
eCash APIs can be used to enable customers to create and use for customers to add cash to their accounts at participating eCash locations.


The eCash API enables customers to create and use barcodes to add cash to their accounts at participating eCash locations.

How it Works

  • The user generates a barcode using the mobile app or Green Dot's website.
  • The user shows the barcode to the eCash Partner (retailer).
  • The eCash Partner scans the barcode and allows the user to add funds to an account using cash.

Note: For eCash transactions that credit or debit an account, the transactionType is eCash.

eCash API Endpoints

List Participating eCash Partners

This endpoint is used to retrieve a list of eCash partners (retailers) for a specific programCode.

API Call Structure

GET /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/ecashpartners

Sample Response Body

	"partners": [
		"partnerId": "string",
		"partnerName": "string",
		"faceFee": "string"
	"responseDetails": [
		"code": 0,
		"subCode": 0,
		"description": "string",
		"url": "string"
         "partnerName":"Rite Aid",

Response Parameters

"responseDetails": [ { "code": 0, "subCode": 0, "description": "string", "url": "string" } ]See Response Details for more information.
partnersContains the identifying information for a eCash partner (retailer). (i.e. partnerId, partnerName, faceFee)
partnerIdUnique identifier for an

eCash Partner (retailer), that is provided by Green Dot in the response details. If the partnerId is provided, a barcode number will be generated and returned for the eCash Partner (retailer). If it is not provided, only an eCashTransactionID will be returned. Ex: 12345
partnerNameName of the retailer. Ex: Rite Aid
faceFeeFee charged to the customer at the eCash location. Ex: 3.95

Obtain Active Barcodes for User Account

This endpoint retrieves a list of active barcodes associated with a user’s account based on the account identifier.

API Call Structure

GET /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/barcodes/list

Sample Response Body

	"eCash": [
		"partnerId": "string",
		"partnerName": "string",
		"programCode": "string",
		"productCode": "string",
		"accountIdentifier": "string",
		"amount": 0,
		"recipient": {
			"phonenumber": "string",
			"firstname": "string",
			"lastname": "string"
		"memo": "string",
		"transactionType": "",
		"zipCode": "string",
		"barcodeStatus": "",
		"barcodeNumber": "string",
		"barcodeHumanReadable": "string",
		"barcodeExpirationDateTime": "2022-08-31T15:27:35.459Z",
		"faceFee": 0
	"responseDetails": [
		"code": 0,
		"subCode": 0,
		"description": "string",
		"url": "string"
         "memo":"memo for the transaction",

Response Parameters

"responseDetails": [ { "code": 0, "subCode": 0, "description": "string", "url": "string" } ]See Response Details for more information.
eCashAn eCashTransaction is an object linked to a user and to the eCash Partner’s transaction ID (reference number). The eCash Partner generates their transaction ID and provides it to Green Dot. We then link the ID to the eCashTransaction. Note: The eCashTransaction is linked to the barcode number as well.
partnerIdUnique identifier for an eCash Partner (retailer), that is provided by Green Dot in the response details. If the partnerId is provided, a barcode number will be generated and returned for the eCash Partner (retailer). If it is not provided, only an eCashTransactionID will be returned. Ex: 12345
partnerNameName of the retailer. Ex: Rite Aid
programCodeUnique identifier for a program.
productCodeUnique identifier for a product.
AmountUsed to indicate the amount of the transaction. This may be used for validation at the time of transaction. Max Length: 2 digits Ex: 40
faceFeeFee charged to the customer at the eCash location. Ex: 3.95
zipCodeThe zip code associated with the user’s profile location. Ex. 93010
recipientInformation about the person receiving the transaction amount.
phoneNumberThe recipient’s phone number. Ex: 626-765-1222
firstNameThe recipient’s first name. Ex: John
lastNameThe recipient’s last name. Ex: Park
memoDescription added by the user, when loading or sending the barcode number. Ex: memo for the transaction
transactionTypeType of transaction being made. Available types are load or send.
barcodeHumanReadableThis is an external identifier. Ex: ECB10041895
barcodeNumberA unique barcode number associated with the specified eCash Partner (retailer) (retailer). Ex: 10041895
barcodeExpirationDateTimeThe date and time (UTC) the barcode will expire.
barcodeStatusThe status of the barcode attached to the eCashTransactionID. The available status options are:
• new
• declined
• processing
• expired
• consumed

Obtain Barcode Details

This endpoint retrieves the details about a specific barcode associated with a user’s account based on the accountIdentifier.

API Call Structure

GET /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/barcodes/{barcodeHumanReadable}

Sample Response Body

	"eCash": [
			"partnerId": "string",
			"partnerName": "string",
			"programCode": "string",
			"productCode": "string",
			"accountIdentifier": "string",
			"amount": 0,
			"recipient": {
				"phonenumber": "string",
				"firstname": "string",
				"lastname": "string"
			"memo": "string",
			"transactionType": "",
			"zipCode": "string",
			"barcodeStatus": "",
			"barcodeNumber": "string",
			"barcodeHumanReadable": "string",
			"barcodeExpirationDateTime": "2022-08-31T15:34:31.198Z",
			"faceFee": 0
	"responseDetails": [
			"code": 0,
			"subCode": 0,
			"description": "string",
			"url": "string"
         "memo":"memo for the transaction",

Response Parameters

"responseDetails": [ { "code": 0, "subCode": 0, "description": "string", "url": "string" } ]See Response Details for more information.
eCashAn eCashTransaction is an object linked to a user and to the eCash Partner’s transaction ID (reference number). The eCash Partner generates their transaction ID and provides it to Green Dot. We then link the ID to the eCashTransaction. Note: The eCashTransaction is linked to the barcode number as well.
partnerIdUnique identifier for an eCash Partner (retailer), that is provided by Green Dot in the response details. If the partnerId is provided, a barcode number will be generated and returned for the eCash Partner (retailer). If it is not provided, only an eCashTransactionID will be returned. Ex: 12345
partnerNameName of the retailer. Ex: Rite Aid
programCodeUnique identifier for a program.
productCodeUnique identifier for a product.
AmountUsed to indicate the amount of the transaction. This may be used for validation at the time of transaction. Max Length: 2 digits Ex: 40
faceFeeFee charged to the customer at the eCash location. Ex: 3.95
zipCodeThe zip code associated with the user’s profile location. Ex. 93010
recipientInformation about the person receiving the transaction amount.
memoDescription added by the user, when loading or sending the barcode number. Ex: memo for the transaction
transactionTypeType of transaction being made. Available types are load or send.
barcodeHumanReadableThis is an external identifier. Ex: ECB10041895
barcodeNumberA unique barcode number associated with the specified eCash Partner (retailer) (retailer). Ex: 10041895
barcodeExpirationDateTimeThe date and time (UTC) the barcode will expire.
barcodeStatusThe status of the barcode attached to the eCashTransactionID. The available status options are:
• new
• declined
• processing
• expired
• consumed

Generate a New Barcode

This endpoint generates a new barcode for an eCash Partner (retailer).

API Call Structure

POST /programs/{programCode}/accounts/{accountIdentifier}/barcodes

Things to Remember

  • Barcodes are retailer-specific due to the barcode format accepted by the retailer. Although some retailers have the same barcode format and a barcode can technically be used at retailers that share the same format, Green Dot recommends that barcodes be marketed as retailer specific. This prevents a customer from going to a retailer that may not accept the barcode format generated.
  • Barcodes can only be used once.
  • Funds are not available immediately. Most retailers have a 10-15 minute funding delay in place.
  • If a new barcode is generated and it is not used, it will become expired.
    NOTE: The expiration date and time is returned in the response when the new barcode is generated.

Response Codes

400Invalid Partner or Amount
404Account Identifier or Product/Program Code not Found

Sample Response Body

	"eCash": {
		"barcodeStatus": "",
		"barcodeNumber": "string",
		"barcodeHumanReadable": "string",
		"barcodeExpirationDateTime": "2022-08-31T19:09:32.127Z",
		"faceFee": 0,
		"amount": 0
	"responseDetails": [
			"code": 0,
			"subCode": 0,
			"description": "string",
			"url": "string"

Response Parameters

"responseDetails": [ { "code": 0, "subCode": 0, "description": "string", "url": "string" } ]See Response Details for more information
faceFeeFee charged to the customer at the eCash location. Ex: 3.95
eCashAn eCashTransaction is an object linked to a user and to the eCash Partner’s transaction ID (reference number). The eCash Partner generates their transaction ID and provides it to Green Dot. We then link the ID to the eCashTransaction. Note: The eCashTransaction is linked to the barcode number as well.
barcodeStatusThe status of the barcode attached to the eCashTransactionID. The available status options are:
• new
• declined
• processing
• expired
• consumed
barcodeNumberA unique barcode number associated with the specified eCash Partner (retailer) (retailer). Ex: 10041895
barcodeHumanReadableThis is an external identifier. Ex: ECB10041895
barcodeExpirationDateTimeThe date and time (UTC) the barcode will expire.