Partner Web API


The GDN Partner WebAPI is a REST API used to stage eCash barcode-based Cash-In transactions by enabling the partner to:

  • Generate eCash barcodes linked to the target account or transaction
  • Obtain lists of retailers

API Endpoints

Testing the API Response

Ping Without Headers

This API pings the Web API and provides a response. It is used only to determine if the service is responding to requests and echoes the string or input parameter.

Structure of API Call:

GET /v1/ping/{test string}

GET /v1/ping/123xyz


inputStringYesSome custom text (i.e., 123)


OutputStringThe text you entered as input
			xmlns=""> 123

Ping With Headers

This API pings the Web API and performs the following:

  • Determines if the service is responding to requests· 
  • Determines if headers are valid
  • Determines if encryption/hashing is working correctly on both ends
  • Echoes the input parameter

Structure of API call:

GET /pingwithheaders/{id}

Sample Request – Headers

    x-gdn-ipaddress: x-gdn-encryptiontype:1
    x-gdn-programnumber:Bahu-BC2019 x-gdn-channeltype:1
    x-gdn-timestamp:2020-06-18T06:07:44Z x-gdn-sessionid:null
    x-gdn-deviceid:b329954c-ff60-4c0e-8f48-21b0978ec9cd x-gdn-latitude:25.78

Request Parameters

inputStringYesSome custom text (i.e., 123)


OutputStringThe text you entered as input
			xmlns=""> 123

Generating Barcodes

The BarCode Generation API generates a barcode number for a given program/product/customer.

Structure of API Call:

POST /v1/barcode

Sample Request - Add Cash Partner (Header)

   x-gdn-encryptiontype: 1
   x-gdn-devicetype: 1
   x-gdn-programnumber: Catalina-BC x-gdn-channeltype: 1
   x-gdn-messageid: 200306011700823 x-gdn-signature:
   x-gdn-timestamp: 2020-03-06T01:17:00.00Z(Z means zero time zone offset from utc)

Sample Request - Add Cash Partner (Body)

   "gd_retailer_key": "2433",
   "gd_barcode_type": 2,
   "amount": "22.22",
   "partner_transaction_reference": "abcdefg",
   "sender_customer_ref": "123456789",
   "sender_first_name": "123",
   "sender_last_name": "sln",
   "sender_email": "[email protected]",
   "sender_phone": "6263331234",
   "recipient_customer_ref": "1147762",
   "recipient_first_name": "rfn",
   "recipient_last_name": "rln",
   "recipient_email": "[email protected]",
   "recipient_phone": "2133334321",
   "notification_channel_type": 0,    
   "amount_match_type": 0

Sample Request – Bill Pay Partner (Headers)

   x-gdn-encryptiontype: 1
   x-gdn-devicetype: 1
   x-gdn-programnumber: Aptexx-BC (The program should configure the SubProgramCategory of the Bill Pay type)
   x-gdn-channeltype: 1
   x-gdn-messageid: 200306011700823 x-gdn-signature:
   x-gdn-timestamp: 2020-03-06T01:17:00.00Z(Z means zero time zone offset from utc) Content-Type:application/json

Sample Request – Bill Pay Partner (Body)

   "gd_retailer_key": 2480,
   "gd_barcode_type": 2,
   "amount": 25,
   "partner_transaction_reference": "{{$timestamp}}",
   "sender_customer_ref": "123456789",
   "recipient_customer_ref": "1147762",
   "sender_first_name": "Abraham",
   "sender_last_name": "Washington",
   "sender_address": "shanghai",
   "sender_zipcode": "94926",
   "notification_channel_type": "0"

Request Parameter Field Descriptions

Note: With regards to requiring parameters for Add Cash and Bill Pay, Y=Required, N=Not required, and C=Conditional.

ParameterTypeAdd Cash RequiredBill Pay RequiredDescription
gd_retailer_keyIntYYRetailer for which the barcode is being generated. The barcode number might be different based on the retailer. GD will provide the list of RetailerKeys to the consumer of the API.
gd_barcode_typeIntYY- 0 = None
- 1 = BarcodeLink
- 2 = BarcodeNumberForPrint
- 3 = BarcodeNumberForView

- Use 1 to send a barcode link so the customer can generate a barcode at a later stage.Note: If this is selected. then notification_channel_type must be either SMS or Email.

- Use 2 when online web and print option is selected. Default barcode expiration time is 48 hours.

- Use 3 for mobile barcodes. Default barcode expiration time is 1 hour. The default value can be overwritten if there is a value configured in DB.
amountDecimalCCThis is the amount for which the barcode is being generated. It is required when parameter amount_match_type = 1 or 2.
amount_match_typeIntNN0 = Default. No constraints. Barcode can be consumed without constraint on amount.
1 = Partial consumption. Barcode must be consumed less than or equal to the amount specified in amount parameter (Not currently supported).
2 = Full consumption. Barcode must be consumed with exact amount specified in the amount parameter.
partner_transaction_refer enceStringYYThis is the transaction reference for the current transaction (i.e., send money request, etc.). The partner generates/maintains this value. Green Dot uses it for audit purposes.
sender_customer_refStringYYIdentifier/Reference which the partner generates for the source (sender) of this transaction.

Example: If A is sending money to B, this field identifies A's account.

Note: If applicable, sender risk controls are calculated off this identifier.
sender_first_nameStringYYFor Add Cash type, this field passes the depositor’s first Name. For Bill Pay type, it passes the bill payer’s first name.
sender_last_nameStringYYFor Add Cash type, this field passes the cash depositor’s last name. For Bill Pay type, it passes the bill payer’s last name.
sender_emailStringYNFor Add Cash type, this field passes the cash depositor’s email address. For Bill Pay type, it passes the bill payer’s email address.
sender_phoneStringYNFor Add Cash type, this field passes the cash depositor’s phone number. For Bill Pay type, it passes the bill payer’s phone number.
sender_addressStringNYFor Add Cash type, this field passes the cash depositor’s address. For Bill Pay type, it passes the bill payer’s address.
sender_zipcodeStringNYFor Add Cash type, this field passes the cash depositor’s zip code. For Bill Pay type, it passes the bill payer’s zip code.
recipient_customer_refStringYYThis is the Identifier/Reference the partner generates for the target/receiver of this transaction.

Example: If A is trying to send money to B, this is an identifier/ reference of B's account.

Note: If applicable, receiver risk controls are calculated off this identifier.
recipient_first_nameStringYNFor Add Cash type, this field passes the recipient’s first name. For Bill Pay type, it passes the payee’s first name.

Note: If the bill pay partner cannot pass this data, we will block certain states during program configuration. For more details, contact your account manager.
recipient_last_nameStringYNFor Add Cash type, this field passes the recipient’s last name. For Bill Pay type, it passes the payee’s last name.

Note: If the bill pay partner cannot provide this data, we will block certain states during program configuration. For more details, contact your account manager.

Note: If the payee is a business, only provide a name in the recipient_first_name field.
recipient_emailStringYNFor Add Cash type, this field passes the recipient’s email address. For Bill Pay type, it passes the payee’s email address.
recipient_phoneStringYNFor Add Cash type, this field passes the recipient’s phone number. For Bill Pay type, it passes the payee’s phone number.
recipient_addressStringNNFor Add Cash type, this field passes the recipient’s address. For Bill Pay type, it passes the payee’s address.

Note: If the bill pay partner cannot pass this data, we will block certain states during program configuration. For more details, contact your account manager.
recipient_zipcodeStringNNFor Add Cash type, this field passes the recipient’s zip code. For Bill Pay type, it passes the payee’s zip code.

Note: If the bill pay partner cannot pass this data, we will block transactions in certain states. For more details, contact your account manager.
notification_channel_typeStringNN0 = none,
1 = SMS
2 – Email (only if Green Dot is sending barcode notifications on the partner’s behalf.)
gd_barcode_payment_typeIntNN0 = Default. None. Barcode for cash-in.
1 = Deposit
2 = Payment
3 = Debit. Barcode for cash-out.

Response Model

   "gd_barcode_id": "string",
   "gd_barcode_id_expiration": "2022-05-05T14:42:05.124Z",
   "gd_retailer_key": 0,
   "gd_barcode_type": 0,
   "gd_barcode_payment_type": 0,
   "gd_retailer_name": "string",
   "partner_transaction_reference": "string",
   "gd_transaction_reference": "string", 
   "gd_response_code": 0,    
   "gd_response_message": "string",   
   "gd_response_date": "2022-05-05T14:42:05.124Z"

Sample Response – Bill Pay Partner

<barcode_response xmlns:i="
instance" xmlns="">

Authorizing and Confirming Barcode Transactions

The Barcode Generation API authorizes and confirms barcode transactions.

Structure of API Calls:

POST /v1/auth

POST /v1authconfirm

Searching and Retrieving Barcodes

Depending on the endpoint used, the Barcode Lookup API searches and retrieves barcode information for given input criteria. This includes:

  • Barcode Number
  • Retailer Key
  • Specific Customer ID
  • Range of start and end dates

Structure of API Calls:

GET /~/v1/barcode/{gd_barcode_id}/Retailer/{gd_retailer_key}/partner_ref/{partner_transaction_reference}
GET /~/v1/barcode/{gd_barcode_id}/Retailer/{gd_retailer_key}
GET /~/v1/barcode/sender_customer_ref/{sender_customer_ref}/start_date/{start_date}/end_date/{end_date}/partner_ref/{partner_transaction_reference?}
GET /~/v1/Barcode/sender_customer_ref/{sender_customer_ref}/start_date/{start_date}/end_date/{end_date}

Sample Request Parameters

URL: ~/v1/barcode/830324007490008112325460183192/Retailer/2433

URL: ~/v1/barcode/830324007490008112325460183192/Retailer/2433/partner_ref/1234

URL: ~/v1/barcode/sender_customer_ref/123456789/start_date/2020-01- 01/end_date/2020-05-28



Request Parameters Field Descriptions

gd_barcode_idStringYesThe barcode number, output from the Barcode Generation API.
gd_retailer_keyintYesThis is the Retailer selected when generating the barcode.
partner_transaction_referenceStringOptionalThe unique, partner-generated transaction reference (if provided).
sender_customer_refStringYesThe Customer ID provided by the sender.
start_dateDateTimeYesThe barcode start date, YYYY-MM-DD.
end_dateDateTimeYesThe barcode end date, YYYY-MM-DD. Must not exceed current date.

Sample Response Model

     "Barcodes": [
                "gd_barcode_id": "string",
                "gd_barcode_id_expiration": "2022-05-06T13:07:44.722Z",
                "gd_retailer_key": 0,
                "gd_retailer_name": "string",
                "gd_barcode_change_date": "2022-05-06T13:07:44.723Z",
                "sender_customer_ref": "string",
                "gd_barcode_status": 0,
                "amount": 0
     "gd_search_count": 0,
     "partner_transaction_reference": "string",
     "gd_transaction_reference": "string",
     "gd_response_code": 0,
     "gd_response_message": "string",  
     "gd_response_date": "2022-05-06T13:07:44.723Z"

Response Sample 1

<barcode_inquiry_response xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<amount i:nil="true" />

Response Sample 2

<barcode_inquiry_response xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<amount i:nil="true" />

Response Sample 3

<barcode_inquiry_response xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<amount i:nil="true" />

Response Sample 4

<barcode_list_inquiry_response xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<amount i:nil="true" />

Response Field Descriptions

gd_search_countintThe total number of barcodes found in the search.
BarcodeslistThis is the Barcode information list.
gd_barcode_idStringThe barcode number or link code based on the type of barcode generated.
gd_barcode_id_expirationDateTimeExpiration date/time of the barcode or barcode link based on the type selected.
gd_retailer_keyintRetailer selected for generating the barcode.
gd_barcode_typeintThe barcode type.
gd_retailer_nameStringThis is the retailer’s name as maintained in Green Dot’s system.
gd_barcode_change_dateDateTimeThis is the last barcode change date.
sender_customer_refStringThis is an echo of the sender_customer_ref field, which is received as input.
gd_barcode_statusint1 = New
2 = Pending
3 = Consumed
4 = Voided
5 = Expired
6 = Cancelled
7 = Declined
amountDecimalWhen applicable, this is the amount for which the barcode was generated.
partner_transaction_referenceStringTransactionReference of the partner if the partner passes this information.
gd_transaction_referenceStringThe Unique reference that Green Dot generated for this transaction.
gd_response_codeIntRefer to Response Codes.
gd_response_messageStringCustom text describing the success or failure of the API.
gd_response_dateDateTimeThe Response date time in UTC.

Obtaining a List of Retailers

The Retailer API searches and retrieves a list of retailers for a given program.

Structure of API Calls:

GET ~/v1/retailers

GET ~/v1/retailers/partner_ref/{partner_transaction_reference}

Sample Request Parameters

URL: ~/v1/retailers

URL: ~/v1/retailers/partner_ref/1234



Request Parameters Field Descriptions

partner_transaction_referenceStringOptionalUnique, partner-generated transaction reference (if provided).

Response Model

      "retailer_list": [
                  "retailer_key": 0,
                  "short_name": "string",
                  "description": "string"
      "partner_transaction_reference": "string",
      "gd_transaction_reference": "string",
      "gd_response_code": 0,      
      "gd_response_message": "string",  
      "gd_response_date": "2022-05-06T13:07:44.798Z"

Sample Response 1

<get_retailer_response xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<description>Duane Reade</description>
<description>Rite Aid</description>

Sample Response 2

<get_retailer_response xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<description>Duane Reade</description>
<description>Rite Aid</description>

Response Field Descriptions

retailer_listlistRetailer List for input program number
short_nameStringShort name for retailer
retailer_keyintGreendot retailer key
descriptionStringRetailer description
partner_transaction_referenceStringTransactionReference of the partner if the partner passes this information.
gd_transaction_referenceStringThe Unique reference that Green Dot generated for this transaction.
gd_response_codeIntRefer to Response Codes.
gd_response_messageStringCustom text describing the success or failure of the API.
gd_response_dateDateTimeThe Response date time in UTC.