
The Store API is a REST API that partners use to obtain a list of stores where the specific cash-in services are available. The results can then be displayed to the users on the partner’s mobile app or website. The API uses different endpoints to produce a list of stores by:

  • Zip code
  • Longitude and latitude

Obtain List of Stores

Following are the endpoints that the Stores API uses to search for a list of retail stores.

Find Stores By Zip code

The search process uses the following values.

  • Zip code
  • Program number (part of header)
  • Page number
  • Records count per page
  • Service type

Structure of API Calls:

GET /v1/stores/zip_code/{zipcode}/service_type/{service_type} 

GET /v1/stores/zip_code/{zipcode}/service_type/{service_type}/page/{page} 

GET /v1/stores/zip_code/{zipcode}/service_type/{service_type}/page/{page}/count/{count} 

GET /v1/stores/zip_code/{zipcode}/service_type/{service_type}/page/{page}/count/{count}/partner_ref/{partner_transaction_reference}

Sample Request - Header

URL: ~/v1//stores/zip_code/00544/service_type/3



Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeRequired?Description
zip_codestringYesThe zip code to search.
PageintNoThe page number (default=1).
CountintNoNumber of records per page (default = 50).
service_typeintYesEach service occupies one binary flag. Values include:
1 = IsCashReload,
2 = IsCheckLoading
4 = IsPINDebitReload
8 = IsPayPalCash
16 = IsOnlineAccountLoad
32 = IsBarCodeReload
64 = IsCreditCardBillPay
128 = IsCheckingAccountDeposit
256 = IsDisbursements
NOTE: we need to pass IsCashReload, IsCheckLoading, IsPayPalCash and then we need to send the flag "1011", then sum 1+2+8 = 11, pass 11 as parameter
partner_transaction_refstringNoThe unique, partner-generated transaction reference.

Sample Request (Header)

x-gdn-programnumber:Catalina-BC x-gdn-latitude:-25.78

Sample Response 1

<get_store_response xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<address>305 Main St</address>
<address>328 UNION AVE.</address>
<address>397 Sunrise Hwy W</address>
<retailer_name>Rite Aid</retailer_name>
<store_id>Rite Aid10657</store_id>

Sample Response 2

   "store_list": [
	 "store_id": "string",
	 "retailer_key": "string",
	 "retailer_name": "string",
	 "address": "string",
	 "phone": "string",
	 "city": "string",
	 "state": "string",
	 "zip_code": "string",
	 "latitude": "string",
	 "longitude": "string"
  "total_count": 0,
  "page": 0,
  "count": 0,
  "partner_transaction_reference": "string",
  "gd_transaction_reference": "string",
  "gd_response_code": 0,
  "gd_response_message": "string",
  "gd_response_date": "2022-04-29T14:23:15.608Z"

Response Field Definitions

total_countintThe total number of stores returned from the search.
pageintThe total page count (default = 1).
countintrecords count per page, default value '50'
store_listliststore entity list.
The order of the list is closest to longest away from search coordinate. And it is 25 mile radius from search point.
store:retailer_namestringThe retailer’s name.
store:addressstringThe store address.
store:phonestringThe store phone number
store:latitudedecimalThe store’s latitude.
store:longitudedecimalThe store’s longitude.
store:store_idstringThe store’s name and ID.
store:citystringThe city in which the store is located.
store:zip_codestringThe store’s store zip code.
store:statestringThe state in which the store resides.
store:retailer_keystringThe store’s retailer key.
partner_transaction_referencestringThe unique TransactionReference that the partner optionally provides.
gd_transaction_referencestringThe unique transaction reference that Green Dot generated.
gd_response_codeIntRefer to Response Codes.
gd_response_messagestringCustom text describing the success or failure of the API.
gd_response_dateDateTimeResponse date time in UTC.

Find Stores By Longitude and Latitude

The search process uses the following values:

  • Program number (part of header)
  • Center point location
  • Page number
  • Records count per page
  • Services type

API Call Structures:

GET /v1/stores/latitude/{latitude}/longitude/{longitude}/service_type/{service_type} 

GET /v1/stores/latitude/{latitude}/longitude/{longitude}/service_type/{service_type}/page/{page} 

GET /v1/stores/latitude/{latitude}/longitude/{longitude}/service_type/{service_type}/page/{page}/count/{count?} 

GET /v1/stores/latitude/{latitude}/longitude/{longitude}/service_type/{service_type}/page/{page}/count/{count?}/partner_ref/{partner_transaction_reference?}

Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeRequired Y/NDescription
LatitudedecimalYesLatitude value
LongitudedecimalYesLongitude value
PageintoptionalPage number
CountintoptionalRecords count per page
service_typeintYesEach service occupies one binary flag. Values include:
1 = IsCashReload,
2 = IsCheckLoading
4 = IsPINDebitReload
8 = IsPayPalCash
16 = IsOnlineAccountLoad
32 = IsBarCodeReload
64 = IsCreditCardBillPay
128 = IsCheckingAccountDeposit
256 = IsDisbursements
NOTE: You will need to pass IsCashReload, IsCheckLoading, IsPayPalCash and then send the flag "1011", then sum 1+2+8 = 11, and pass 11 as parameter.
partner_transaction_refstringoptionalUnique partner-generated Transaction Reference (if any for this API call).

Sample Request (Header)

URL:  ~/v1/stores/latitude/18.165950000/longitude/-66.723627000/service_type/3


x-gdn-timestamp:2020-06-18T06:07:44Z x-gdn-encryptiontype:1
x-gdn-messageid:2020052500823 x-gdn-channeltype:1
x-gdn-programnumber:Catalina-BC x-gdn-latitude:-25.78

Sample Response 1

<get_store_response xmlns:i="" xmlns=""><gd_response_code>0</gd_response_code>
<address>940 CARR. 123</address>
<retailer_name>Walgreen Drug Store</retailer_name>
<store_id>Walgreen Drug Store185</store_id>
<address>940 CARR. 123</address>
<retailer_name>Walgreen Drug Store</retailer_name>
<store_id>Walgreen Drug Store185</store_id>
<address>446 Ave Juan Rosado</address>

Sample Response 2

      "store_list": [
                  "store_id": "string",
                  "retailer_key": "string",
                  "retailer_name": "string",
                  "address": "string",
                  "phone": "string",
                  "city": "string",
                  "state": "string",
                  "zip_code": "string",
                  "latitude": "string",
                  "longitude": "string"
      "total_count": 0,
      "page": 0,
      "count": 0,
      "partner_transaction_reference": "string",
      "gd_transaction_reference": "string",
      "gd_response_code": 0,
      "gd_response_message": "string",
      "gd_response_date": "2022-05-02T22:42:17.168Z"

Response Field Definitions

total_countintThe total number of stores returned from the search.
pageintThe number of pages(default = 1).
countintThe number of records per page (default = 50).
store_listlistContains the list of stores resulting from the search. Based on the latitude and longitude coordinates, the order of the list starts with the closest store to the furthest store in a 25-mile radius from the search point.
store:retailer_namestringThe retailer’s name.
store:addressstringThe store's address.
store:phonestringThe store's phone number
store:latitudedecimalThe store’s latitude location.
store:longitudedecimalThe store’s longitude location.
store:store_idstringThe store’s name and store number.
store:citystringThe city in which the store resides.
store:zip_codestringThe store’s zip code.
store:statestringThe state in which the store resides.
store:retailer_keystringThe store’s retailer key.