Search payee This endpoint allows you to search for a payee in the payee directory, using the payee’s name. To search the payee directory, you must enter a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 32 characters from the payee’s name. Once the search is completed, a list of payee names that match the searched payee name will be returned. Things to Remember:
- This endpoint applies to merchant payees only. To add a payee, you must first use the search payee API to locate the payee and their merchantId in the directory.
- The payee name search is a full text search, so the payee’s full name must be provided.
- This endpoint is not designed for rapid asynchronous calls, because it pulls not only the payee’s names, but also the payee’s complete profile information. Requests may be denied if too many are called in a short period of time.
- Therefore, a two second wait is required between each search.
- Also, Partners should submit payee search requests after the customer stops typing or after the response to the initial payee search request is received