Create Linked Account

Enrolls a linked user into a Product and creates the Account and Card, then links this account with parent account.

Note: If POST /LinkedAccount is called with a valid request and enrollment fails during processing, the request will
be automatically completed if the customer clears OFAC.

400Bad request, such as unsupported operation
HttpStatusCodeSub CodeDescription
4002000AccountIdentifier is required.
4003500AccountIdentifier is invalid.
4002000LinkedProductCode is required.
4002000UserProfile is required.
4002000EncryptedUserProfile object must include data.
4002000EncryptedUserProfile object must include ephemeralPublicKey.
4002000EncryptedUserProfile object must include publicKeyHash.
4002000EncryptedUserProfile object must include version.
4006000EncryptedUserProfile object must be a valid version.
4003500EncryptedUserProfile object must include valid base64 ephemeralPublicKey.
4003500EncryptedUserProfile object must include valid base64 publicKeyHash.
4003500EncryptedUserProfile object must include valid base64 data.
4002000TermsAcceptances is required.
40010000TermsIdentifier is required.
4007200termsAcceptanceDateTime must be in UTC format if provided.
4002000TermsAcceptanceFlag is required.
4006200termsAcceptanceDateTime must be within 720 hours of the time it was submitted.
400200501FirstName must be at least 1 character.
400400501FirstName must be 35 or fewer characters.
400640501Invalid character in User data.
400400502LastName must be at least 2 characters.
400400502LastName must be 35 or fewer characters.
400400502LastName must be 35 or fewer characters.
400640502Invalid character in User data.
400640503Invalid character in User data.
400640502Invalid character in User data.
4002000DateOfBirth is required.
4007000DateOfBirth must be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
4002000DateOfBirth is required.
4004312Invalid Product Material type.
4006005008Can not get a ProductTier by the product code and productMaterialType.
4006005009A virtual card only account is not allowed for this product.
20010000The product code {productCode} is unknown for program code {programCode}.
404100Account Not Found.
4006000Parent account status must be healthy.
4007000DOB is invalid, the maximum age must be 18.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!