Get Hosted User Experience Config

This API calls the configuration api from PCI widget to create and save a code, return the corresponding url and code according to the activity.

Business Logic

Check Activity -- This field should be mandatory,the matching relationship is saved in the configuration file,will check whether the corresponding path can be found.

Find productCode -- Find the productCode according to the programcode and AccountIdentifier.

Call PciWidget configuration api --Create and save code use redis or memoryCache,return the corresponding url and code according to the activity.

Http Status Codes

Http CodeCodeSubCodeMessageDescription
20000successSuccessful response
4006000Activity is invalid Activity cannot find the corresponding path
40060010013Activity Data is invalidActivity Data is invalid
40090030FX internal error. FX internal error.
400900310013Internal error. product code not found error
40090020time outAPIM timeout
40090010invalid subscription key APIM call invocation failed due to invalid Subscription_Key
4003500AccountIdentifier is not a guidAccountIdentifier is invalid.
4001010Activity is required. Activity is required.
4001010SuccessUrl is required.SuccessUrl is required.
4001010ErrorUrl is required. ErrorUrl is required.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!