Walmart Simulator
Walmart Swipe Reolad
Walmart Swipe Reload Auth Request
This request includes the following key fields. Keep all others as-is and do not remove them.
- <gdqa:MITType>0100</gdqa:MITType> – Message type 0100 means authorization. A different retailer API may use a different value for the auth message.
- <gdqa:LoadAmt>20</gdqa:LoadAmt> -- The transaction amount.
- <gdqa:PIN_AcctNbr>4869558554585645</gdqa:PIN_AcctNbr> --The 16-digit PAN.
- <gdqa:TransactionID>220430222934</gdqa:TransactionID> -- transaction ID. Must be a unique 12-digit number.
- <gdqa:IsCheckCashing>false</gdqa:IsCheckCashing>--false→cash true→check
- <gdqa:TransactionType>820000</gdqa:TransactionType> --The Processing code
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:gdqa="">
<gdqa:StreetAddress>STE 205, 605 E HUNTINGTON DR</gdqa:StreetAddress>
Walmart Swipe Reload Auth Response
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<RetailerISOTestResponse xmlns="">
<RetailerISOTestResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=
<Exceptions i:nil="true"/>
<CompleteMessageReturn xmlns:b="">
<b:Key>Field -1</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 0</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 2</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 3</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 4</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 7</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 11</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 19</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 22</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 25</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 37</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 38</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 39</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 41</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 42</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 44</b:Key>
<b:Value> </b:Value>
<b:Key>Field 48</b:Key>
<b:Value>* 0</b:Value>
<b:Key>Field 49</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 54</b:Key>
<FinalMessageSent xmlns:b="">
<b:Key>Field -1</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 0</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 2</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 3</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 4</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 7</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 11</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 14</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 19</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 22</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 25</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 35</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 37</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 41</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 42</b:Key>
<b:Value>603220800000108 </b:Value>
<b:Key>Field 48</b:Key>
<b:Value>* 0</b:Value>
<b:Key>Field 49</b:Key>
Walmart Swipe Reload Void Request
This request includes the following key fields. Keep all others as-is and do not remove them.
- <gdqa:MITType>0100</gdqa:MITType> – message type. A different retailer API may use a different value for the auth message.
- <gdqa:LoadAmt>20</gdqa:LoadAmt> -- The transaction amount.
- <gdqa:PIN_AcctNbr>5585295521411205</gdqa:PIN_AcctNbr> --The 16-digit PAN.
- <gdqa:TransactionID>122043022533</gdqa:TransactionID> -- Transaction ID. Must be a unique. 12-digit number.
- <gdqa:OriginalTransactionID>220430225332</gdqa:OriginalTransactionID> -- The target Transaction ID to be voided.
- <gdqa:TransactionType>850000</gdqa:TransactionType> --The Processing code.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:gdqa="">
<gdqa:StreetAddress>STE 205, 605 E HUNTINGTON DR</gdqa:StreetAddress>
Walmart Swipe Reload Void Response
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<RetailerISOTestResponse xmlns="">
<RetailerISOTestResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=
<Exceptions i:nil="true"/>
<CompleteMessageReturn xmlns:b="">
<b:Key>Field -1</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 0</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 2</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 3</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 4</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 7</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 11</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 19</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 22</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 25</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 37</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 38</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 39</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 41</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 42</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 44</b:Key>
<b:Value> </b:Value>
<b:Key>Field 48</b:Key>
<b:Value>*220430225332 0</b:Value>
<b:Key>Field 49</b:Key>
<FinalMessageSent xmlns:b="">
<b:Key>Field -1</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 0</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 2</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 3</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 4</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 7</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 11</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 14</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 19</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 22</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 25</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 35</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 37</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 41</b:Key>
<b:Key>Field 42</b:Key>
<b:Value>603220800000108 </b:Value>
<b:Key>Field 48</b:Key>
<b:Value>*220430225332 0</b:Value>
<b:Key>Field 49</b:Key>
Updated about 2 months ago