the RDFI and is posted to the receiver’s account, but the receiver has also placed a standing instruction with the RDFI to forward all funds from the entry to the receiver’s account in another country. |
Create eWallet Webhook
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/ewallet
Create Bill Payment Webhook
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/billPayment
billPayTransfer Parameters | Required/Optional | Description |
paymentIdentifier | Required | |
transferIdentifier | Required | |
transferStatus | Required | Can be one of the following: • completed: When bill payment is debited successfully on the scheduled date. • failed: Bill payment failed to process. • rejected: When bill payment is returned and credit is issued to customer account |
payeeIdentifier | Required | |
payeeName | Required | Name of the biller. |
paymentStatus | Required | Can be one of the following: • scheduled • failed (due to NSF) • canceled • inProcess Note: In a future update, inProcess will be removed from the webhook and the status will be treated as either scheduled or processed. |
amount | Required | |
frequencyType | ||
paymentDate | Optional | |
deliveryDate | Optional | The deliveryDate is provided by Fiserv and it is the date the bill payment is expected to be delivered by. Fiserv calculates this date based on the paymentDate and it is usually, 5 business days after the paymentDate. |
paymentMemo | Optional | |
note | Optional | |
confirmationNumber | Required |
Bill Pay Sample Webhooks
Sample Object:-
public string PaymentIdentifier {get; set;}
public string TransferIdentifier {get; set;}
public string TransferStatus {get; set;}
public string PayeeIdentifier {get; set;}
public string PayeeName {get; set;}
public string PaymentStatus {get; set;}
public decimal Amount {get; set;}
public string PaymentDate {get; set;}
public string DeliveryDate {get; set;}
public string PaymentMemo {get; set;}
public string Note {get; set;}
public string ConfirmationNumber {get; set;}
Sample Webhook - Bill Payment Debit:-
"payeeName":"Duquesne Light Company",
"frequencyType":"“onetime” // onetime",
Sample Webhook - Bill Payment Transfer Failure:-
"accounts”: [{
"events": [{
"billPayTransfer": {
Paper Check Webhook
Paper check Webhooks are sent to notify Partners of paper check clearing statuses.
Note: This Webhook is available only to programs that are configured for Bill Pay. Please contact your Green Dot Liaison to request Bill Pay configuration.
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/paperCheck
Sample Webhook Notification
Mail Tracking Webhook
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/mailTracking
After a Physical Card has been Shipped to the Customer
- A payment identifier is included in the Mail Tracking webhook.
- The Mail Tracking webhook will publish event notifications during the following delivery stages:
- TMM card status of “shipped” will be set upon receipt of a confirmation file from the vendor.
- TMM card status will be unchanged upon receipt of an in-process file from the vendor.
- TMM card status of “delivered” will be set upon receipt of an in-home file from the vendor.
- TMM card status of “returned’ will be set upon receipt of a returned file from the vendor
- The PN will contain the following delivery status information:
- Last 4 digits of the payment instrument (card)
- deliveryMethod
- deliveryMethodCode
- Note: Allows the processing of mail tracking updates based on delivery method.
- deliveryStatus
- deliveryStatusCode containing one of the following:
- shipped
- delivered
- returned
- trackingNumber (internal only – not intended for release to accountholders)
- shippedDate
- estimatedArrivalDate
- productMaterialType
Delivery Methods and Delivery Method Codes
Delivery Method | Delivery Method Code |
Regular | reg |
Over Night Delivery | onn |
Postal Service Expedited | pse |
Rush | rush |
Other | other |
Sample MailTracking Webhook & Webhook Notification
Sample MailTracking Webhook:-
ElapsedTimeToPost:668 ms
"deliveryStatus:Card At Local Post Office",
"cardHolderName:* JOHN***DE JO***DOE",
"deliveryStatus:Card At Local Post Office",
"bin:499998 ",
"cardHolderName:* PE***NS GI***RE",
message:Publish notification post sent successfully.
time:2021-05-07 10:06":36.8376
Show as raw text
host = pdin-pn-c3b52source = L":\GDC\Logs\PublishNotification\Log2021-05-07.json
sourcetype = bos_publish_notification
Sample Webhook Notification:-
"deliveryStatus:Card Returned",
Promotional Webhook
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/promotionalTransactions
Webhook – Promotional:-
"transactionTypeDescription":"Promotional Credit",
"description":"Promotional Credit"
Webhook - Unknown Adjustment:-
"description":"Merchant Chargeback"
Check Deposit Webhook
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/checkDeposit
Sample Webhooks
Webhook - Failed MRDC Transfer:-
MRDC Check Under Review Process - Sample Webhook - Submit Check that is placed under review:-
Sample Webhook - Update Check when the customer cancels the review:-
Sample Webhook - Update Check when user accepts the review:-
Sample Webhook - Update Check when agent accepts the review:-
Sample Webhook - Update Check when agent declines the check:-
"discardReason":"Third party check"
Sample Webhook – Returned Checks:-
Failed Transfer Webhook
API Call Reference
POST https://yourendpoint.yourcompany.com/events/failedTransfer
Sample Webhook
Sample Failed Transfer Webhook - NSF Failed Retry Transactions:-
When retried transactions fail due to Non-Sufficient Funds ("NSF)",
a failed transfer webhook will be returned containing a reference to the original disbursement.
Event Type: Auto Money Movement (AMM)
An AMM Webhook will be published for:
- ACH In events
- Date Driven events
- Failed AMM events
- Rule expiring reminders (3 days before rule end date)
- Expiration notifications (rule end date or goal amount met)
Sample Webhook Notifications
Sample Webhook Notification – ACH In (P2P):-
Sample Webhook Notification – Date Driven (P2P):-
Sample Webhook Notification – Failed (Closed account):-
"value":"accountStatus is Closed.",
"value":"2019-08-22T18:22:01.285Z ",
Updated 8 months ago