put https://programs//accounts//close
This endpoint provides the ability to close accounts without the assistance of the Green Dot Care team.
- Close an Account
- To set an account to restricted customer initiated spend down:
- Submit a request to close the account by calling PUT /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/close
- Once the request is processed by the system, the partner will receive a response containing the following account status information:
- The account status will be changed to restricted
- The account status reason will be customerInitiatedSpendDown
- There will not be a kycPendingGate (cure) (i.e. kycPendingGate: none)
- All funds currently in the spend purses will be moved back to the primary purse automatically.
- Note: For an account to be closed, it must be set to a restricted customer initiated spend down state.
- The current status of the account must be normal.
- An account with a negative balance cannot be closed using the API