Lists transactions for an account Note: For a list of required fields and allowable values for transactions, please click here. As part of a Visa mandate, merchants must start authorizing merchandise return transactions instead of just force posting them as they have traditionally done. However, they advise that these authorizations should not impact the customer's available balance until the actual posting transaction has come in. Otherwise, there may be a risk of negative balances occuring if the customer uses the funds and the post never comes. Even though this transaction is not impacting the customer's available balance, we still are required to show it in their online history, so that they are aware that the return is in progress. To indicate which transactions are informational a new optional property, authStatusIndicator, will be included in the authorizedTransactionData object under the Transactions object for both WebHooks and Get Transactions. If authStatusIndicator is “I” then it is informational only. Other values can be ignored and interpreted to mean that they are reflected in the Available Balance. Note: Do not rely on the presence of this property for all authorizations. If the property is missing, then it is not Informational only.